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Posts posted by Raxul

  1. 4 hours ago, Kruely said:

    Since i got good ring and collar,96 lvl equip, i dont have any problems with mana in PvP.(Untill you will go PvP with blade or wk, but HP build will still have problems with mana)

    In PvP you will probably never waste all your mana..(Only archmage, but it is support card and very bad for pvp IMO)

    Putting a lot of points in HP - losing your damage, that is really important in this class.In case of PvE, you should always have MP potions..

    Also some SP's more good for PvP, then anothers.

    I'm not really reach to always change my SP points:)I just shared my build examples.I was the one of strongest mages(If not strongest) while my server wasn't closed.

    I can agree with your position with DG card, you should always have 100 atack on every card with physical attack according to crits.80-90-100 attack bonus let you to have fun.

    Also dont forgot about 1 ele bonus.



    Im playing mage class for a long time, and i know what i say.

    Alright, if we're talking about over lv90 PvPs, then the Mana pool is not as important, thanks to the equips giving mana, but having lots of points in HP still is.
    Even though the Mage's base HP is really low to benefit a lot from the points used in HP, their defensive buffs make their "effective HP" (a term used in League Of Legends, effective HP means the effective damage you can take on) a lot higher. On my server, Mages were able to reach around 15k HP with good jewels, and they were able to withstand even the tankier of Swordsmen or a lot of the Archers' critical strikes increased by their weapon (we used to call the damage increased "bug", as 90+ Archer equip had a lot more damage increased that what it was stated on the weapons).
    Since Mage doesn't benefit a lot from having 100 atk, high level Mage players have used variants of this setup: 80 10 30 90 (More emphasy on HP than atk, and some points on element because Volcano and Tidelord reduce a lot of resistances thanks to their debuffs and the 90+ equips who reduce resistances, of course this is not used with Blue Mage, Holy Mage/Archmage and Seer, as they do NOT reduce resistances, or don't have reliable ways to do it outside of unreliable debuffs or needing good runes).

    P.S. I've played Mage for 3 years, and had a lot of high level Mage friends who played it for almost 8. We're not saying random things.

  2. The aim of this Tutorial/Guide is to give a GENERAL but CLEAR idea of what each class brings to the table.
    I won't go too much in-depth on every specialist, as it would need a lot more space, so descriptions will be short and often vague due to either being too much to say or due to myself not being expert enough on them to tell.

    As time passes I will work on the Guide's Format, include some more images, correct grammar errors, and add whatever I feel it's needed.
    If you want specific guides on each Specialist, or just on anything else in general, you can PM me here, or send a note in-game to Raxul.
    Also, I need some help with the Skills names, as I know them in Italian and not in English, and I can't find a reliable source to see their names, so any help is appreciated.


    As you may have noticed, NosTale has three different classes.
    Even though some people won't agree, I honestly think they're all viable and strong.


    Surely, one of the first questions someone would come up with when starting an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) is...
    What is the best class?

    Let's get in-depth for a moment.



    The swordsman is the tankier class of the three. High base HP, low base Mana, high defence, decent base damage.
    He excels at tanking and luring monsters. Depending on the Specialist he's using, he can be either a strong duelist (In PvP), a literal wall that tanks all the damage for his team, or an AOE (Area Of Effect) Crowd Control (Debuffs, that include Stuns, Slows, etc.) machine.

    Over the other classes, he has an advantage. That being that he gets Specialists with elements of the same element of the fairies you will get through Main Quests. That way, he can have time to level up Fairies before he gets the Specialist with the same element.
    He uses a sword as primary weapon, and a crossbow as secondary.
    If someone doesn't do it before me, I will do a guide explaining what fairies are and how they work.

    I highly suggest this class if you've NEVER played an MMORPG before, as it is the most forgiving, and the most easier of the three.

    "But wait a second, what is a Specialist?"

