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Posts posted by xRivenx

  1. 14 hours ago, VeeBee said:

    I was wondering what you all consider essential chips for a support class like Medic and also for a DPS class like Shadow Walker. Any advice would be appreciated so thanks in advance.


    To SW i think chips atack, ACC, ATK , CRIT RATE, CH-ATK, ETC

  2. On 3/28/2017 at 9:59 AM, Vivi said:

    I always end up just asking support, then I get a few tickets later requesting more mystery box items so...


    If you'd like to request a mystery box item for, please request it here!

    Please keep in mind, just because you request it, does not guarantee it'll go up. If it was recently up, it may be a few weeks before it appears again.


    I really want in the mystic box Fairy of Nature and Elderwood weapons!

  3. 4 hours ago, Jade said:

    There is not a better... Epsilon and Theta both have their purposes...

    The question would be which would you prefer and for which class type.

    If you look at the stats on each one is more heavy in eva and other more so in defense and such.

    So in closing it is more which to use for each class, rather than which is best. Sometimes a mix is best for some classes, like you might use a Epsilon suit and Theta all else or even a Epsilon weapon for the dual crit.

    but, if i want a gear that give damage.  Which one is better?

  4. 16 hours ago, xF4T4Lx said:

    "Theta" would be like "Eta" without the "PVP" options, it has more CH-EVA and EVA, in DG Tartarus those benefits will not help you MUCH already in other DGs it may be that if it helps you (SW SE PU and ME) now if it is for the PVP for those 4 Arkana if you choose "Theta" or "Eta"

    "Epsilon" would be like the "iota" plus HP + VOID and some EVA is already your decision to convert it into HP or EVA (Jewel + Radom) for the 4 previous Arkanas now if for your "DE" you must use "Epsilon" or "iota" works for PVE, choose HP or CRIT-VOID (Jewel + Radom)
    Epsilon or iota serves all Arkanas but for PVP favors more WH ME DE and CB

    If it is to execute Tartarus Hard you must do 2 Gear, a Crit-ATK and another ACC or CH-ACC (Epsilon or iota Gloves and Weapon CRIT-ATK the weapon can also be ACC) or (Theta or Eta Gloves and Weapon CH - ACC or ACC)

    Personally for the Arkana who depend on the "VOID" they nerfed it and put "PVP Void" these Gears "PVP" that the orthogans do not help at all. Tanking with a PVE or PVP Gear does not make a big difference, only that the PVE gear is more ECONOMICAL, the "VOID" has been nerfed and they have put the "PVP Void" as a replacement but it does not work as it should be later on. you can make 2 gear PVE Gear and another PVP and you can test the DIFFERENCE (There is none)

    If you want an Arkana for PVE use SW or PU with DE, it will take you to finish a DG faster than any other Arkana just because DE can be DPS + TANK (DPS without having passive ATK is already a very fun DPS, a Hello to who put his hand on the DE pig :v) It does not mean that you will execute the DG faster than any other Arkana being DPS (DPS in passive ATK)

    '-' I only do PVE, and i want to know the gear PVE who is the best Theta or Epsilon :v, can you resume to me?

  5. On 4/4/2021 at 10:41 PM, xF4T4Lx said:

    You don't need an NPC, on the web you can also add an OPC "Publish AP for Gold" or vice versa "Publish Gold for AP" and whoever wants to sell AP for Gold publishes their AP directly and another player buys it or one Place their gold for AP and the one that has AP sells it, but the Web could keep 15% of the gold or AP :v

    Although an NPC that sells AP would not be bad either, it does not "mean that it is free AP" but who wants to buy AP can publish and sell his AP for the NPC for Gold.

    "If not infiltrate the Rgs and get cheaper AP" 👀 🤫🤫

    OPC? humm... tell me more, and yeah i think it's a nice ideia to have a NPC where you can change your Gold for Ap, cause the people who loved that game will play mor to do it to buy PETS, CHIPS, BOOSTS ETC. Then we will have more players playing the game and sharing the game, to show your character "Top" to others people.

  6. On 4/3/2021 at 4:37 PM, GoddessSand said:

    1) not all my response was to you as I quoted somebody else and responding to them. Self centered much?

    2) your original post says that you want a NPC to trade gold for AP. Gold is fictional currency and does nothing to maintain the cost of the server. I mean tell Vivi you have 100,000 in gold she could have to help maintain the server and she would literally laugh at you. AP items are AP items for a reason and the server makes money off them to help maintain the server because F2P doesn't mean that the GMs have free services to maintain the game. 

