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Posts posted by Bratpfanne

  1. i can just lough if i read this thread.

    1. the video got recorded with a damn potatoe.
    2. Siseneri act randomly on ppl. Mute here and there but if someone speak spanish he doesn't care.
    3. Siseneri is insulting the half of the time he spends in arena. 
    4. i am sry for you squizzs that u get banned cuz of a potatoe video. 
    5. he start the animation before the sin goes invis.nothing special and not even a brain is needed to do this.
    6. isn't that hard to train that.

  2. Fafnir's Molar x3
    Fafnir's Scale x3
    Fafnir's Energy x3
    Fafnir's Heart x3
    Fafnir's Horn x3
    Pure Essence of Fire x3
    Dragon Skin x3
    Dragon Blood x2
    Dragon Heart x1
    Huge Recovery Potion x10
    Fafnir's Bugle Blueprints x1
    Old Viking Costume (7 Days) x1
    Aegir's Specialist Partner Card x1
    Barni's Specialist Partner Card x1
    Freya's Specialist Partner Card x1
    Dragon Wing Decoration x1
    Ragnar's Key x1

    and Bash lowered the gold drops

    This is the actual list of items you get from it :D

  3. Hey Guys,

    I thought about a few things that could be better or be implemented. I am sorry if here are some ideas that are already suggested by other people ?

    1. Reputation Icons

    On other "official" servers are more than just the "Elite" rank. i would suggest to not make it for top rep players but you could place them on 15/30/50/75/110/150kk rep. i remember there are crowns and something like souls implemented. I feel a bit bored that everyone have this red star and rep over 5kk doesnt really matter because you wont see it until you watch into the self-introductin.

    Note: Would bring back a bit competitor just for rep.


    2. Family Level

    This is a suggestion that effect for fams on lvl 10 with alot of farmed fxp. Not sure how easy it is to implement more levels with diffrent colours. Not sure to give new benefits too for higher levels.

    Note: Not really effective yet but maybe there will be changes of farmin fxp. Then this would make sense.


    3. Title System

    Raid specific titles, like complete 1000 cuby raids etc for every raid.
    Monster specific titles, like kill 10.000 monster in LoD.
    Upgrading/Raring titles, upgrade equippment+10/sp+15, rare equipment to rare 8.
    Fairy title, like lvl up a fairy to 80% or upgrade it to erenia/zenas/fernon fairy.
    Player titles, like marraige or found a fam.
    Quest specific titles, finish act1,2,3 and so on and maybe for sidequests like the Ragnar quests.

    Make the progress of the title visible. 

    4. Frozen Crown Raids
    The elemental raids are kind of useless... only the first raid a day is useful for the 10k fxp reward... not sure what to suggest but pls change something...


    5. Draco and glacerus raids
    On high level they are unattractive in my opinion. 1 claw/mane per raid are not attractive enough while u spam erenia/zenas/fernon or farm in unknown land. chest ingedrediens are not worth too... no idea what to suggest that wont make it unbalanced. 

    Note: Dragon Hearts/EXP pots are the only things out of the boxes which are "worth to get".


    6. Instant Combat
       1. What do you guys think about all instant combats are family intern. lower the drops a bit or like on "official" servers, if u deal dmg you will         get some items transfered into the inventory

       2. Instant combats with act 6 creatures for poeple from c25 and from c45.


    7. Combat Arena
    1. DELETE THE GOD DAMN SAVEZONE! Less trashtalk more deaths ?
    2. Add a viewing area like in Arena of Master. Then people can watch but wont have impact. diffrent chats would be good there too. 

    8. DPS-Meter
      Just for those who want to fap on their dmg. could be helpful if u build/optimize fast teams. 

    Note: people who wont get in raids then wont get raids yet too.


    9. Wings
    Small wings (angel/devil/ice/fire without effect) dropable in raids or at some monsters. they are nothing special and in my opinion it wont effect if they are easy to get, espacially for new players it is nice to have.

    Nayxa suggest that you can craft an amount of small wings without effect to 1 of the big one (angel -> archangel) and an amount of ALL big ones to onyx.


    10. Quest-Items
    There are some items you cant get through the normal way. for example you need "Needle"(you would get it from fishing lv3) to produce the viking custome while you do the Ragnar Subquest. not sure that there be some other items that are required for quests. also it would be nice to implement the drops of the minigames on kinda a farm map. 

    Note: Didnt knew there were quest for some of this items. maybe intresting for other items.


    11. New Side Quests
    This is an idea from another game (Metin2 x) ). There is a side quest where you have to farm items and bring it to the npc to get permanent small effects. the quest cant be made all together just one after another. for reward you get little effects. for example 500 HP. makeable for everyone but they are unlocked on specific levels like 35/50/75/80/90/95/c25/c30/c45/c50. 


    12. Daily Quests
    Some new daily quests with little goodys for every lvl. like ATK/DEF/HP/EXP pots, angle feather, full moon crystals, gillionstones or something like those...

    As Gyado said: It would be nice to have a bit more to do than spamming a6 raids ?


    13. PvP
    Nerf Manashield, nerf assasin crits, buff swordsman hitrate.

    14. Fafnir Raid
    Make it attractive. put a costume/mount/hat or something useful in it :)

    Nothing more in my mind right now... and yes i know there will be flame in the following comments like "mimimi mage isnt op lul" or "LOL why complain on manashield if u have moral or ironskin" ? 

    Regards Himitsu :)

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