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How SB benefits from SSD loading?


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If your SSD has a read speed faster than a HDD then it will improve load times. For the most part good SSDs have much higher read speeds than normal HDDs. Load times can also be improved when disks are put into a good RAID configuration such as raid 0 and 5 because instead of pulling information from one drive they are pulling the information from several drives at once. It's kinda like having a deck of cards separated between several different people vs 1 person. If you were to take the entire deck of cards from your hand and then place them on a table one at a time the individual would take much longer to put them down than 2 or more people taking turns placing a card down because there wouldn't be much lag from placing 1 card down and reaching for another card. While SSDs can perform great on their own, the HDDs use a spinning disk to search for that information and having them in a RAID 0 can help improve load times as 2 or more drives are feeding that information into the system. Personally I use a SSD for my main drive with all my programs on it because it does improve loading and I don't have to wait for the drive to spin up for it to finally get information through the system.


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Thank you so much for technical explanation :)

My SSD is very faster than my HDs, I'm asking mainly because some older games won't increase load times so much with SSD instead HD! My main target is put in SSD only games with good advantage from high speed reading!

By other side, some games like GTAV, take minutes to load in online mode even in SSD because server sincronization thingsĀ (maybe in single player, SSD is more effective)

Have you tried SB in same PC with both HD then SSD?

Thanks again!


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