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Posts posted by Gabby

  1. As awkward as it is to make this post, I feel that it is 1000% very necessary, and my hope is that it can be stickied at the top of forums as a general reminder to stay safe online.  I would like to start off by apologizing to VGN staff and player-base for my erratic shouts yesterday.  I have been the target of online bullying on the SBV server for the past several months.  Yesterday was my breaking point (a very sad or successful attempt at getting me banned) and instead of doing the wise thing and using forums to state my case, for this I sincerely apologize as the only thing that I have accomplished is to fuel the flames higher within the player-base...It was fascinating to see old players log in from many moons ago as if to participate in the drama that has been unfolding.  The truth of the matter is much of this manufactured drama started years ago on the AeriaSB server.  A few toxic individuals blame me and few of the other players that remained in Aeria Caergate for the shutdown of the server.  The fact of the matter was that the server was ultimately shut down mainly due to server instability as well as an excessive pay to win model.  I had nothing to do with either.  I personally stayed outside of base and did not spawn camp players.  My only crime was that I had the capability to invest in my characters and was good at survivability as a ME.  This feud persisted and spilled onto the VSB server as I was the target of much hatred and vitriol for any and all issues occurring on this current server.   These few bad actors went to great lengths over the years to make sure that my time on this server was as miserable as possible.  Despite this I have held my head high and have kept mainly to myself.  Try as I might, I fell susceptible to attack, over the years my haters have become more and more inventive and criminal in the ways that they targeted me.  These goons know that I have a kind heart and generousness about me and dare I say a flippant naivety which they have no qualm about "taking" advantage of that and they have gone to great lengths to make my day a misery but at the very least I can take comfort in knowing that I am tickled pink everyday by all of the attention the and that I laugh everyday all day, not just for the nonsense that goes down in game, but from the joys of everyday life, that I enjoy life and live it to the fullest.  But sadly, due to all of the confusion on the server, I have no way of telling for sure who is sincere and who is not but what I can say is that when I type in chat that I'm "down" or "having a bad day" the bad actors usually become even more "aggressive" in their tactics.  I understand that I cannot erase the past.  I was a 20 year old something spoiled brat and was cruel with my words at time.  But one thing was for certain, No One, I mean No One! had better deals than I did.  It would have been nice to hop in my time machine and go back in time and be more mature and kinder with my words, but I can't and perhaps this is my reward for my behaviors many years ago, but know that this server is an opportunity for every one to grow and get along, and be the bigger person and not "Sweat the Small Stuff"


    In regards to what happened in Game Sage chat (I know that many of my haters like to throw that in my face as often as possible) many years ago, my side of the story is simple, I was suffering from Insomnia and went too long without sleeping and became psychotic, amidst this my current relationship was ending and my ex partner logged into my skype email and password as I always kept them the same email and password for simplicity sake.  Was that a dumb thing to do ABSOLUTELY yes, but I was a 20 something year old fuckup and sometimes us 20 something year old fuckups make mistakes!!! Now I'm a 30 something year old fuckup confused at shit but humbled and made wiser for the ware for the experience.  My ex knew that I loved being GS more than anything in the world and would do anything to take that away from me.  Did he succeed in that yes, am I bitter about it, No! I had a very unhealthy relationship with the game as I spent way too long logged online.  Now I only go on for a few hours a day and log off for the most part.  I'm sorry that you hate me because you dislike the the current VGN model but that has nothing to do with me that says more about them then me, you try patching this game without source, there are people for the past 8 years or so still trying to do the same and have not even come close to succeeding


    The fact that this game merely even exists is a Testament to the awesomeness of Bash and Vivi and rest of VGN staff.  They took me in and they didn't care that I was wacky and odd, they gave me a chance, and I am so grateful for the experience. I don't care what anyone says you all are awesome, you all are wonderful Give the haters hell Vivi Give them hell Bash!!! 


    Woot Woot!