    A specialist is part of the equipment. In game, they are called Specialist Cards, as they are cards that you can equip to your character.
    Check out the other guides in this section to learn more on where and how to get them, I will give a general view of everyone of them later in this guide.
    What do they do? They let you transform in another version of your class, which specializes in some aspects of it.
    Every Specialists has a minimum of one element each. Elements are based on Fairies, another part of the equipment.
    Without a fairy you won't be able to use the enchanted parts of the Specialists' skills. Be sure to have an appropriate fairy for your Specialists! You can get them by simply following the Main Quests.
    When you'll get your first specialist, using your base form will be useless, as they are just too weak and too slow compared to their specialists counterparts.


    The first Swordsman Specialist is the Warrior.




    (I apologize for the pictures being in Italian, but it's just to show what it looks like. I can assure you there's nothing important to see on the Specialists' window if you're just starting to play the game. I will probably do another guide on what those "points" and the "UP" button do)

    The Warrior is the tankier of the 8 SPs available for the Swordsman, and the tankier SP in the whole game. He specializes in AOE Crowd Control, AOE damage, tanking, luring (attracting monsters either by going near them or by attacking them).
    This Specialist is the most noob-friendly of the Swordsman, and it's the first one you will get.

    His two main buffs: Iron Skin (Which you can get from the respective Skill) and Morale (Given by Puree), give him respectively reduced damage from almost every source, and morale. Morale is a stat that increases A LOT of the stat you have (Attack, Defence, Dodge, Hit Rate. It doesn't increase Movespeed, Resistances, Fairy level, Critical chance and Damage, nor it increases HP or Mana).

    The second one you can get is the Blade.





    Blade is the dream for all Katana-Lovers, Anime/Manga fans, as you're literally a samurai.
    He is a really good PvP specialist, as a lot of his skills give him increased Crit Chance, have a chance to dry the opponent's Mana, and has a lot of useful 1vs1 debuffs. Especially one of his skills, Blade Protection, which gives him the opportunity to "absorb" the enemy's attacks until the buff lasts, and it can return some of the damage (absorbs 100% of the damage he receives, and can store max 7000) on his next ability/basic attack. Recovery Breath makes him one of the best PvP specialists, as it can give him HP and Mana back on a 50s cooldown.
    I don't really reccomend using blade in PvE, as it lacks of both tankiness and elemental damage, ans his AOEs have weird ranges.


    The third one you can get is the Crusader.





    I'm gonna be honest, this is the worse Swordsman Specialist, and probably one of the worst in the whole game.
    First of all, it uses the secondary weapon of the Swordsman, which is a Crossbow, and has the same penalties as the archer: reduced damage at low range attacks, needs bolts, has really low base damage. Unlike archers, it doesn't have good crit damage to balance it out, it's the only Swordsman Specialist that uses crossbow, and Swordsman as a whole is NOT a good ranged class.
    Despite everything, he has a Heal that can be used on allies, he has a great AOE "ultimate" that does great damage and has a really strong debuff (but with a long cooldown), and his 3 buffs are pretty damn good. Triple Charging gives a buff (to either him or an ally) that increases damage by 10/20/30% depending on how long it has passed, while Pray of defence gives him and his allies increased HP, Mana, and 1 Defence Level, and Pray of Attack gives him and his allies TWO Attack Levels and a little of Morale.
    Still, you need this from lv55-60, as it is your only Light Specialist until much further, and Light Specialists are needed in Land of Death (LOD).


    The fourth Swordsman Specialist is Berserker.





    Berserker is a really weak Specialist early on, due to the nature of his primary buff, Berserk, which gives you 400 attack but in return reduces all your defences by 200 each.
    Later on, with high level and good equipment, he can be a great specialist in both PvE and PvP.
    Due to his amount of AOE (Even his basic attack is AOE) he can clear really easily monsters in a lot of different maps.
    Due to his buff, Berserk, he gains Attack, Movespeed, and in the last 20s of the buff he get an even higher movespeed buff and gets increased damage against other player. Everything about this is great in a PvP scenario.
    His debuffs focus primarly on reducing the opponent's defence, but due to the 200 defence lost with berserk he becomes a really easy target to kill.


