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Posts posted by Kruely

  1. On 02.06.2017 at 4:39 PM, Raxul said:

    You're putting very little points in HP on almost every sp. Mage uses a LOT of mana even with low mana cost SPs such as archmage and tidelord. and not putting points into HP will make you OOM (out of mana) really fast, in both PvE and PvP.
    Also, every SP has 2 sets, 1 for PvP and 1 for PvE. DG needs 100 atk, 10 def and remaining in hp for pvp, but it's pretty bad in PvE.

    Since i got good ring and collar,96 lvl equip, i dont have any problems with mana in PvP.(Untill you will go PvP with blade or wk, but HP build will still have problems with mana)

    In PvP you will probably never waste all your mana..(Only archmage, but it is support card and very bad for pvp IMO)

    Putting a lot of points in HP - losing your damage, that is really important in this class.In case of PvE, you should always have MP potions..

    Also some SP's more good for PvP, then anothers.

    I'm not really reach to always change my SP points:)I just shared my build examples.I was the one of strongest mages(If not strongest) while my server wasn't closed.

    I can agree with your position with DG card, you should always have 100 atack on every card with physical attack according to crits.80-90-100 attack bonus let you to have fun.

    Also dont forgot about 1 ele bonus.



    Im playing mage class for a long time, and i know what i say.

  2. 16 hours ago, Yahik said:

    useful, so like for that.

    but one question: are you original creator of guide or just copied from EN Nostale? If not, pls paste source cuz then it's just theft and nothing more. I can't check u're "Pinkamena" or no so pls be honest. ^^


  3. edcfbd85f81c6492da96154ac99ae9.png

    Mage- is a one of the 3 classes.This class have a lot of mana points, and low HP.The class specialized in spell casting and it deals a high amount of damaging magical attacks, they have a lot of AOE(Area of Effect) attacks.This class never miss(Untill opponent have a special shell) the enemy target while as the Swordsman and the Archer attacks miss due to being physical.

    This class is really good for everything, including PvP and PvE.Also this class is very friendly for beginners;)


    Specialists cards


    Red Magician(Red Mage)

    • Main Lv. 36+
    • Job Lv. 20+

    Red Magician (Red mage) is the first of the mages obtainable SP's, which are obtained from the level 36+ specialist quests.This card have a lot of AOE attacks, perfect damage.The main disadvantage is that this card requires a lot of mana points, so it will be great to have food.I want to recommend to skill this card in element, if you are beginner, as element can help to deal a lot of dmg to mobs.If you want to use this SP like your PVP sp, spend your points in attack and HP.

    Build example:e5afe084deb94685ab21d98ad52fc684.png




    Holy Magician(Holy mage)

    • Main Lv.45+
    • Job Lv.36+

    Holy Magician is the second card, which you can get from the 46 lvl special quests.This card is really great and in my opinion is one of the most important.First of all, this SP card is a support card, that have some buffs and heal.Secondly, a lot of raid's requies good holy mage.Also is is perfect card to farm Shanera, dungeons, to do Lod.You can use this card in different ways, so depends on way u should spend points.If you want to deal damage and farm - go element and some hp.For  80+ lod u can spend some points in attack(around 40) to deal great dmg.If you want to be tanky and to lure -  go defence and hp(more defence).Also this card dont requires a lot of mana, and this card DON'T use mana for Auto attacks.

    Build examples:




    Blue magician(Blue/Ice mage)

    • Main Lv. 55+
    • Job Lv. 50+

    It is your third card, you can get it if u will pass 55+ lvl special quests.This card is really good  as it have a lot of AOE attacks, good damage.The main con is that this card dont have any special mana shields, so u should be carefull.This card is amazing if you want to farm pigeons or dino.Also it is great if you want to go act 5.2(Untill you have Tide Lord, your 6 sp).Set the points like red mage.

