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  4. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  5. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. With this maintenance, the following bugs have been fixed: Fixed Posen's Spirit Fragment Trophy Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  6. Halloo :3 :3 :3 Altar Costumes: Mysterious Stylish Jacket (Legendary) Lightning Halo (Legendary) Mysterious Piped Suit (Legendary) Silver Sky Wheel Blade Back Gear (Legendary) Dark Sky Wheel Blade Back Gear (Legendary) Yellow Blaze Wings (Legendary) Sunset Blaze Wings (Legendary) Halo (Legendary) Thunderstorm Great Blade (Legendary) Mounts: Armored Griffin (Legendary) Star Stone / Luna Rocks: Phantom Gold Meteorite Star Stone Earthly Light Luna Rock Dyes: White Ash Clothing & Headwear Color Dark Grey Clothing & Headwear Color
  7. More fun altar stuffs: Legendary Blazing Eye Royal Guard Dress (Legendary) Sly Kitty Ears (Legendary) Elegant White Bunny Ears (Legendary) Exquisite Plume Earrings (Legendary) Sunshower Lazurite Wings (Legendary) Guerilla Threads (Legendary) Sheer Glimmer Fins (Legendary) Cupid's Bow (The one with the big blue heart in the grip)✔️ Dyes: Sweetheart Pink✔️ Amethyst Dark Red Goldenrod Cerulean✔️ Stones: Ruby Rock starstone Canary Classical starstone Jamberry Jazz Starstone Forest Folk Starstone Mystery box: Demon's Electric Guitar Angel's Electric Guitar Dark Futuristic Guitar
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  9. I am late to write. My computer has some issues. Hope it is auto-solving itself. I have read all posts. I will do those advices. One of my complain about SB is to not able to enter a dungeon after passing level up-limit. With this, I couldn't complete the equipment sets. Another problem is to get those unique skills from the skill kiosk. Not many people play PVP part of the SB and I don't know how to cumulate enough points. Anyway, back to relive the story and discover the dungeons again. Thanks for advices.
  10. hello hahaha I'm coming back, please have mercy on me. Chic Kitty Claws Misterious Wedding Suit (Legendary) Mysterious Alpaca Wool Cape (Legendary) Magic Cat Spirits Single Divine Wing (Legendary)✔️ Single Dusk Wing (Legendary)✔️ Azure Guardian (Legendary) Black Cat Duke's Hairdo (Legendary) Esurient Bear Hat✔️
  11. I'm just gonna plop this here - this is more of a Jordan question than one I can answer. So I have sent this thread over to him to see if he perhaps has some wisdom why one GPU doesn't mind the game and the other doesn't.
  12. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  13. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  14. I don't think this has anything to do with my issue. What I have found is that there is a problem between the game and the graphics card model specific. I had put my old Radeon RX 580 graphics card in, no changes to system settings and found no issues with the game. I switch it out to the Radeon RX 7800xt graphics card and the game loads up, but the second I move around the game shuts down. Maps that has issues are all original maps in relationship to game. Newer maps like Suer I have no problem running around in and interacting with NPCs. The second I leave Suer to Amara, Mereholt, or Enocia the game will close down. Currently without any notice, though I have previous issues where it would say unable to create Vortex Buffer before closing. While I have updated the drivers for the card, I am at a complete loss as to what the problem actually is. To verify that it's not a faulty card I swapped it out with a different Radeon RX 7800xt card that I have from a different manufacture. Both cards render the game exactly the same and only the older card runs the game without problem. I am not sure what is causing the problem because it was running fine 2 or 3 weeks ago when I had first installed all my hardware. I can't remember if I played after the removal of the Christmas event patch or if it was just during the Christmas event patch only to know if the patch swap is why I am having issues or if there's just something else going on. Like I said though, the game works fine with the Radeon RX 580 but closes upon entering the game to play with the Radeon RX 7800xt. That is I can select the character and attempt to enter the map, which closes right down.
  15. Mystery Box Robust Anubis/ Magic Anubis Robust Dorothy/ Magic Dorothy Robust Silversword Princess Asuna/ Magic Silversword Princess Asuna A- Face Mask (Legendary)✔️ Meow Mask(Legendary)✔️ Starlight Idol Hairdo (Legendary) Odyssey Youth´s Hairdo (Legendary) Mysterious Bodacious Wig (Legendary) Fluffy Kitty Claws (Legendary) Honey Moon Sickle (Legendary) Altar Stellar Yellow Glowstick (Legendary)✔️ Oh Sheep Gun (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious School Beret (Legendary)✔️ Brown Udder Delight Headdress (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Men´s Adventure Cape (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Stylish Jacket (Legendary)✔️ Milk/White Chocolate Bar (Legendary)✔️ Frosted Pink Clothing/ Headwear Color✔️
  16. I've isolated the problem to the new GPU. Did some research and found I shouldn't be powering my GPU with a daisy chain power cable. Will update when I fix this problem.
  17. I think you are missing 2 more momoria modules for SBV to work v: I didn't understand what the problem was, but maybe this will help. 👇👇👇
  18. If I was only 23 years old like I used to be I would help him no problem but unfortunately the years hit like Mike Tyson I'm not the young man. You have been at lvl 29 for 5 or 6 years, which makes no sense. At lvl 65 + in 3 months you already have a full arkana full +12, and with that arkana lvl 65 you can build different arkana in different CAP 29,39,49,59. There are still some people in CAP 65, asking for help does not cost anything. The question is: “Is it worth it to help a person?”. most likely, he or she will leave the game within days. Anyway this has nothing to do with the post.
