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Posts posted by SneakyShin

  1. Yeah, I figured. But that's now what I meant this time around.
    I gave up on the whole "split into parts" thing. Seems like there's no way to make it work anyways.

    Would it be possible to make costume versions of the lingerie then? Just standard, full costumes?

    (and maaaybe consider making the standard armor sets into a single full costume, or at least turning those weapons into those?  Tho, I assume, on this one I'm just gonna hear "grafting" as an answer)

  2. Not quite what I was gunning for, but it's not like I have any more ideas on how to make it work anyways.

    Okay, last questions on this topic then.
    Would it be viable for lingerie or weapons then?
    (or a whole SET of armor as a costume, in the worst case scenario. But I guess that destroys a decent part of the point.)

  3. What about a skill that would warp you to your guild hall?
    In a similar fashion to the Enocia/Mereholt/Barbiron/Agoge warp skills, with a cooldown and all that.

    How you would make players get it is another thing, but I think that would be a decent QoL addition.
    If that's even possible to make, anyways.

  4. Another potential idea I had was making players unable to actually equip the separate pieces if they have a full outfit on, and vice versa. If they have a separate piece or pieces equipped, unable to equip a full outfit.

    But I don't really know if it's even possible, with how equipment works in this game.

  5. I don't actually know in which order the game loads those assets in, but do you think it'd be possible to make it load in the default version of the model again AFTER (or before, depending on how it's prioritized) the full outfit?
    And make those separate single pieces load afterwards, and appear on top of that instead?

    I'm just talking out of my ass at this point, but I'm wondering if there's a way to go around the model breaking issue  ^ ^'

  6. Well, that is a shame.

    I assume there's no way to give the full costumes that are already in the game any kind of priority over those pieces I suggested then? (when it comes to how they appear on a character, kind of like the costumes already have over actual armor)

    Either way, thanks for the answer.

  7. I was wondering if it was possible to create costume versions of the standard armor sets that are already in the game.
    (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.)

    The game already has costume slots for gloves, boots, and suit.
    The assets are technically finished and (I would hope) would not require too much work in order to make it happen.

    You could make players craft those with specific materials, and tie those materials to the endgame content, or 'possibly' your paid currency store.

    I don't really know how feasible it is with what you can do with this game, but I thought I'd suggest it anyways.

    • Thanks 2
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