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Tru Resistance confusion


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The only bosses I have seen this description on, are Molten/EshBaal and Draconem, at least so far (cudve missed some).

Draconem's description says, "40 tru res, base res 70, shred 70 to do dmg", this is very confusing to me.
There are several ways to interpret this.
1. The base res is ACTUALLY 110, the tru res is at 40% reduction, so u shred 110-70= 40 and his resistance doesnt get any lower.
2. As Warbeast pointed out, theres a possibility of "True resistance" applying like the Kelvin temperature measurement, where u add values to an absolute 0 value, such as 0 C being 273 Kelvin, so the same thing cud apply to tru res 40, meaning his lowest resistance is -50 + 40= -10 lowest.
But then...the "base res 70, shred 70..." part doesnt make sense.
3. We were completely off the mark and need Jordan to explain it clearly.

Also cud we get some data about DS bosses plz? def, base res, blah blah blah, ty

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  • VGN GM

I'm rather busy at the moment to go to specific about each boss but just to clear up what True Resistance means its basically is as you said an absolute.

So if a boss has 40 Fire True Resistance then that means their Fire Resistance will never drop below 40 pts no matter how much resistance drop you throw at the thing. It also gets applied on top of normal resistance so if you have 60 pts Fire Resistance for example and 40 pts Fire True Resistance then you have 100% Fire DMG reduction.

So if you add all that and look at what Draconem's Passive states.


Divine Dragon Skin

Draconem has 40 pts of True Resistances and 70 pts of normal Resistances.
In order to deal damage to Draconem you must reduce his Resistances by atleast 11 points or more.
Note: The limit of Resistance Reduction Draconem can take is -70 pts. Any more than this will be un-effective.

So he has 70 pts All Resistance and 40 pts True Resistance. Making all his resistance 110 pts total meaning he reduces 110% damage (Basically 100%).

So you must use -Resistance Reduction for atleast 11 pts to make his Resistance 99 pts meaning he will then take 1% damage. Additionally you can only reduce his resistance by 70 pts which would leave him at a total of 40 pts and anymore than that would be futile.


Hope this clears up.

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