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Posts posted by Norleras

  1. 9 minutes ago, Daddy said:

    Mmm no plenty of good sws changed classes at the current cap.  Its very restrictive especially if they need to farm TT. Their is little room to move between passive conceal, smoke screen, dmg. Wheras before on aeria sw had some good room to choose what they want. Currently most as builds are almost identical. 

    With calculation sw is one of the weaker dps. These debuffs were made because the gear was made weird and didn’t coordinate with other peoples stats and in pvp you can’t always do a rotation and the debuffs are split. . Without the debuffs sw can’t win any high gear vs high gear battles. Everyone is pretty weak on cd defensive wise so that’s not a great argument for me. I’m not talking about the 23m I’m talking about how detect vs conceal was reaching into the high 100s to 200 near the end. Medic destroys any conceal build, it was very common 44-54. 

    Uyy!  Don't get me started with the party detect letting SWs seeing other cloaked SWs...

  2. 1 hour ago, Beau said:

    Class is only as good as the user. 

    I can think of numerous ways how an SW can easily pick up a kill, and it can potentially kill any class easily at the current patch.

    Most of the SW sounds like a broken sad boi when it comes to class discussions and always try to start a pity party. Detect vs Conceal has always been 23m apart give or take when SW and SE invests on Fade and Inner sight. problem with most SW is "I don't need max fade" also the same people who complain Detect vs conceal is broken af. you need to adjust your build and there is no 1 build that fits against all classes.

    I don't know if it's because they "don't need to max fade" or conceal.  The reasons I've been hearing is due to the detection numbers on Kumari making it pointless to invest in concealment.  So they say.  

    SW has:

    • Damage passive
    • 55% Acc/ch acc buff
    • 50% debuff across defensive stats

    This means SW classes don't need to compensate most of the time and can easily use 1 set of weapon for every class since they have buffs to cover Eva and CH Eva and external buffs such as ME,PU buffs always applies to them the same way it does to other classes, but this doesn't mean SW will always get everything their way this is why "good players" find different ways to survive against SW, that is why you still need to get weapon sets to overcompensate and prevent that from happening.

    Against Tanks: 

    -5500 CV (Where are you getting this?  ) + 51% ch reduction (I can see where you're getting this, the Lime sim and the Skill database spreadsheet are both wrong.  Just verified this again in game.  It's not 51%.  Apparently there are other errors on the skill database spreadsheet that are off as well.) + SW natural ch reduction, -26% Void + SW's Natural Void reduction + Unique Ancient Void Pierce + Skill stone, this will put any tanks defensive stat low enough for you to pick them once their buff is on CD. 1 v 1 it all boils down to players skill difference.
    I assume what you regard as natural reductions as the pierces built in our gear?

    Nuke the CV values on ME and PU then I can see reducing the CV debuff.


    Questions/comments in red.  More questions to come after I put down some other tasks

  3. 5 hours ago, MrKnowItAll said:

    Quality of life idea - A blocking experience system toggled by a command or a button (and i talk for everyone when i ask for this. we all need a better way to prevent from leveling up).  Source Code needed, which we don't have.

    This is not as much as an idea but a request. We more ways to use our Medals ( for example silver medals have little to no use) many players have excess medals that they destroy.

    Any requests in which to use use the medals on top of what we already have for us to think about?

    Responses in red

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