    The fifth Swordsman Specialist is the Gladiator.




    The Gladiator is one of the strongest Specialists in PvP due to his skills being primarly single target, have debuffs that reduce the opponent's defence, has a lot of stuns (even though with low chances), a Heal that gives movespeed. One of his skills, Magic Reflection, gives the opportunity to reflect a portion of the damage the opponent does during the animation, and a chance to reflect even debuffs.
    Despite his skills being great in a PvP scenario, his long cooldowns make him a less desirable choice compared to the next swordsman specialist.


    The sixth Swordsman Specialist is the Monk.





    The Monk is the strongest PvP specialist in the game right now. He has strong debuffs, low cooldowns, strong self buffs, a debuff remover which has a heal, gapclosers, increased crit chance on his skills.
    Due to Meditation he has access on 3 different Buffs: Short, Medium and Long meditation. Short is often not used, as it gives general stats and movespeed, while Medium is often used in PvE and can be used in PvP due to giving to the swordsman HP, defence, reduced crit damage; Long meditation is what usually Monks use in PvP, due to giving a lot of Hit Rate, and a lot of damage both outside and inside the PvP scenario.
    This is seriously the Specialist you should focus on getting, and is, at the moment, the most broken one. It's not invincible, but it's really strong.


    The seventh Swordsman Specialist is the Death Reaper.





    This specialist is really weird. It has good debuffs (in PvP), good self-buff, good AOE and good PvP, but it doesn't really excel in anything.
    Not a lot of people use it, and not a lot of people have success with him in PvP. You can try him out, but Berserker is probably better than him. I haven't really tried this outside of Retro Servers, so I can't give a proper comment about him.


    The last Swordsman Specialist is the Renegade.





    This specialist is pretty good. It's the only class-related specialist that can switch fairies (Either Light or Dark), which makes him really annoying to deal in PvP, due to the non-existance of resistances that reduce both Light and Dark damage. It has decent self-buffs, good debuffs and has a strong burst. It's better than both the previous light AND dark specialists that the swordsman has, and can be used both in PvP (Due to his debuffs and burst) as well as in PvE (Due to his viabilty being a double element specialist and having lots of strong AOE)





    The Archer is one of the ranged classes in Nostale. It has low base damages, decent defence, balanced HP and Mana values. This class revolves around critical chance, as such this is the class who is most luck-based.
    If you're a pretty selfish person, this class is probably the best for you. His specialists don't have a lot of utility in terms of debuffs and buffs, but they focus mostly on doing the maximum possible amount of damage. Every Archer Specialist has some way of increasing his critical chance or critical damage and has lots of single target debuffs, making the Archer a PvP oriented class.
    As I mentioned before, the Archer and the Swordsman's Crossbow have two big deficits: reduced damage in melee approaches, and the need of bolts/arrows due to the ammo system that they both have.
    In the first stages of the game, the Archer is probably the trickier class to play, as his Specialists don't excel in PvE, his damage is based on crits, and has to use his high base movespeed all the time to avoid the reduced damage on his basic attacks and to get killed.
    He uses a bow as his primary weapon and a dagger as his secondary.
    I highly reccomend to get a tanky pet early on, and get Tom ASAP from TS 32. You could really use them.


    Let's take a look at his specialists.


    The first one is the Ranger.





    Ranger is a debuff based Specialist. Despite having pretty good buffs like Hawk Eye (your abilities will hit 90% of the time, you get increased damage from distance), Wind walker (+2 movespeed) and Rapidiry (Reduces all of his abilities' cooldown by 20% while it's active) it lacks good ranged AOE, and in PvP he WILL be really weak if he doesn't get some luck on his debuffs. It's a pretty bad first Specialist to have, in my opinion.


    Second Specialist is the Assassin.





