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  1. @Jordan Not to discount what was said and what has already been done for game with regards to QoL. But the reality is that players are unfortunately still struggling. Perhaps this isn't the thread for this discussion. However, we cannot ignore that it is still one of the major issues most players face to date. "We're looking for major content rather than QoLs, although QoLs are welcome" unfortunately QoL will likely be the most popular response you will get, evidently. Again, probably not the thread to discuss this. From the responses i see here, it appears that most of them disagree with any major content update. However, i do understand that you are looking for ideas for furure updates, of which I have none. I will not stray too far from the topic and its main objective. Therefore, I will end here.
    3 points
  2. IT WORKED OH MY GOD???? You have earned the title of My Hero, thank you so goddamn much!!! Now I don’t gotta be sad I can’t play it again anymore LOL SO, for anyone else who may end up here, this is what I did and the settings I had when it worked: Type “Performance” in Windows Search > Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Data Execution Prevention > Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select: > enter both SBLauncher and ScarletBlade exes I didn’t need to have a VPN, didn’t need Avast turned off, and I have compatibility mode set to Windows XP (Service Pack 3) :’D EDIT: I have the dreaded “Mother has disconnected you” problem, have gotten a paid VPN (Windscribe) so I can connect as close to the servers’ location as possible and it’s still happening, so RIP me I guess lol. I’m used to logging in over and over by now so I’m not too bothered by it but obviously it’s still not ideal so I’ll likely ask for help from someone with Windscribe at a later date, as I looked through the forums and there are a few who use/used it with no issues, but for now I’m just happy to be playing again tbh! EDIT EDIT: I just decided to try and see if mobile phone data works better and it totally does!! I haven’t gotten kicked off in a good while! So if anyone is struggling with the connection issues and has access to a suitable data plan I’d HIGHLY recommend doing so. Just obviously if it isn’t unlimited monitor that shit lmfao.
    2 points
  3. STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! Altars have been updated as well as the in-game mystery boxes. These mystery boxes are located in the Item Mall on the "Limited" tab. The following changes have been made with this maintenance: Gunslinger skill "Secret Agent" now gives P-ATK instead of DEF as intended. Fixed the text on Gunslinger skill "Raining bullets". Trophy "Infernal Demon's Soul" now appears on the debuff bar. Various updates to the Guide Book. The Christmas Event has ended and has been removed Thank you for your patience! ~~~~ The server will be undergoing weekly maintenance at this time. During this period, you will be unable to log onto the servers. During this downtime, the Mystery Boxes, Crystal Altar and Gem Altar will be changed. Thank you for your patience while we complete our weekly fixes.
    2 points
  4. I think mine counts as QoL (idk) Adding a Search Bar in the Loyalty Shop would be reaaaaaallly helpful. I've said this before, and I'll keep trying ;w; but, make Glyph's stackable (like the base ones, aka the gray ones) would leave more space on the bag (I know it has been denied because of difficulty, but at least try. because if the gray ones are stackable, the other ones should be able to). Make Guild Funds usable, once you reach lv 12, the gold is just chilling there. Make it that you can buy NPC's with the Guild Funds (ik this has been said before but (o( ). I also think it is NOT a good idea to add a new level cap atm. It is extremely hard to find runners now a days or to successfully run yourself without any difficulty (when it comes to the new plays). As shinntxz said, you will make the people that return or new players find it extremely overwhelming that they have to catch up to the geared up people to even be able to play/be accepted into pt's by the fully end geared players (I'm saying this because they are some people that don't accept you unless you have everything). Maybe focus this year on making adjustments for the new players so they can catch up. (Fix the pvp issue for those that do pvp). and maaaaaaybe in 2026, add a new cap, but not atm. But yeah if you DO end up adding a new cap, add a NEW running map with 3 alternative portals pls (people like to hog the channels for MANY hrs or days). If the new cap is added, you can add new content for the new cap after 3 or 6 months pass (to give people time to run and be ready for the new pve content without being left behind or unable to be accepted in pt's if you are not the correct level).
