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Posts posted by Vivi

  1. sb_maint.png

    Status: ONLINE

    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.


    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.

  2. 2 hours ago, Beau said:

    Great, Im actually thinking of writing something about changes and stuffs, suggestion to make every cap better and I actually thought of something for a new cap without us needing to get something out of SB content just to make everything original, but im still organizing my thoughts and rearranging them to make it cohesive, I just need a GS to talk to so I can inquire of things we can and cannot do technical wise and without breaking any rules.

    Give NoRun and Cowboy a message and they'll be able to give you a tl:dr or, they can give you a contact for me and I'll outright tell you.


    38 minutes ago, iProtect said:

    If going this route ( Idel giving the accessories ), could you please make them Magic grade? If they get the Rare versions, then there’s little reason to farm them from BC/DM or participate in the other zones where the Trinkets drop, like Janus/TP and CG. I know it’s just 100% easier to give everyone a set, but while completely killing their ridiculous prices, it eliminates the need further to skip another zone. Plus even if you implement them in drop tables at a later point, they’d be worthless drops.

    It'd be base blue, which are weaker versions of the "ideal" set anyway. There also wont be options so it'll be 1 generic set for all classes to get rather then the 5+ options each cap has now.

  3. Back on the topic of early game progession and helping smooth out the playing curve sort of thing, I would like to hear more opinions and suggestions about that as well.

    I was going to do it for today, but I don't trust myself implementing it again in the actual patch without breaking something in the process and doing it with no testing as well (since test server is currently occupied). But, I was going to set up some base accessories to give to Idel to kinda help the whole accessory shortage sort of thing. The drop rate changes are still going in to help that as well, but it would make sense to have her give out a proper full set of everything to help someone along.

  4. 3 hours ago, GoddessSand said:

    I should remind everybody that the reason +6(maybe+7) SG was removed from use, was due to rumor of +6 SG being used as SG for +11 and +12 gears instead of the proper SG for that enhancement. Unless I am mistaken, using +6 SG again as SG, could cause problems as players would use them to make +11 and +12 gears. I do agree that players who wish to stay in the lower levels, SG would be needed.

    That was not a rumor but was actually true. We managed to replicate it and do it ourselves. So basically the very common +6 could've been used to easily get +12.


    Also I do agree with Beau on the topic of dual logging and the issues that come with it. Its always something that has to be kept in the back of our head when making any changes and how someone will eventually be able to abuse it. Imho, it does more harm then it does good. If everyone used it to just boost their medics, I wouldn't mind, but I've seen plenty of boters, afks in bgs and RP alt killing to make me believe otherwise. But there's also not much we can do in terms of stopping it. You can't just put an ip block on the server as there's really simple ways around that (VPN/Proxy) and to add it to the server would also require source (I asked that to Bash months ago when it started getting really bad). I have asked in the past to remake the launcher with a check to see if the SB process to kill the previous process or outright block it, but then you have programs like Sandboxie that rename the process to allow it to open multiple sessions. Modifying xigncode to detect such programs like that would also require the source files for the game.

  5. 10 minutes ago, iProtect said:

    Would a storage-based Mystery Box be out of the question or, is that something you guys have done before? Inventory, Warehouse obviously. Could throw in Safe Guards or something else to round it out to 4-5 items. Also, what’s y’alls policy when it comes to making these things? Like what can and can’t be crammed into one?

    No one has ever suggested it before so it's not even something I thought of tbh.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, sicat said:

    aw no! Dun bite the dust yet. If ya quit now, ya just make them proud of what they did. Hope ya still recall the names of the jerks that wronged ya. Report em to GS/GM. If they do nothin bout it, then maybe its about time to quit. 

    There's not much I can do in terms of someone getting killed in a pvp map. It's part of the game and not against the rules.

    Its when that person openly harassing them about it, then we can do something for it.

    • Like 1
  7. ee_maint.png


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers.

    Guild Arena Rankings will be wiped this maintenance, and a test fix shall be applied to it!

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.

    During this downtime, the Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed.

    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.

    • Thanks 1
  8. sb_maint.png

    Status: ONLINE

    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.


    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.