    The assassin used to be the best PvP specialist before its rework. After the rework it has become a really weird Specialist with too much RNG to play with. Like Blade, he can absorb attacks with Tumbling and Bomb, but unlike blade, who has 100% of absorbing, Assassin has only 80% of doing it. That means that trying to absorb could possibly end to make you take a hit, or even die.
    Still, the new Cri-Up has a buff which gives you a chance to ignore part of the enemy's defence, and a lot of his skills now get bonus damage if done from Invisibility. Try it out for yourself, as some people say it's bad and other say it's still good.
    He can be played against any Specialist in PvP thanks to his Slash, which may cause Fatal Bleeding (Does Player level*5 damage every 2 seconds, and prevents enemies' critical strikes. At higher levels, what this means is that you can kill mages with just the bleed debuff and swordsmen or other archers won't be able to hit a critical strike on you.)
    He uses the dagger as his weapon, but has a skill that needs the bow to work. It's the only melee specialist that the Archer has.


    The third specialist is the Destroyer.





    I honestly don't know what went wrong with the developers when they thought about 3rd Specialists. The idea of a person using guns, bombs, map control, debuffs and self-buff is a great concept for a PvP based class, unfortunately the walking mines have auto-aim, that means they won't hit the target you want, half of his non-bomb, damaging skills are purely useless, and his "ultimate" is too slow to be used efficiently.
    It's a decent Specialist in PvE, and it's fun to use in general, but I wouldn't lose time on getting this one.


    Fourth specialist, and oh boy...

    The Wildkeeper.




    Forget EVERYTHING I said about the archer. This Specialist has AOE Debuff, his Wolf Spirit (Increased attack and movespeed) and Bear Spirit (increased HP and mana) buff himself AND his allies, he gets increased hitrate, increased critical chance as a BUFF, has defence debuff on his "ultimate" which even guts 70% of the opponent's mana pool, every skill he has is AOE, Elemental Down does a debuff to surrounding enemies which reduces their resistances by 40% of EACH ELEMENT, AND it makes the target(s) have 30% higher chance of getting critically striked.
    This Specialist is the one that every archer MUST HAVE in EVERY GIVEN SITUATION. It's just TOO GOOD to not have. You can use it against any given element, his buffs are always usefull, he can be used both in PvP and PvE.


    The fifth Specialist is the Cannoner.





    I honestly don't like this Specialist a lot. It's really luck based in PvP. Still, it's another great Specialist in PvE due to his amount of AOE and damage. It can be really strong in PvP too with some luck, due to his self-buff which gives him damage, damage reduction, hit rate and increased range. Still better than Destroyer.


    The sixth Specialist is the Scout.





    The scout is a pure-PvP based Specialist. Lots of single target damage, self-buff that will make enemies' critical strikes not do more than 7000 damage, will give him damage, increased range, increased crit chance AND crit damage. Has a stealth, has skills that use eagles to attack, has good debuffs, it's a pretty good PvP Specialist that you should probably get.
    I don't reccomend it for PvE, as it has almost literally no AOE.


    The seventh Specialist is the Demon Hunter.





    Guy's weird. He uses both bow and dagger. If used right, he can be one of the strongest Archer Specialist in PvP, and has great AOE, making him really good in PvE too.
    Can't really say much, he feels pretty basic, but you need to play around his cooldowns right. Haven't seen a lot of them when I used to play on the official, so I can't say much about him.


    The last Specialist is the Avenging Angel.





    Unfortunately, he's not as great as the Wildkeeper. But unlike any other Specialist, this card gives you +2 PERMANENT movespeed while using him. He uses the dagger as his main weapon, and needs bow for 2 of them. He has great versatility in PvP thanks to his self-buff, which gives him different benefits based on the element he's been hit with (Ex: If hit by a fire-based skill, he will gain a buff that lets reflect damage, kinda like the Gladiator's skill).
    He's really good in PvE too, thanks to his good amount of AOE, but Wildkeeper is always preferred over him.


    Last but not least, the third class of NosTale.




    "The swordsman is the tankier class, the archer is the one doing damage, I suppose mage is the classic support, right?"

