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Posts posted by Haku

  1. 13 minutes ago, Kibo said:

    Will probably arrive at some point during 75 cap to follow suit with the original game

    Wow, was it that late in the game that it came out? I'm wondering how I did things before it now o_o

  2. Hello o3o

    While playing this classic version, my friends and I have constantly brought up the topic of Path of Destiny (PoD) and realized how much we took it for granted for even the small things. Although I do see that there is no immediate need of PoD (even if it would make thought hunting and aven fame much easier LOL), I'm curious to know if it will have a comeback in the future at some point, possibly if/when awk weapons/armor slowly make their return?
    I'm personally not much of a PvP person, so honor stars are a huge struggle, and I am still haunted by the unbelievable amount of CCM farming we had to do at the time for some of the weapons (I'm looking at you 11k ccm staff >->;).
    Or if there are any ideas to substitute PoD that are being thrown around regarding this struggle, I am curious to know o3o
    Lastly, thank you, Vendetta Team for the creation of the Classic server, my friends and I are overall enjoying the wave of nostalgia it's bringing us :)

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