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Posts posted by PrincessJellyfish

  1. I see, checking the dressing room we do have a few costumes pieces available. :( 

    Well this one is a bit of a personal wish... Can you please make more of the senshi's available on the grab bag shop? Well I believe it would attract more new players if they could get their preffered partner/pet/slave/W/E as early as possible in the game.

  2. Hi! New player here.
    I'd just like to suggest to

    Have the shop on rotation

    I'm not sure about this one, but I've been told that the shop remains stagnant and only the astral puzzle rotates. Soooo I'd like to suggest to have it on rotation.(I've been only playing on the server for two weeks so I don't know much yet)

    Add additional items on the AP shop

    For example: 4 mounts on the LP shop and 6 mounts on the AP shop. The extra two can only be purchased via AP. (I'd like to clarify that the 2 will eventually be put in the LP shop's rotation as well, its just incentive for people to donate if you want to get it right now and I think it would still be fair since free2play people will still get their chance. This will also encourage people to donate as well)

    Increase the amount of costumes or variety of items in the shop

    We have too few items to choose from in my opinion and it would be great if there was a wider choice of costumes/mounts/items we could choose from. Technically we have 3 weapon costumes for sale on the shop and its a bit eh. *This will also encourage people to donate and support the server.


    Anyway, I'm new here so I don't know much about how Vendetta rolls. I'd appreciate it if you would give insight on what you agree and disagree about the suggestions that I've written.



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