    The mage in NosTale has a weird role. Like in other games, it has low HP, high Mana, low defences, lots of buffs and utility spells.

    BUT it has differences from the other classes.

    First of all, the mage cannot miss with his primary weapon, and instead of critical chance and damage it has a new stat:

    Concentration is the rate of success of your spell going through an enemy's attack trying to disrupting it. In other words, this stat prevents your spell from being interrupted when you get attacked. A higher concentration will make it harder for enemies to block your spells, BUT it won't make them impossible to block. To make them impossible to block you need a rune on your primary weapon with a specific option.

    If you noticed, I said that the swordsman has decent damage, while archer has the lowest base damage, but usually the highest average damage thanks to his critical strikes.

    The mage, out of all 3 classes, has the HIGHER base damage, and the highest ELEMENTAL damage.

    Elemental damage is a damage that can only get reduces by resistances. Reaching 100% resistance on one element will make that element do ZERO damage (Note, you still take the opponent's normal damage).

    Even though they might seem the weaker class in PvP, due to their low HP value and the missing crit chance statistic, they have other, more powerfull tools to overpower their enemies.

    First of all, as I said, they CAN'T miss with their primary weapon. Other classes can.
    Second, they have high base and elemental damage. Opponents with weak armors and resistances will have a bad time against them.
    Third, almost every specialist that the Mage can use has a buff that reduces the damage taken, and the remaining damage gets, in part, subtracted from his Mana instead of his HP.
    Fourth, a lot of specialists that the Mage can use has some debuffs that lower the opponent's resistances, making his high elemental damage a big factor to the Mage's power in PvP.

    Nonetheless, they are a really weak class in the first 85 levels, where weapons don't give him resistance debuffs (Which would otherwise increase his potential elemental damage in PvP), and where his base stats are really low. He will go out of mana easily, and he will have no HP to tank some hits.

    This is probably the hardest class to play if you're not familiar with the game or the genre in general. While I do advise to experiment with it to see if you like it, I do not advise to pick it as your first time class, unless you're really into it.


    Let's talk about his specialists.


    First of all, we have the Red Mage.



    The red mage is the first specialist you're going to obtain. He has A LOT of AOE, really high elemental damage, really low cooldowns, the defensive buff I mentioned before, another buff which gives him even more elemental (only fire, obviously) damage, and has a lot of debuffs.
    Due to the nature of this server, and thanks to the latest buffs he has received 2 years ago, Red Mage is now actually a really great specialist in PvE, with long range, lots of AOE and just a lot of damage in general.


    The second specialist you're going to obtain is the Holy Mage.




    The holy mage is the best support specialist in the game. Single target heal, AOE heal, defensive self-buff, a remove debuffs that also gives mana back, two incredibly good buffs that give light elemental damage, dark resistances, increased damage and increased defence. This specialist only needed some more AOE and a good debuff to be the best specialist in the game.
    This is the specialist you will use the most until the very late stages of the game, unfortunately. That doesn't mean you can't use other specialists if you don't need a healer!


    Oh boy, here comes the third specialist.


    Blue mage




    The blue mage is one of the attempts to give a third specialist to a class that already at the time of its creation had LOTS of difficulties.
    Great AOE, mediocre debuffs, his only defensive debuffs prevents you from taking damage in a 3 second window. Despite having only a 10 seconds cooldown, and having a debuff that freezes the enemy if he attacks you it's still not as good as the defensive buff that other mage specialists have, as it can be played around easily.

    Not reccomended to pick up.


    Fourth specialist, the only one viable before new specialists came out. The Dark Gunner (DG).