  9. 14 minutes ago, LordKonton said:

    Some people stopped going BGs because those two were PMing them telling them to not go. Agreed, if people are willing to fight then they should be encouraged but saboor and lucifer think differently. They're not team players clearly. Those two are one of the biggest reasons why some of us stopped going to BGs lol.

    Its people like that that also make an FC seem like a bad idea. There are players, but you have those who hound others not to go for various (often stupid) reasons (mainly to force an fc to sweepingly crush the other side)

    • Thanks 2
  10. 1 hour ago, KawaiiNyanNyan said:

    The Login Bug Incorrect Password/ID - They think that the bug is actually really something wrong with their account and need to try again, but then give up after the 12th time they try to log on.

    There's not much I can do for this one. Bash did changes to the login servers, and even me asking him to revert it (and it supposedly being done), it still was bugging out like crazy.

  11. 12 hours ago, Beau said:
    • Pets
      we should limit pet levels in this cap main reason is at max level a pet can give a player 8,000 HP and 770SP in this cap those numbers are too damn high. Limiting the pet to Level 30 will help balance the whole thing and it will have the same bonus a madfly can give, we can do this by putting a base character level requirement on the upgrade button of a pet.
      • Not possible, as there's no way to limit/block a level cap from having it. The pet leveling system works pretty similarly to how an arkana levels. Plus this is a change that should've been done pre launch as it'd effect ALL pets - as you now screw over every single person that has a max level pet and paid money for said pet.

        e.g. - "In order to upgrade level 30 pet you must be a character level 30+"
    • Pet Chips
      we should only allow the use of a level 1 pet chip in this cap, and putting a level requirement to some of the pet chips that gives OP stats for that current cap i'm referring to RESIST, CRIT VOID, CRIT EVA since this stats doesnt come with the level 29 gears except resist but having 1k resist would be enough to mitigate the low ch atk in this cap.
      • May be possible - a level req might not be recognized with that pet chip, but again, you run the risk of: it'll remain on their character, giving them an unfair advantage to those who didn't get it pre change.
    • Jewels
      we should only allow the use of level 1 jewels and disable jewels that yield stats that doesnt appear on the gears of this patch.
      • Not possible, the only thing the flag for gems looks for is if it's possible to equip, how many can be equipped and what types are unlocked (normal/ancient/lingerie)
    • Unique costumes
      we should completely disable the use of this things in level 29 cap.
      • Possible but if someone already grafted it, then it'll remain on their character, giving them an unfair advantage to those who didn't get it pre change. "Wiping" from people would then cause another issue of those who spent the money buying the grafting tools to then lose that money and the costume with it.



    9 hours ago, iProtect said:
    • Accessories: Need to be fixed ASAP. 4k for one Scout Ring. 1k for a Seer. 0 Vets. I made a WH and have done around 30 full clears since yesterday ( pulling mobs to each boss one-by-one ). While not a great sample size by any means, I think not getting at least one Ring out of all the mobs that drop it ( 28's and above if I'm not mistaken, along with Harbinger ) is pretty telling of my next 30. Meanwhile, the drop rate for Necklaces seems to be pretty good. I've got 4 so far of different flavors. Earrings on the otherhand, I've picked up a couple of Vets from Drasil. I haven't farmed it as much as BC, though. If there's an influx of players at 29 cap though, Earrings would ( like they were on ASB ) be nothing, anyways since you can get them from Rank Points.
      • Already been modified and is being tested on the test server right now.


    • Exclusive Items: 1000% agree. It's a given, no matter the arguments for or against it. Whether we're talking about 29 cap, 39 cap, 49 cap, or 800 cap; it's a given and there should be exclusive items in each one for players to chase after. There's been thousands of MMO's released over the past 19-years, and most of the successful ones have exclusive gear, items, cosmetics, etc. locked behind specific content that you have to do if you want the items. We should emulate something like this, hands down. Specically for 29 cap as you said, a Titan Pet Skin would be a huge draw to higher cap players to make an alt and try and get it. Could also go beyond that and make Strider/Lector Skin. A unique costume set on Titan or put in the chests. SAFEGUARDS? Accessories besides Trinkets. There's a million things that could be added to entice players to participate in the older zones whether they're Caerbears, Vilebears, or whatever. You start putting in good, exclusive items, and update the drop tables to reflect the current state of the game, and they WILL come. All content should be relevant; not just endgame. 
      • We've made a few new additions to base items that'll drop in the lower levels. When I got through the drop tables to add them, things like pet skins, etc, will be added in.


