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Posts posted by hazarbaba

  1. 2 minutes ago, PosiTv said:

    This new quest shit is garbage, its almost making me want to quit for real, Ive done these quests so many times its going to burn my fkn brains out going through this shit again for the 50th time, I am closing NosTale I cant handle this man lol xD!!

    exactly, i could not stand on blue herbs, also i cant buy/trade/drop my other accs them

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  2. 1 minute ago, Kaizou said:

    If you think about it this way, it's good that people are finding it hard and complaining about the quests, it means the gold sellers will have to go & feel the same struggle and effort every single time before their accounts inevitably get banned which could make a lot of them give up in the process.

    Right now I don't see it as much as a problem as once you quest on the accounts you need then you wont have to look back on it.

    However I think it'd be better if you only had to make 1 character per account complete Act 1 as I do use other characters to store items, or to wof as you cant save more than 1 location per character.

    They've also said they're thinking of ways to make the quests less tedious for higher level players so you'll have to give it sometime before any changes can be done, we did just get the server back afterall.


    Yeah ur right but if you want to make money by a game, nothing can stop u. And also if i wanted to do quests til lv 55, i'd go  and play on original servers which is p2w


    22 minutes ago, Flock said:

    i think, the problem isn't the "gold sellers" cuz now if u want to sell gold u can do it ez too(i mean, like if u want to quit the game or something), the problem was with the fking botters and now is more dificult for him make gold. And for sure more dificult for him sell that ilegal gold.

    How can a bot make money after vendetta team already fixed a lot of bot before original server lol

  3. lol so bash wanna make gold-sellers work more to sell their coins ? :d i have to do all quests till 55ts without trading (which means i can not buy pellet, blue herb etc.) just for bash to make some more dollar by selling us VGN instead of other people's gold? xDD you are already STOLE WHOLE GAME Bash, you just added and changed some stuff to make money and you are trying to block ppl make money from ur THEFT, i ll probably get ban after this but its worth to say it a "private" server. Also i know how hard to rescript the quests teamspaces etc dont cry to me with that ive seen worse nostale is one of the easiest game to script
    edit1; idont agree to sell stuff in game for $, i got a perma on this server for it so dont get it what i wanna mean wrong

  4. 4 minutes ago, Nayxa said:

    Dont necro posts, anyway

    Theres many methods to get money

    My new mage which is like 79 atm, farms in pigeons and lizards with dg and a pistol +6 which allows you to deal more damage which u can see in weapon details example: 359(+20%)(sorry I haven't memorized those) which will damage the mob harder if it has lower +defense which will reduce the extra % by what + it have , example u attack with 20% and the mob have 10% then u will deal 10% more 

    U can use that information to go to higher farming zones which will be the volcan or even act 6...,however if u wanna get money as lower level u gotta work for it, 24 hour(what i got with my character lv 79 was 32kk or so, just pigeons and lizards...)

    I got mostly the lowest price which is a lv 92 dagger 300k around, bet it with amulets until i got to 4,5kk in trying , which gave me at the 4 attempt a legendary, anyway this is just gambling which is a bad option if u want high r equipment

    Sometimes theres party time spaces which needs a member, which gives you 30(90 if u have sandbox) gilion every time, which is like 7~10k value, which can be made into cella that idk the price right now but 2k(u will need to check) which comes in 4~10 per gillion  

    And yes it's possible for a newbie to start, which the newbie has to learn what to sell, where to get and get strong 

    Theres a lot of methods to go for, theres one that i know that gives 1kk~1,5kk every 24 min... anyway 

    GL&HF while playing, maybe i have explained it a bit bad  xD

    So you say that we have to farm for 10 hours for just a 80% fairy? Dude if i want to work that lot i'd have been playing on original server. I do play PvP server because i want to raid im not a robot and not going to farm that lot just for an item. I know there are a lot of ways to make money but its just not enough you have to work A LOT. I am older than 98% of server probably and i dont like the way where server is going while putting everything to npcs... :(

  5. How can i make money if i am a newbie? After you make till lv55 ts quest you get 83 and probably you will have max 5m(maybe even not)? While 92-93 eqs are near 20m for r6 items how can people get started to server? Make something to do people have easier 83lv to 92 because they ll have not enough dmg to do something alone except "woa" or "fullmoon" that YOU have already put to NPCs. I really do not know how can a newbie start to game?

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