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  1. Today
  2. It's finally working--thank you so much for the help!
  3. Yesterday
  4. just reach to a level that my chars can learn all skills, I want to see those skills in action For all classes
  5. Rare Costume + Unique Costume = 1 Unique Grafting Tool Rare Item + Rare Item = 1 Rare Grafting Tool Always need 1 to craft 1 Item.
  6. I agree about having a "safeguard" of the first free bike for a small price.
  7. Hello, i want to have 50shades (rare) look in my uniques sweet candy stripper costume. So I can have 50 shades look with sweet candy stripper stats. What grafting tools should i use ? Unique or Rare ? And do anyone know how much uniques grafting tools and rare grafting tools if i sell it in auction house ? Thank you
  8. You should use the Vendetta Gear until level 122~123. First, focus on completing all the yellow quests and book quests for each map respectively. Then, you can farm for an accursed weapon like the Axe of Oblivion to speed up all the processes and upgrade it to +14. Finally, craft a level 123 orange set and gradually upgrade it to +14. Here are some guides that will help you a lot.
  9. Last week
  10. The first set until level 50 it is low defend now. So i need keep using it right ?
  11. So i dont need to change any equipment ? Just using that set and level up right ? Do i need to buy anything to get highdame ? because i am using quest weapon. Pistol for Machenic.
  12. Accursed weapons are lvl 115.. If you are level 40, just continue leveling with the Vendetta Weapons + Set the game provides you with until you reach the end game levels (123+).
  13. The bike that giving away should be able to be Enchantable to +10 with 180 spd, in pvp it would not be of great help since it has animation to ride it.
  14. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  15. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. With this maintenance, the Dragon event has been removed from Enocia and Amara! Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  16. Honestly I do not see Vivi agreeing to add or change anything like this atm anyhow.. Not to hmmm squash your creativity or squash you putting in suggestions entirely. Just things like this I do not think would be all that wise for the server, nor do I think Vivi or Bash would see this that way either.
  17. Yes, I absolutely understand your concerns, which is why I added the mounting animation as an extra. F2P bikes should not be in-league with AP ones, obviously. Admittedly I don't know anything about the speed enchantment rates as I didn't even realize you could enchant bikes until, well, it was too late for me, so please take my suggestions in that regard with a grain of salt. That being said, if setting a max enchantment level is possible, I support that notion over them not being enchantable.
  18. You need to install the Microsoft Visual Runtimes for 2010, install the x86 32 bit and the 64 bit.
  19. Hmmm interesting but here is the issue I see with this. Currently VGN/AP bikes are 115-120 and 180 once they have been upgraded with Vehicle Keys & enhanced... Bikes are a more premium service and while granted I do see your point of these suggestions. I feel that it would detract too much from players needing or wanting the VGN/AP bikes at all If a 110 were enchantable like a 115-120 then it would be a 170 only 10 less speed and not as much of a jump or big reason to want or need the 180. Perhaps if they were limited to +8 I could see this working more or if they were a straight 140-150 bike with no ability to enchant. Just saying you would be limiting the reason to buy them from the Item Mall or Boxes unless you for sure wanted a certain look or was that worried to get a 180. As far as it would carry them til they could get the 2500 ones well they would have better and would not need them. This would essentially give them for a tiny portion of gold a better bike than what is on Davidson. So with all this said good idea in principle but I think it is asking a little too much at those proposed rates.
  20. Currently Davidson in Enocia only sells high-end bikes for 2500G, which in a low-level zone such as Enocia doesn't seem to fit too well. Couple that with the bikes from the item mall seemingly having much less speed, this might shock- or confuse newcomers even more. So I'm suggesting the adding of two more bikes into the shop that could serve as a sort of "progression" system. --- LB-001 Stormchaser Speed: 100 Price: 10G Enchantable, Cannot trade or auction etc. Why? Babbie's first unicycle — you already get one of these from the quest regarding Derelict Tunnel, but that happens only once, and it's easy to accidentally sell it amidst a rush of out clearing inventory (which definetly did not happen to me) at which point you are stranded barefoot until Idel saves you with a Base 144 speed unenchantable copy out of one of the level up boxes. 10G is a hefty but affordable slap on the wrist for any accident-prone Arkana even as early as Lvl 10-15 (again, not me). There really is no reason this shouldn't be there. Ebony Sliepnir Mk.I. Speed: 110 Price: 300G Enchantable, Cannot trade or auction etc. Why? A copy of the Ebony Sliepnir with a slightly lower base speed, but — more importantly — also a mounting animation unlike the Item Mall counterpart (at least I assume that one doesn't have it). The 300G price is steep but not "WTF"-worthy and more than possible for a player coming out of Mereholt into Barbiron at Lvl 30. I chose the Sliep for a couple reasons: The gift box from the website already has a timed one for 30 days, it makes it feel a little less special than the others. The Sliepnir feels the most "mid-range" of the bunch, it lacks the girth of the Lancers or the sleekness of the Cruisers, or even the toy bike feel of the Stormchasers. It's just a very... average bike (to the point even the shops use it as the holographic models). Ebony's red-black tint makes FK's who don't want to go around on a white-gold bike feel cozy at home. I think these two will help carry new players until they can afford one of the many 2500G bikes by the endgame and give minor a sense of progress and variety instead of being stuck with the Stormchaser for 50 or 60 (or maybe even more) levels.
  21. Installed the game, ran the launcher and did the updates. Logged in when it was done and pressed the start game when it told me my login in was successful, only for it to give me an error:
  22. I am level 40 now, do i need to get accured weapon ? i am play machenic
  23. ??? We don't have NT, so either you're trying to get an older version, or you're trying to get one that spoofs our name, in which case we can't help you. This topic is closed.
  24. i extract nosvendetta and i have nostale downloaded, i tried to put extracted files in nostale and the other way around. I still get the error "missing files" and idk what to do. help
  25. Please do not necro old threads. It would be preferable if you started a brand new thread. Thank you in advance.
  26. Hello! Is this solved? having the same issues.
  27. Earlier
  28. And there's a http reference in a https site. But doesn't matter
  29. box: strawberry ice cream truck legendary✔️
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