    3) When you talked about there being a lack of players who will sell you AP. I mentioned that many players don't like selling to others because they don't want somebody turning around and using the money that they earned and bought in the game for somebody who will build a character that will later attack them with it. I mean I have a SW and let me just help you build your SE to kill my SW anytime you want because I helped  you do that. That's what many players do and it made players who sold AP not want to sell AP to anyone and players will need to spend their own money if they want something. I told you this already and didn't listen as to why there's a shortage of players selling AP. Not to mention that many players don't see a need to buy AP right now since there's nothing more to do with their character as they already maxed it out to the best they can. Also, due to Covid many players might also be without a source of income to buy AP because they don't have real money to spend on a game when they are trying to pay bills and trying to live. If you need AP that much you might try getting on at different times to see if there's somebody on willing to sell AP that might be on at a different time than what you normally play also. Like what somebody said go to Suer and find players on the other side who might sell you AP because chances are there are players who characters on both sides that could switch to sell you what you are looking for. Though again back to players not wanting to sell AP to a player that will potentially use that sell against them.

    alright,I see that you don't know how to read, i don't open that topic to ask for a NPC to sell ap, i open it to talk about the lack of players and the difficulty of buying AP items in the game. 
    1- you are in my topic jerk, all the answers are for me, so your esponse was to me.
    2- if the server remains empty, I want to see who will buy AP, and not even in AH we have the items to buy. and don't tell me that in RG there are players because for the PVP there are no players to balance both factions.
    3- I prefer that there are players to face in PVP with good equipment than not to have players to play.
    being that the argument has no basis, if someone is exchanging gold for AP the guy who sells AP should be much stronger than the buyer since he can buy even more items.

  7. On 3/31/2021 at 6:19 AM, GoddessSand said:

    Not sure what you mean here. It cost money for them to own and operate their servers. Vivi as a GM also doesn't do this job for free. So, yes players need to buy AP if you want to keep the game running.

    The cost of AP items also reflect the cost of loot items. A unique void piercing jewel is at 40k, if you want to have a set with just those jewels you will need to spend 600,000 in gold. If you need gold but don't want to farm for it, AP at a 1:1 ratio will cost you $1,000 just to get 1 full set of uni void pierce jewels. |That is if you spend $100 for 60,000 AP. That's also if you can sell the items you get from spending $1,000. So, if you don't have $1,000 you can cut back your dollar spending by raising the prices of AP items. So, yes, selling AP at a higher than 1:1 ratio is pretty much necessary if you want to gear your character with the best items and not horde gold. I think players who sell loot items in game can lower their costs and save players who spend AP some money to do so.

    Dude Shut up, 1º I'm not Talking about AP and Itens In Store I'm talking about Seller's Ap in game on FK, cause FK don't have players, 2º if you are jerk to buy Itens so much expansive in the store your problem, but i will not pass 24 hours farming Gold to buy only one DataChip. Mainly for a server where a side is empty.

  8. On 3/30/2021 at 8:17 PM, SneakyHeal said:

    I purchase a lot of AP, but personally, I'm not 'hording gold' like people here insist. I sell 1:2 because AP need is high, I purchase things for new players or help them out, and I same way can't farm because I'm a medic. Meaning I'm out of gold most of the time I play.

    Unless you're close friends with someone who buys AP, I'm pretty sure because of absolute rarity, no one's gonna be selling 1:1.

    the question is not to buy ap 1: 1 or 1: 2 or etc, but that currently in FK we have no one selling AP.
    FK is empty.

  9. 5 hours ago, GoddessSand said:

    Some things about AP. They shouldn't make a NPC that will trade gold for AP because AP purchases are what keep the game running. Also, they recently had their means of revenue blocked because the service that they use for people to purchase AP was having issues. It should be fixed now if I remember right.

    Players who sell AP have a hard time now supporting anybody by selling to others because when they do that they have had those same individuals gank them out of no where when they try to mind their own business. So, they aren't wanting to sell AP and the others are just trying to make you spend all your gold so they can horde it all for themselves. Not sure why they need all that gold unless they are buying all the items that are super expensive because they don't want to farm it and those that are farming it are selling it at high prices. So, it's really the gamers who farm and set high prices on items that cause players who sell AP to sell at high prices.

    I hope, there should not be many players buying Ap to maintain the server, and even so I believe that it is much better to have players playing than necessarily "players buying Ap". After all, the Servers are empty every day.

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