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Posts posted by Empty

  1. .Everyone taking everything fukin Personal.

    People quit because 1 side  act like assholes. and need to add massiv people (SW+WH so all are CC forever) to fill their ego to get win.  trashtalk everywhere , Drama everywhere , everyone sticks their nose into other people's things.

    whole Community ingame and forums turned to Toxic

    GS people are not even log in for Months so they have no idea whats really going on in the Game. (Only Kini really know cos most seen).

    On 10/16/2020 at 7:43 PM, Cnf said:

    LOL, well I'm the disclaimer of that SS and yes it's true, as we all know, the game is dying. We urged you guys to at least help by providing some pvp ground for a huge PVP event that would spice the game up. I guess this is the final warning lol.

    Kinda useless to add a "huge PVP event"  when there is nobody that want to do PvP anymore, when you and the rest FK pop the last RG away with zerg. Same goes for PvE - no TTC Teams , not even the Dragon Event brought poeple Online.  U will say its not true but it is. PvP on Amara and NB  already showed it RG opend their ass to fight . RG just go down to get perma stunned till they die feel so sorry for them that i dont even join you FK anymore and help RG. lol FK start to love Zerg the whole Week and u always within the party. (If you feel attacked now, well dude im not sorry its a fact lol) and you don't need to be surprised if the other side gives payback.

    When the people that FC'd atleast would come online and use their RG indeed of their FK , people stop would switching to winning side . the people that dont care it might look bit different -  (better PvP)

    This game  existed for so long, with ups and downs, I've been with it since it first appeared, it's never been as bad as it is now.It's great to see that we get new levels, maps and everything, but the game lives to a large extent on pvp and with a balance of classes that just doesn't exist anymore.

    Should involve people who are active, who can get the best out of the class without making them too strong. For example, we don't have anyone GS who plays as main DE, PU or WH. Tbh i know u run alts but with the less playing u cant really say if they good or bad - stron or weak. such things need a ass of work and patient what makes it hard.

    This game has "a lot of" players who have dealt so much with their toons to get the best out of them, and then at the end they play a different class because it just 3 shot on PvP even with good Gear.

    23 hours ago, Terresa said:

    Sometimes it goes bad for both factions, 1 is more active durring the week, one is more active during the weekends, that doesn't mean one side is more powerful,

    That was true, long time RG dominate at the weekend, but its not like this anymore - sadly.

    Its not only GM/GS that need to work on a Game, its also the Players self. If we want to have the Game online we should do something for it. Why else are they making Posts with feedback and co.

    We should stop giving preference to classes, saying they are ok as they are, because at the moment it's just not. so don't even try to defend your class .. that sucks the most. -_-

    If everyone want or not. i wish Skills from all CLASSES (when i say ALL i mean ALL) need a rework. This sound easier then it is ik, but it has to be done, then now people get hardcore banged -> DEBUFF LINE OVER 3 ROWS.

    Just wake up.

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