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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  2. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  3. As Norleras has said here, its not necessarily a harddrive issue, but rather its trying to connect to a CDN and failing. The best you can do is restarting in the hopes that it connects to a different one successfully.
  4. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  5. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  6. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  7. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  8. Give me a bump by quoting my reply (so I see the notification) and I'll have a look into it - or if you haven't already, submit a ticket at https://vendettagn.com/support.vgn (this is a bit more preferred)
  9. Are you able to get in there with any other character, or is it just the 1 character that keeps crashing in there?
  10. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  11. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  12. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  13. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  14. Could you dm me the email that you're trying to register with please?
  15. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  16. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  17. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  18. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  19. That is actually possible as it's something we have done already. If you have any specific ones you want, just let me know and I can see about sorting it. The weapons at the very least could possibly become weapon skins as well. I don't honestly see why not.
  20. Lingerie works the same way costumes do, they just don't have a foot model and use a generic one. Which in the past I have played around with maybe changing shoes on lingerie, and it broke the entire model.
  21. Changing how the game loads assets is beyond what we're able to change. We don't have the means to unpack and repack the exe (which is what we'd call source files). The game as we have it now involves just changing data files that already exist, and not changing the core functions of the game. Also not possible. The items themselves aren't that "sophisicated" to have an order or ability to block use of one or the other. The only limitations they have is tradeable/sellable/detroyable/level req/rank req, things like that. The game is about 12 years old at this point, so its functions and features are quite limited. Edit: Zincite also reminded me of the option of grafting alpha onto higher end gear and just hiding your costume as well. That would most likely be a more realistic option to this and more viable to possibly do.
  22. Unfortunately no. We don't have the means to break down and repack the actual executable and add in the code necessary to force it to have a sort of hierarchy.
  23. Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game. Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  24. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
  25. By the crossed out text, I assume you figured it out but I'll reply to it any way for anyone who may be looking for this information in the future. Yes you can select to start at level 1 or level 92 in the character selection screen after you select your class.
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