    2 points
  5. Although overall I agree with your chart I do think there is some things that are very generalized and doesnt speak for everyone. There are some old people who help (generally speaking its on a "you in my guild and will pvp eventually" basis). For the most part this chart is kinda accurate. As for the guide remarks. We have recently launched the guide book within the game that has taken over a year to create and we hope that it centralizes a lot of information within the game. This helps players not have to leave the game to look for guides and as you quite rightly highlighted stores them all together in one single location. We are still progressing the guide and are looking for feedback on it on what could be added to the guide and ways to make it better for players.
    1 point
  6. QoL is good, of course, absolutely thoughtless proposals for QoL are even better, but this topic not about this. I see the main problem of the server at the moment - lack of newbies. It is not easy to solve this problem - now is a different time and people are not ready to spend a lot of time to understand the game and slowly move towards some end goal. Adding some passes for new / returning players is not bad, but it seems that this does not solve the main problem. In terms of "brings new people keeping the older people busy" - imho awakened armor in the abyss brought a much better effect than 130 trials, because it was really needed by old players ("grind issue" or it was just hype from the steam version). In general, I think that we need new content that would not require high-level gear for everyone (not like cc2), but would be needed by everyone to increase their current power (like at / df, abyss, etc.). Also, something needs to be done with the problem of newbies.
    1 point
  7. I'm only posting because I really wish that this game somehow gets far more popular. Like, I'm not even sure if this game gets any advertising in the first place anyways. Maybe you could try making a patch solely focused on making recurring "Leagues" similar to OSRS or Path of Exile. Something that both old and new players can "jump in to" and just have a blast playing through with a fresh start. You don't even have to have a "new mechanic" every single league. Just a monthly reset where everyone just replays the game with maybe some basic cosmetic rewards for accomplishing something in the League. A monthly server with boosted XP, higher drop rates, and so on. Not really sure how it would be balanced out in terms of rewards...But hey, maybe it would just be fun to play with a bunch of people going through the game and struggling with "end-game" again. This would also help newer players learn what to do and what to go for.
    1 point
  8. I didn't really want to comment on this thread but I'm going to have to because it has gone in the wrong way entirely (maybe down to Doudou's wording I don't really know). The main point of this topic was not to address quality of life changes but to decide the direction of the next big content update. This content wont be out within a month and could be any time in the next months (anywhere between 3 - 6 months time from now). This kind of content takes a lot of time and before we begin we wanted opinions to know what direction people want us to take. I understand there is a lot of Quality of Life people want and there always will be but we cannot just spend the year doing just Quality of Life as people will get really bored and leave until something comes out worth their time. One thing I will highlight since it has been mentioned a few times and will highlight the most clearest example is: It would be good for people to make suggestions on what to do for this rather than just say this. Because it is one of the biggest points of improvement that improves the game for everyone as it brings new people keeping the older people busy. The entire last "big" content was basically designed with this in mind. We tried our best to balance the trials around people who aslong as they have done some of the basics can easily do these dungeons with other people of the same level (even it it takes them twice as long). We made weapons and armor that for the most part are not the best but are good all rounders to act as gateways to the best armors. So it would be good to know from experienced people who have helped new people to point out what sort of "flaws" are currently around and what can be done to remedy these situations. I'm not highlighting this to call anyone whos mentioned it out or to cause a stir. I'm asking out of genuine "I don't really know what else I can do other than give people free stuff".
    1 point
  9. As Jade and Norleras mentioned to you in the chatbox, have you put the sb.exe and the sblauncher as well into compatibility mode for windows 7? The SB.exe is the important one that needs to be placed into compatibility mode. Downloading all the C++ Redistributables is something also important for the game, and the version needed isn't always installed. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 Make sure you install the 2008 and 2010 version - BOTH the x86 and x64 versions. The client runs on 32bit, so the x86 is necessary to work, while x64 is what your system will need. I'd recommend downloading all newer versions after that as well, as other games may use them too. They're just generally good to have all downloaded.
    1 point
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