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Everything posted by Uninformed

  1. As I said if it was easier to level and gear then those that want balance could more easily work on this for themselves
  2. Half the problem is people logging alts I saw a good 5 FK on RG toons today, swap them to FK side and numbers not to different. Last weak fk made and effort was only 4-5 difference in numbers. Limiting numbers in AK is not the answer it just lowers numbers playing the game. The problem is not relative faction sizes its that a lot of people like to be on the winning side so play which side they think will win. if it wasn't so hard to level and gear toons a bunch of us would have made alts just to have more fun in PVP. But with guild commitments our own side and effort to gear yourself and other side that is impossible. Balance needs to be with players if you try to force things it just upsets people
  3. This is not a new good Idea its just a repeat of what happened at 59 cap and made many quit. If people cannot get into premier bg then they stop playing. Sorry but this is an extremely bad idea that has been tried with bad results before, including alts blocking the opposing faction from getting in
  4. I hope its back to good and we see you back in game soon
  5. If you want to fix BG, its both easy and possibly impossible (Due to limits on what vivi can do to the code) All you need to do is randomly allocate those that register to a side rather than have RG and FK That way there is no logging alts on the other side, if 30 fk want to go and no rg its still a 15 a side bg, so "boycotting by one side will do nothing. There is no we only go if we have the perfect team..... Also there would be a point to people registering when their faction doesn't have their "OP" people on as they could still get win rewards. Keep AK as rg v fk otherwise random allocation is the way to get more in BG's
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