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Posts posted by shakumaru

  1. 1 hour ago, Jordan said:

    I dont think this would change things as things stand at the moment.

    The only issue is deciding on what should be on the rewards. This is an across the board problem. Maybe there could be a new type of Honor Stars limited to only the PvP mode with some exclusive costumes or mounts or something.

    There may be a reason it was set to 4 mins. Maybe map initialization. I'd have to see.

    The stat was mainly to reflect the kinds of stats you'd have at that level but would require gear caps too. It was just an idea and only really would work if limited to Normal Classes now that I think about it.

    HP increase was just to make the match last long. Healing would need to be nerfed for this to fix the balance but I think having a longer match gives a lot of room for fun. However, class changing might need be disabled during the match so people dont smoke bomb change class too much.


    I could make capture the flag. But yeh I agree you'd need a bigger map for this for sure.

    In 3 vs 3 you are not supposed to have a good party because they are selected randomly you dont know what are you going to get and if you dont get a good party and the other side does the match will be done you wont have a chance to win. Also making arenas only for normal classes will feel like disappointing because you are mainly building those classes. I have gotten really good fights on 3v3 and i think sometimes the problem is that people is under geared. thats why i suggested to make a normal class 3v3 and an awaken 3v3 so people will be able to choose what is more comfortable to them

  2. TW

    The problems with the crystals are:

    1.- There is no way to defend the crystals. This could be solved by adding a buff to the crystal that increases the resistances (more players = more resistances), so the other side should kill the players first (The buff should only be applied to the crystal by the guild at the top of the crystal list).

    2.- When there is only a few people on 1 side. This could be solved by making the crystals faster to kill when there are no owners around and also making the rays stronger in a way that they destroy the crystals and players easier, so even the guilds from the same side have a chance to get points.

    Arena 3 vs 3

    I dont think that arena needs a big change maybe just increase the hp and also i woudnt like to have that arena for normal classes only. Maybe there could be a normal class arena and an awaken class arena.

    I would like to have pets on arenas to make the fights more interesting maybe just to disable the CC from pets. The reason for this is that disable pets for arenas will make pets more useless in combat. Pets are not really a problem these days because they dont even make enough damage to kill someone

    I dont like the idea of having crystals on arenas it will just bring the problems from TW to arenas.

    Also if we are having an hp increase there is no need to lower heals. The reason is that some classes have % healing and so the healing for those skills will increase. Also lower heals will make classes with not a really good heal skill useless and it could also make not affordable to go, which means less classes on arenas.

    I think the way to make arenas more active is giving us a reason to go like making it needed for getting points to go GvG or any other idea.

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