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Posts posted by Zero

  1. 1 hour ago, Vivi said:

    Keep the thread on topic rather then posting a completely wrong statement on every thread you see.

    That guy is obviously a hack. Copy pasting my post on a different thread. God 😂😂
    As for 'completely wrong statement'.. come on :)
    Perhaps a -How to achieve 1mil rep- guide would be helpful. There, a suggestion instead of complaints! 

  2. 1 minute ago, Vivi said:

    Changing a game mechanic to prevent exploits is a viable and correct thing to do because it allows us to expand on content we wouldn't have been able to go for otherwise.

    We no longer have to keep the, "well the gold selling bots can exploit this, so lets not do it", or "Well, this is going to be horribly abused, so might as well just bare bones it" at the front of every conversation we have when it comes to expanding content.

    Yes, this will not be the do all end all of them, but it certainly will slow them down and give us wiggle room to properly expand this game.


    This honestly sounds like people making a mountain out of a mole hill for actually having to PLAY the game.

    You're making a MMO, virtually single player until a certain goal. I might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure the psychology and attraction of MMOS, among other things, is the MULTI PLAYER part. Which means interacting with others. Trading. 
    I rest my case. You will only defend it with 'but the gold selling bots.. bla bla', which is a weak argument really

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Vivi said:

    Most were actually low level/new throw away accounts they used to bot/scam/dupe/exploit to get and sell their gold.

    So sure, if they want to do it on their main, more power to them. That's a 1 way ticket for them to lose their main (which is usually already banned anyway) and have to do it all over again on their alts, bot alts, etc or just give up on gold selling all together :)


    Bash already mentioned he's not going to sit on this idea forever, but he's going to wait and see how this all plays out.



    I like what he said, so gonna bump this here too.

    Yup, but behind those alts. Do you think they were new comers to the game? let's be honest here :)
    Of course you like what he said. He's validating what will prove to be a terrible panic patch.

  4. So, what you've managed here to do is make everyone's life hard, in an attempt to stop exploit abusers.
    You know there's a problem when you change primary mechanics of a game, just to avoid exploits. Here i am, with all my gold on a lv1, having to get another 500k rep on my main as well. I'm sure there's plenty of people in my situation. 

    You know what the funny thing is? The people that used those exploits, I'm betting 9/10 were high levels. Sooo, they most likely meet your trading requirements now. Which is great. Cause you've managed to punish everyone else but them. Cool huh? 

    And to whomever was implying we should go to a different server, I fear a lot of people might do just that :)
    I acknowledge the attempt to fix an issue. But in turn you might have made it even worse.

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