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Posts posted by Apofis

  1. Thanks Everybody, 

    I'll try to grow to c38 and see if i can agree with ur advice :P

    I also noticed that Fibi frosty is a must need pet.

    Today i discovered an other interesti thing: Ibrahim treasure (my damage increased by 1,5k) and that there are hat and skin for weapons that increase my dmgs..

    Those things can give me 10% more damage in pve, which is pretty good, idk if are worth 300kk )=

  2. Hi everyone!

    Im a "new" player on this server, i played for like 10 years on the official one and now im here 😎 

    As u know there are so many differences between the 2 servers and now i'm going through hard times..

    I will explain all right now:

    Im a level 96+32 archer, with Scout and WildKeeper+13. I also have a pve set (+55% critical strike, Sl prop,damage evil +18%, S% dmg 16% + overall,dmg dagger) and i really have no idea about how to join erenias and zenas marathons!  sometimes ppls say "yeah u can join", and other times ppl don't want me.

    My questions about how to grow correctly are 3:

    • (As the official server):When i reach level h38 and i take books, will i notice a really "step level", and my dmg/tank ability grow?
    • (About Sps): i bought a scout 99+13 bcs on the official one ppl needs scouts on erenia, btw i noticed after that they prefer Dh. My question is, is it worth to prefer DH or RENGER against scout for zenas marathons?
    • (About Pets): i usually run across Nosville with my Darko (LV.96) and my kliff ( level 80 atm), but i see that new featured pets are developed in this server, with brand new buffs for me. I also noticed that a PSP for kliff (shinobi,aegir,maru) is worth like 100(less or more)kk each... Is worth to spend those amount of money and are em usefull for joining marathons?

    Ps: Thx anyone who reads/comments !😍


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