    Did I mention mage uses a gun as a secondary weapon? Well it's useless as much as the swordsman's crossbow. Only one specialist uses it and that specialist is not that great either. Unlike Crusader, which is just complete garbage outside of his buffs, Dark Gunner actually offers something useful in PvP after the latest buffs.
    Even though he loses the "always hit everything", he gains the chance to critically strike enemies. And after lv90, he really hurts with those crits.
    Dark Gunner is a specialist you want to use primarly in PvP, as it has increased crit chance on his buff and his skills, has a LOT of debuffs that either reduce or steal the enemies' HP, has good crowd control (Stuns/slows), and has the usual mage defensive buff.
    Compared to his other dark specialist counterpart, this one is actually viable in PvP, but I wouldn't reccomend it over any other mage specialist.
    Still, this guy uses two guns. He's a sick dude.


    Here we have the best two specialists that the mage has, starting with the Volcano.




    The Volcano is the fifth specialist that the mage can get. He specializes in getting close and personal with his enemies, reducing their fire resistances, and revolving his playstyle around what is probably the best self-buff in the game, Volcano's Power.

    Volcano's Power gives the user Concentration, Magic damage and increases his "will to burn" or something like that.
    What the "will to burn" does, is increase the % of debuffs to enter. The higher it is, the more likely are the Volcano's debuffs to go through.
    Note, the % works ADDICTIVELY, not MULTIPLICATIVELY. Example: if a debuff has 50% chance to enter, and the will is 30, then the debuff has an 80% to go through. Now tell me this buff is not great.

    My hype aside, as I said, Volcano specializes in getting close, reducing resistances and keeping his enemy debuffed in some way. If his enemy has 100% fire resistances, that's not enough to protect him from the Volcano's HUGE resistances debuffs.
    After the buffs that Red received, I think they're both great in PvM, but Volcano remains stronger in PvP.


    The sixth specialist is the Tide Lord.




    The Tide Lord is the best PvP specialist for mage. Long range, low cooldows, a lot of debuffs, control of his surroundings, the strongest of all the mage defensive debuffs (While other defensive buffs that the mage have is either "20% reduced damage, of the remaining damage 30% of it decreases Mana instead of HP", or the same but with values inverted, Tide Lord has 30% reduced damage AND of the remaining damage he receives 30% of it decreases Mana instead of HP, making it the tankier Mage specialist in both PvP and PvM)

    Tide Lord is incredibly good in PvM too. His Typhoon has a really low cooldown, which makes clearing monsters really easy, while his Giant Swirl is a ranged, point and click version of Warrior's Provoke (Provoke, as it says, "provokes" nearby monsters, making them attack the Warrior, and also bringing them close him. Giant Swirl does the same, but slows instead of taunting, and can be done from distance), and all of his other skills are AOE.
    Overall, a great specialist, and a must have for a mage after the Holy Mage.


    The seventh specialist is the Seer.




    I honestly haven't seen a lot of them, and I didn't get how they work. No one has used it in PvP back when I played, and despite friends of mine with high level mages showing me how it works, they told me it's just a bad specialist, which neither works in PvM nor PvP.

    Weird, it's peculiar but doesn't do anything great, we can just skip it. Feel always free to try him, but don't buy him before other, more important specialists.


    The last specialist is the Archmage.




    The Archmage is the last specialist we're going to cover here. There are other specialists, that every class can use, but they are just funny-looking ones, and are pretty much useless.

    The Archmage is a more offensive version of the Holy Mage. What this means is that it has the usual defensive buff, it has heals, it has utility with his teleport, it has pretty good elemental damage, but lacks an actual "ultimate", lacks good damaging skills, and lacks debuffs that reduce resistances, making it pretty bad in PvP.
    If you want to be more offensive, but still have utility in a PvM scenario, and a Holy Mage is not needed, this is the specialist you want to use.



    Alright, this is it for now. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here, or via PM.

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  3. You're putting very little points in HP on almost every sp. Mage uses a LOT of mana even with low mana cost SPs such as archmage and tidelord. and not putting points into HP will make you OOM (out of mana) really fast, in both PvE and PvP.
    Also, every SP has 2 sets, 1 for PvP and 1 for PvE. DG needs 100 atk, 10 def and remaining in hp for pvp, but it's pretty bad in PvE.

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