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Posts posted by rafakanex

  1. 3 hours ago, Bash said:

    I can agree this change was slightly harsh and wasn't well thought through. Our motives were to stop the Spider Eye trades so maybe we will go back to just limiting certain items there is a patch tomorrow to fix that stat and a couple other issues so who knows?

    That being said though, when you use the term "all players" yes you're right it does affect a lot of players. When I look at a situation I want to see the whole picture and I am very good at analyzing the entire picture so for example...

    2 weeks ago I posed as a "hacker" in-game. I claimed I had a "gold hack" and I also claimed I knew how to change your special options in Hero Equipment (I basically made maxed out weapons and showed them off). Now I aint gonna call people out but put it this way, out of the people who knew how many do you think didn't want the hack? Didn't want the gold and infact tried to get me on their Discord to start a "purchase system" together to make us rich? Bare in mind these are some of the TOP TOP players in-game wasn't just random people, these are people claimed to not be associated with gold buying or selling YET wanted to do this. Put it this way... 100% of the people I came into contact with claimed to want to be a part of my scheme not one person denied it or reported me to a GS.

    So when you say "all players are affected" why are those statistics not a concern for me?

    I can recall the Nefasto case, one specific player was in the Chatbox begging me to put the server back online whilst sat talking to Nefasto asking for the hack. This same player using the same phrases haselnus233 was using (you don't care or listen to us) but yet was in conversation with Nefasto.

    When I am asked to care for you guys, this is a one way street because in fairness no one cares about me or this server and that's fine but you cannot ask for me to be the only one giving here.

    As for improving VGN Sales if we Paygate something to make VGN more worth it we'd be money oriented fucks so it's hard for us to create ideas to monetize and that takes a lot of planning and hard work (which we're trying to do btw).

    I want to reiterate what I am saying btw, I do care about everyone and I know some innocent people are threw into this if not a lot but everyone must understand I am trying my best to make this game as clean as I can but everyone has to stop supporting them or decisions like this will continue coming (and no this is not me punishing you).

    Hahahah, no ban for trying to buy ilegal stuff? I heard that some people got banned for trying ilegal stuff ;)

  2. 2 minutes ago, Squizzy said:

    That's 1 cellon lvl 7 better than the rewards I get from hunting trash in arena (?) 🤔

    Fkkkkkkkkkkkk best reward you get from that is a ban XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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  3. You don't need s-dmg necessarily. You can get 50+ crit, 15+ dmg to evil and overall SL quite cheap. Since dmg to evil works on all bosses and 6.2 should be the same as s - % to dmg and it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. The only downside is that, some erenia/zenas hoster suck balls and don't value evil dmg x)

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  4. Cepik you talk like you don't have any other way to do gold. Step up your game noob ?. But yeah, IC needs to be more relevant for new player fuck high lvl players, they have tons of ways to be rich af

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