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Posts posted by TypeZero

  1. Hello to all my peeps from RG and FK,

    I'm 1nce again saying goodbye to Vendetta Scarlet Blade but unlike last time when it was due to shutdown this time due to being fed up with the current jacked up Status Quo of this game. I've been here a year and see only 1 constant thing that has annoyed me to the fullest and that is the constant catering to Royal Guards every time they QQ about faction imbalance. Royals have more player base than Knights but they always complain they don't have enough.

    Personally, I have played both sides and from personal experience its because when it comes down to pvp 75% of the Royal guard faction won't step foot into Caergate, Viledon, Nemesis, or Amara to support their faction but when it comes to getting ez wins in NB or AK they rush the portals with usually 15+ more ppl waiting to get inside when someone disconnects. GM's haven't made the problem any better over the months with I see FK losing ppl and RG gaining those same ppl so I'm done with it all. Hope you guys that remain can find some solace in the fact you will be screwed over constantly with no relief in sight.

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