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Trial Speed Running Optimization


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Speed Running in Trials as fast as you can to farm trials/coins at end game especially, is based around having a Blade Master in the party, and aligning your buffs/debuffs/skills in the 15 second most effective Blade Master Combo.

Usually Blade Master becomes ineffective if bosses cannot be killed in within 20-30 seconds, as a Double executioner will  do more damage over time than a Blade Master if that is the case.

Here is how the party compositions for Dps/healers should line up:


Obviously will require a good knowledge of your class and not just spam buttons to do this, Otherwise you will end up take 30 seconds + to kill depending on your damage.

Here is an example of a party composition:




If you do not have DS Trophies/Accessories Parts , sub them for GoP ones.

Keep in mind, Cerberus does more damage that Bushi whole combo, there is various reasons for that including the extra elemental resist cerberus adds for you to sub into Triple Hit/Double Hit Gems. However Bushi necklace is effective at times and in classes like Asura due to a lot of basic attack damage.

Here is a detailed explantion of it if you are confused.



The party i mentioned above by any means is not for Dragon Sanctuary, it works for Trials Like Level 100/110, sub and remove classes accordingly.

I understand GK there is using a dps rapier instead, but believe me, in PvE, the weapon won't affect your heals so much if your party is optimal, and since GK is going to hit with Rimeblade to Proc +20% Dmg, it is worth
adding an extra debuff to the enemy.

Pre Party buff Requisites: Totem Master/Adjudicator/Life Worshipper/Bard Buffs.
if you need a shielder for example, you can let them use Rylon Trophy instead and make the Rifleteer use a triple hit for more damage, change accordingly

This type of comp at End Game, should easily blow Trials bosses in 15-20 seconds and ending them fast within minutes. Use it to your effectiveness for farming Trial Coins. In the long run the seconds you save adds up and saves you a massive amount of time, you can use onto other things in the game or something else.


Enjoy ~

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20 hours ago, zitorak said:

RIP mdps classes for trials and ds :c

Its not exacly RIP, they are still doable with mdps classes if you want to do it for fun.

But the point is TIME. People don't really want to spend hours and hours inside a specific instance especially when they are doing it multiple times a day.

I will confirm this to you, during on our progression and testing to clear DS the first time ever, we tried mdps classes, it was doable for both Nasci and Eis, including DoT kills, but it takes too long, because Mdps does bigger burst at a longer interval.

In case you want to know why Pdps classes still outdmg Mdps classes in PvE, is due to the fact of having auto-attacks. They may not do damage on DS but they help proc accessories/trophies faster to do more damage.

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