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  • VGN Games
    Eden Eternal

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  1. Kirito

    Christmas Event!

    Santa Claus No. 02 Santa Claus distributed gifts until one day he fell by the fireplace and a child saw him that kid from the fright that killed him and inherited his powers wrapped in a light his wardrobe changes to a modern and the elves want to take revenge every Every Christmas they, The elves take up arms and go out in search of the powers of saint, unfortunately the powers granted are so powerful that they can not face it and every Christmas the elves become stronger to be able to defeat it.
  2. Kirito

    Halloween Event!

    The soul of the dark dragon Spanish En lo mas profundo del bosque oscuro yace un portal al inframundo. Un dragon salido del portal arrasado todo en el lugar, muertes, asesinatos, cadaveres hallan en todo el lugar. Guardianes eternos derrotados y despedazados se ven al pasar, un guardian fue al lugar, vomito a tal drama encontrar, Lucharon dias, semanas destrozando todo a su paso. Termino la guerra meses duros, el alma del dragon en el traje del guardian se encerro, el guardian en leyenda se convirtio, y cada halloween a media noche una sombra aparece, llantos de desesperacion y el rugido del dragon se escucha a lo lejos, y un portal oscuro y tenebroso re aparece. English In the depths of the dark forest is a portal to the underworld. A dragon swept out everything in the place, deaths, murders, corpses are everywhere. The eternal guardians are defeated and dismembered passing. A guardian went to the place, vomited to the drama find, fought days, weeks, destroying everything in its path. The war ended, difficult months, the soul of the dragon in the costume of the guardian was captured, the guardian in legend became, and every Halloween at midnight a shadow appears, cries of despair and the dragon's roar is heard in the distance, And a dark and gloomy door appears. IGN: Kirito
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