    • +12 Gear and Safeguards: One or the other needs to happen in my opinion. A. Cap 29 and below gear to +10 as it was in ASB. Or B. Add Safeguards to the zones that lack them. Specifically for CG since we're talking about balance, either they need to be accessible to all to get to +12, or gear needs to be capped again like it was in ASB at +10. As someone who has +12 gear, and a level 40 pet, it's just God Mode for new players to try and go against me. Not only that, but it cost me about 100 bucks alone on Safeguards to get to +12, as I don't have characters in higher caps to enhance my 29'ers gear. Good for Vendetta, bad for me and bad for new players who stick around in lower caps wanting to take things slow versus rushing to the nearest Guild Hall for a quick sit. I think when combined with lower exp rate for Pets, a cap of +10 would be better overall in CG as it cuts out a large portion of our stats and large HP pools quickly. That said, this is the trickier option, and would require Vivi to mash some buttons not just for this, but there's going to be quite a number of players seeking compensation for their +12 gears being downgraded. 
      • I can't currently block enchancement in lower caps. Yes its possible, but you then have the issue of - if people already have it, they'll be at a permanent advantage for it. So I'd rather not have a massive upheval and the eventual rage that would come from low cap players losing possible VGN purchased SGs. We can look to see about adding them in other areas of lower caps - which I think would be the better and more enjoyed solution.


    Responses in red.

    • Like 2
  12. sb_maint.png

    Status: ONLINE

    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.


    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.


  13. 15 hours ago, LordKonton said:

    Realistically FC won't be needed. If and when exp changes come, then it will be easier to make an alt on the opposing faction.. which causes another problem with people swapping sides. But that's a separate can of worms. Players just need to stop being twats tbh.

    Some of the changes, at least various drop adjustments and eventually some exp changes are being done - lowering exp in the early game to slow down quick leveling while increasing the exp in higher levels (40+) to assist in end game leveling. Right now it's testing the new exp changes and replacing/fixing all new/custom drop rates now that it's been moved to server side rather then an exp/drop rate directly in files.


    Sadly, going through all changes from the last 2 years is not something I can do in a week -.-'

  14. ee_maint.png


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.

    During this downtime, the Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed.

    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.

    • Thanks 2
  15. 6 hours ago, Beau said:

    It's better than doing nothing at all and i commend Vivi for responding it only shows that he/she checks player concerns from time to time. Little effort is better than no effort at all.

    Just because I don't comment on something doesn't mean I don't see it... I check and read over every single post regarding SB.

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    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  16. sb_maint.png

    Status: ONLINE

    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.


    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.


  17. ee_maint.png


    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Altars have been updated as well as mystery boxes. Preview of the mystery box items can be found in the forums as well as in the archive in-game.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.

    During this downtime, the Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed.

    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.


  18. Add it as an exception to Windows Defender. If you're using Windows 10, it's Start Menu->Settings->Update and Security->Windows Security->Virus and Threat Protection->Manage Settings under Virus&Threat-> Exclusions.


    You can also right click the SBLauncher and select properties, then compatibility. Check the box that says Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 8/7. Then check the boxes: Disable Full screen optimisations and run this program as administrator.

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  19. On 9/15/2019 at 9:39 AM, GoddessSand said:

    2) Unique baby pink level 57 lingerie - to have added jewel slots to them. They currently don't have jewel slots, so if I am correct the only way to get added jewel slots would be to graft them onto a lingerie item that does. Which would require players to have a unique lingerie and buy a grafting tool, if this works at all.

    This has been fixed in the upcoming patch, as it's currently a bug.

    I can't really speak on the other items as I'll have to give it some thought later.

    • Like 1
  20. sb_maint.png

    Status: ONLINE

    The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!

    Mystery Box items have been updated with a newly rotated set.

    Thank you for your patience!


    The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log into the game.

    Mystery boxes will be unavailable during this time. The boxes will remain unavailable until Maintenance is over. The Mystery box changes will be posted on the forums after maintenance is complete.


    Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.


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