    P.S. Let's See What Happened:

    1. They tried so hard to troll me in area chat...I got them to behave themselves and stop flaming

    2. They tried so hard to settle the score, I always troll them and keep them waiting 

    3. They tried so hard to steal Doctor title from me, I stayed up every night and waddaya know I got it 2 spiders from the last spawned

    4.  They always think they troll me, when I'm "ki ki ki" play along I find it cute like when a toddler is acting out and you can't help but find it amusing

    5.  Do I want people to be banned. No, it wouldn't solve anything anyway, I rather just shine a light on this very thing so I can prevent anyone else from being exploited

    5.  Do I want to pursue legal actions, absolutely if this persists: All I wish is that any photos you have of me hits the trash can.  If I have to trawl the net to make sure it's fully gone I will.  These photos are my intellectual property and no one but myself has the rights to use them, highly illegal in my country and don't think that because you live outside of where I live that you are immune to your country's legal system, If I have to drag you on social media I will, please don't make me

    Moral of the story is, let them show their true colors, narcissists can't stand when you don't engage in their slights.  Just sit and wait and they'll become more and more extreme until it becomes undeniably obvious

    Sorry to sit on the "evidence" it's up on Nobles Gamers discord chat for anyone to see.  When I realized that it was most likely just manufactured for me alone to see I came forward with the information. It appears that many of the photos were lifted from as long ago as 5 years ago

    Do not trust anyone online, guard your heart, do not release anything personal online, it's a trap don't fall for it, Please protect yourself.  You need to see people face to face and feel them out and get a good read on them before pursuing anything with them!

    The "troll-troll" monster can go away now if any lameness continues in shout it's just some lame trying to get a rise out of me so ignore them

    (thanks for suffering through this I'm ready to hear you drag me in comments below (nothing new))



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  2. Must have been some event, sorry I missed it ;)

    Another newly introduced item to look forward to! The person on forums named Ogung will probably be so happy :D 

    Thank you for this visual guide!


    P.S. Question, when you run out of CP in this mech and it de-mech's you does it ever drop binding stone? :P

    ^lame joke ikr!

  3. I've decided to create this simple guide because too many are struggling with obtaining gold in the game. 
    I used to keep this knowledge to myself, and while it did benefit me a great deal, 
    I feel that it is better to share it with the rest of community if it will help in any way to help the game to thrive and keep players satisfied.

    Note: You could apply this technique to any of the other dungeons I just prefer this one as you can loot the final boss the fastest

    Step 1: Farm Bitterstone Core dungeon

    DO NOT Use the shortcut to get to the Mainframe
    Break Mainframe over and over (lvls 25-39)

    What you'll get
    (Note: Prices vary)

    -Gold               Each run will net about 5g in solo and 10g in team(excluding sg 6 & 7s which sell for 1g each)
    -Stardust         Use to make +7 naraks (~100g each) and +8 naraks (~200geach)
    -Narak Relics  (~75g each)

    -Blueprints      (700+ gold each) odds about 1:20

    -Gamma Gear (gamma suits bangles and helmets; weapons, gloves, knee guards and shoes come from DrasilMarsh)

    -Jewel Replicubes

    -5,J,A Clubs    stardust/narak relics/lingerie unsealers/earrings/rare mechs/etc

    Ideal level is 30 (high enough to take advantage of uni delta weapon/low enough for good drops)

    Always Kill Rapid Unicorn especially in solo runs (in room behind mainframe; they almost always drop an extra stardust, gamma gear)
    Port Out with Mereholt/Enocia Transmitters (alternate between the two)


    Always certify the gamma gears and when you get ones with very good stats enhance them and sell +8 for ~300g each
    Jewel replicubes have decent chance of becoming a uni "Rare Rank 1:" jewel...some sell for up to 1500g each!
    However, some are not worth the risk opening because they are worth way more in replicube form then when opened

    That's all folks!

    Enjoy your monthly 60 k!!!

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