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Posts posted by DarkAngel

  1. 4 minutes ago, Bash said:

    I do care about our players, I don't care about people who kick their feet and threaten. Theres a difference, I shouldn't have to bend over for every single one of you. Some people are going to like our changes, some aren't, that's life so please...

    Threaten? Yikes


    Just now, DarkAngel said:

    Same with me, I just happened to be using martial, that's why I'm making such a fuss about it, I had over 50 pieces of sum5 res listed on bazaar lol.

    . But meh idc anymore I quit already have fun, take care.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Squizzy said:

    I mean, I can't speak for everyone but, my friend has trade limit completed on his characters but he still prefered to use MA for trading purposes (so people didn't know who his main was) and now he lost a bunch of things in bazaar because he is a big reseller, just doesn't make sense to put blame on everyone for the actions of a few people that might have avoided it for bad intentions

    Same with me, I just happened to be using martial, that's why I'm making such a fuss about it, I had over 50 pieces of sum5 res listed on bazaar lol.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Bash said:

    If people didn't use MA's as a way around the Trade Limit I would have given a warning. Where was the thought towards us when people were doing that? Seems in the eyes of the community there is only ever one wrong.

    In my case, if you check my account, my archer doesn't have trade limit, I was just happening to use martial for trading cuz yeah. But as I said, I had a char w/o limit in my acc. But yeah dw I didn't quit now after your post, I quit since the patch came out, good to know you care about your players.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Table said:
    So why do not you give up trading for 24 hours or so? In the last update you did it too. Is it because we are not enough people to make an uprising?


    I know right, I've calculated and 11-12 hours are needed to pts, not to mention that you cant buy any mats to actually make the pts, so yeah, I won't put up with that, I'd rather just quit the game honestly. 

  5. Uh, I've quit martial, and since my main is in the same account, I have no other alt to actually do pts with or even get any items, I don't even have any eq, can't trade myself anything, MA didn't get free eq from Bash either so yeah, I could, but so much hard work just cause Bash forgot :), and I believe that's unfair, I'd rather just quit, this is just stupid lol, he has to realise that yeah, he forgot, he's human yes, but why do I gotta farm for x hours because he forgot, he can perfectly give us 1 day to do the stuff we need to.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Bash said:


    While ago is not 2 days ago. So don't sound like one of those kind of people.

    It's not a case of me caring about it, I am resolving the issue today on fixing the problem. Oops my bad I forgot to add it to the patch notes.... honest mistake don't ride on it and hold it against me like that.

    Honest mistake, yes, no one said it isn't, but we have to go along with the consequences of it now, which are, we have our stuff stuck at bazaar, even 1 day only would be enough to take them out, or as I requested on my ticket, you could just have every martial player without the limit have his stuff removed and sent to parcels to him lol.

  7. Yeah but it seems like he doesn't care about it, it was his mistake that he forgot to say it at patch notes, and at the ticket I wrote they told me that they wouldn't, as I said before, take out my items from nb for me. I don't even have an alt account to go and pts with myself on my martial, and I don't have eq on it since I quit a while ago, good thing I didn't buy vgn I would regret it. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, Azna said:

    Did you expect a reply like " It will be added tomorrow, as you wished, Sir DarkAngel" ?
    You do realize that creating/balancing SPs does not happen in a matter of minutes. Also what happened in beginning of may slowed down the process. And obviously, that's not the only thing that is being worked on.

    I didn't expect it to be added tomorrow, as you say lol. But Bash isn't creating the SP, he will have to balance it yes, and I know it takes time, but I was hoping by June's end/ start of July it'd be available, since as I said, making money right now for martial sucks. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kailash said:

    I hope that very soon, the SP of light will come great. In addition to bringing new forms of combats. I could try it and it's really good. In fact too well and my fear is that they modify it when I get here, I hope they do not modify it.
    The metera in vendetta? Obviously xD.
    When? There if it will be difficult to know xD.

    The work he did with the martial artist was fantastic, I liked everything except the reduction so high of the increases of secondary weapons +25 and +45 of hero. From 55% to 35%: /, it would have been good if there were 45% left as level 91.
    Otherwise fantastic in both equip and SP.

    As a player of the new class in vendetta, I have experienced a lot of good things, in pvp and pvp. My character is already Lv 99 + 50 I can do any raid of the game without problems. The SP 1 is an all-terrain in pve, but unfortunately it is not enough for players to add you in 1 Raid Erenia-Zenas or Fernon. Therefore, if you have left all the classes to play the new one, you only have one way to get gold, which is in the 6.1 and 6.2 maps.
    So yes, to me and several players would like to see SP soon come in light of vendetta.


    But, I suppose that the modifications in RB will come before.
    So a little patience and improve your sp 1 and 2 until the 2 missing.

    I agree, even though, the 1st SP, Draconic Fist, is modified here, it has extra debuffs, the AoE auto attacks on the first form of the SP, they're really good changes for the server, since I've played Martial in Nos US, in fact, was the first player to have its +15 SP, but there it's really weak. So maybe they modify the 3rd SP here, I haven't tried it at US so I don't know how it is, have only seen videos, but yeah, we really don't have a good form of making money a part from 6.1 and 6.2.  

  10. Are there any plans to release the 3rd Martial Artist SP here? @Bash 

    Because, at least for me, I'm a 95+31 Martial Artist, and even tho I've got a r7+9 fist with more than enough stats to be able to do erenia, since my SP isn't light (+13 draconic fist), I don't get added to raids, so the 3rd SP released here would be awesome. 

    I suppose there are plans, but for when aprox?

  11. Just now, Bash said:

    Because you already get one with him (kinda) and he has no Trade Limits so if you have a high level character you can just trade him the necessary items.

    But, other classes get r6+8 equipment, that costs money to make on a new class, that's  what I mean, I know I don't have a trade limit and stuff and the start package gives random r +0 eq

  12. Just now, Bash said:

    If you went to ch2 this is why, ch2 some reason bugged out sorry about that.

    Items should be back, if not then please put a ticket in.

    Hey Bash, why is there no level package for martial, I recently quit my other chars to main martial but there's no package for him, the equipment would've been so useful.

  13. Yo is there any reason why the bash package isn't working? I can't claim it on any of my characters.. and also does it work for martial artist? It'd be a great help to have decent martial artist equipment lol

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