  19. @Vivi Been awhile since I really played as often as I once did, but I'm having issues. Recently just upgraded my computer and for a time things were great and worked fine. Not sure if I did something wrong or if I messed up a setting or driver while installing programs, but I can't login without it shutting down within seconds of showing up or switching maps if I start in certain maps. So, let me tell you what I have done and what I have. Hardware Graphic Card - Radeon RX 7800xt CPU - Ryzen 9 7950x - 16 core 4.5ghz (currently not OC, but tried both with OC and not) Motherboard - Asus TUF Gaming X870-Plus Wifi (X870 refers to the Chipset) RAM - CORSAIR Vengeance RGB 4x16GB DDR5 6400 Storage Drive - Ediloca EN605 2TB SSD M.2 2280, NVMe 1.3 PCIe Gen 3 Power Supply - Corsair 1000W OS - Windows 11 Network connection - 2.5ghz - runs at 1 ghz due to network router limitations Things had worked fine till this last week with the hardware and Windows 11. Did the standard installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable(both x86 and x64) Installed Directx End-user runtime, Put xm, SBlauncher, and SB allowance in firewall. Tried reinstalling the game reinstalling windows 11 and the game adjust motherboard BIOS settings, like so many different attempts including a factory reset. installing windows 10 and the game disabling the onboard graphics raising and lowered the graphic settings in game Set to run as Admin in compatibility mode for windows 7 and windows xp service pack 3 copied the game from a fully functioning computer without issues and moving it to this other computer moved the storage drive to a different slot Drivers are all current for everything Unplugged CPU Overclock power cord Plugged in CPU overclock power cord After every adjustment I rebooted windows to make sure things loaded properly. So, if anybody knows what I am missing would help. Mind you the game still work on my laptop even after upgrading it to windows 11. I might try on another similarly upgraded computer with the same Graphics card, slightly different MB and using a Ryzen 7 8 core CPU with DDR5 4x8gig 6400 RAM that also runs windows 11. I think it might have to do with the game only, because I can run modern games like Halo Master Chief collection and Halo Legacy which had overhauls to the game structure and graphics. Mind you game ran fine before and after I upgraded hardware and OS. That is I upgraded Hardware that was running Windows 10, to this new hardware and then upgraded to windows 11 and was running fine all around.
  20. That's what doesn't make sense. Suddenly reaching level 59 or level 65 without even having a set suitable for those levels and leaving him to his fate with a base set kappa Lv. 50-59 (the base set is garbage). ¿Would you be able to help him by giving him the set kappa Lv. 50-59 +10, killer's or ghost accessories and lingerie Lv. 57?
  21. Staying at lvl 29 does not make any sense If you want riches, fame and power, go look for the one piece :v In the last CAP you will find some valuable objects
  22. If you are level 20-29 and your character is level 29, don't advance her to the next level, keep her at level 29, go into dungeons, look for better stats and upgrade your set for your character or characters. When the EXP bar is at 80%, make mobs kill your character to reduce the EXP and be at 0% EXP. When you have a better set +10, go to Caergate Lv. 23-29 to kill bosses or destroy the FKs' Treasure, you will receive gold and good items (jewels, narak relic, blueprint: rank 2 jewel and jewelry slot expansion spanner) to sell or use, so you will recover the lost gold.
  23. I think you must have used your character's gold to buy an item or upgrade an item that made you lose a lot of gold. And as the months went by, you may not remember what happened and why you have little gold.
  24. No. I didn't give anyone access and there is no sign of any hacking. Items are there in the bag, but the gold is gone.
  25. Mystery Box Suggestions: Mysterious Wedding Veil "Legendary" Mysterious Starlight Princess Dress "Legendary"✔️ Starry moonflower wings✔️ Azure Sky Dream wings ✔️ Blossom Sweethearts Hairdo "Legendary"✔️ Pretty Summer Hairdo "Legendary"✔️ Magic Yunchang Magic Sakura Alyssia Magic Thor Magic Summer Yunchang Magic Starlit Sky Alyssia Winters Curse Cestus "Legendary"
  26. Did u gave someone access to your account? or maybe someone hacked it. i had one time a "friend", but she stole all my gold. i quitted before, so i didnt care and started new.
  27. Hello dear Scarlettias; last time I had played SB on August 2024. I came back now and my characters' all golds are gone. One of my characters has now over 100 gold and the other one has 500 gold that has just come from the auction now. But I remember I had over x thousand gold at that time. Is it possible restore or does the system delete the gold periodically? Also, when I click on Windowed option, it goes full-screen; vice versa. How to magnify the in-game interface?
  28. I forgot to answer about that one. There are many ways to make it, I am not saying any way of use because I think it's better to propose the system idea, and let Jordan adapt it as how he wants to. I believe it's better for almost every suggestions to not be too specific, so then Jordan gets the idea, and if he has more questions about it, then he'll ask them here. I am maybe wrong, but for all the talks we had, I feel it's better this way. I am neither expecting to see all of that coming into VGN, however I believe most of ideas are good, but that they require adjustements. Do not expect too much about it, bigger backpack = bigger mess anyway, it's just like a bedroom you're trying to clean. The bigger it is, the more stuff you'll put in it, and the bigger the mess will be lmao. This is more your responsability to find where the item is and so, and the current way to find out where our stuff is is already good in my opinion, just lacking a searchbar as you mentionned.
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