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Posts posted by iLawliet

  1. 8 hours ago, Jordan said:

    E o que acontece quando o conteúdo pára de vir do TW, apenas deixamos o jogo se sentar como é que as pessoas ficam entediadas com o jogo? ou fazemos dungeons e chefes personalizados para ajudar as pessoas a jogar o jogo. Faça novos equipamentos para que os jogadores melhorem seus personagens.

    Nós não criamos "conteúdo de enxada", fazemos coisas que, até agora, não conseguem nada para ser "porcaria".

    I loved the idea. GOGO xD

  2. On 04/10/2017 at 7:29 AM, Bash said:

    I am in discussions with Jordan on planning a schedule around the launch of this game. This doesn't mean anything is going to happen we're just weighing up our options and seeing if the game is feasible. Please remember we all have real jobs and education outside of this we have other responsibilities I am not willing to launch a game if we cannot have it live up to the hype of our other games.

    Once I have more information about this and we've made a decision we will announce and open threads so you guys can let us know of ways to improve the game so we can have a nice and clean launch.

    I played GF for over eight years on the Aeria Games website and I can state that the biggest problem is that players tops are defined in who spends the most money in the game. leaving everything free would help the players, yes. but would greatly affect those who play the game just for fun and test their mechanics. simple things like Sweets, Alchemy N changing everyday, Boos Wolrd Events would help mt players, and having a GM or GS Active would be to wish. thing that in Aeria Games does not have, There is a lot of Attention to the Players and Updates for the Game. the idea that You are bringing is very good indeed. I would be honored to be able to play on your server: D Thanks in advance

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