    Build example:d61477cc7202453781ac6180d06c7c4d.png


    Dark Gunner

    • Main Lv. 65+
    • Job Lv. 55+

    It is fourth Mage card.After patch this card have a really great speed, damage.This card is really great for PvP, but not really good to farm as this card dont have a lot of AoE.I strongly recommend to spend ur points in attack and hp like all pvp cards.

    Cant give any examples there, as i'm not really fun of  this SP.




    • Main Lv. 75+ 
    • Job Lv. 65+

    You can obtain this card  from the raid Draco from a raid box, or you can change x50 Draco claws.Amazing card that have a lot of damage, stuns, but it has a very long cooldown.Amazing card for act 4 and PvP, this card have a lot of AoE.Set the points in Element or attack-hp, depends on you.If you fun of act 4, go ele.

    Build example:1ce46534335c4739bbf26d434580dbf2.png


    Tide Lord

    • Main Lv. 80+
    • Job Lv. 70+

    You can get this card  from the Glacerus raid or u can change x50 Mane.It is your main, perfect card, that have a lot of advantages:

    1.A lot of aoe attacks

    2.Don't requires a lot of mana

    3.Amazing dmg everywhere(including PvP, PvE)

    4.Very strong buffs

    5.Good sustain

    I strongly recommend to make this card attack-ele(More in ele if you want to go act 4 or act 5.2)

    Build example:d1fac8cf93254b9a9092a94a39bca920.png



    • Main Lv. 80+
    • Job Lv. 70+

    You can get this sp in Caligors raid.Good card for PvP, but bad in PvE because of AoE.Only way to set points - in attack and hp.

    I have a weird example, but trust me, it works!eba6b1004e8e4aabb7194e2fef30f875.png




    • Main Lv. 70+
    • Job Lv. 70+

    Last card.It is really weird card, something between support and damager.This card have a lot of AoE attacks, including auto attack, so this makes this card perfect for lod and farming spots.Also this card have really good ultimate that can heal u  full hp in a few seconds(But cooldown - 10 min)

    Strongly recommend to upgrade  in element, as is it card for PvE.Cant say that this card is REALLY bad in pvp, but it is better in PvE.

    Build example:2966816191b346b7bdd497ed0dd8d381.png



    toYLECDDfV4.jpg  Inferno.One of the best pets for mage, as it gives some fire res, and also it is good tank for lod, act 5.2, ic and etc.

    QCdr5U_yVAI.jpg Rudi.OP pet for people who prefer PvE.Have good sustain, and very nice buff.

    9Noc0XByaDY.jpg This one very good for PvP because of his buff.He isn't tanky, but maybe good at Katol Street when u lvlin

    YaxkPqieLCM.jpgGood amount of HP, tank, can deal a little damage.The main disadvantage - he dont have buff for us.But still good variant(imo)

    C1iHVfDMOHM.jpgMy dear Fibi.Have great debuff, buff for us, good tank.Good for everything.


    To sum up Mage need tanky pet with good HP, also it will be great if this pet have buff for us:)



    2686vnjqyzs.jpg Because of his buff he is REALLY TANKY! Amazing partner for beginners!

    LTtN4aoPEYc.jpguKjfhOD11lM.jpg Choise for act 4 fans.Just use their "hat" and make surprise for everyone!

    mHIBuxLMB3k.jpg MUST HAVE IN MY OPINION! Her buff is ultra OP, it is reduce cooldown, and this partner so tanky

    7ZCH2ruUvPI.jpg Im not fan of this one, but still you can use this, his buff can be usefull in act 4



    Sorry for my english~






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  4. On 05.05.2017 at 6:50 PM, Elrond said:



    The Magician is also a ranged class. You need (not like the other classes) Manapoints for every Basicattack.
    His MP is overrated and his HP is underrated. His damage is elementary damage. You should skill the Magician Specialistcard on Element.


    Can't agree with this..It is depends on how u want to use SP.

    U can use Vulcano for pvp and act4, so u can skill the attack and hp.

    Or u can use tide lord for pve, then u should increase element..

    u can go tanky holly mage with a lot of defence and  hp..

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