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Everything posted by KrysFun

  1. I can only agree, the hard part on doing CC (or even AT/DF, even if it is a little more frequent about AT/DF) is not the dng himself, its to find players to run it, the game is so dead to run such dng, if i can do 1 CC per week i'm already happy (you can call for day in peer w/o having any dm, and i'm geared enough to run CC, i know all boss mechanic, i just can't find players to do it), sure i have a guild, and not the smallest one but even the big guilds are deserted actually, i'm personnally not asking for an easy CC or idk, idc at all, I just want to be able to run these dng daily and actually it seems that the only way is to add a kind of "easy" mod or new content that claim CC, like abyss is a bit more active now cuz you need it for 125 set, if CC sparkles or something from CC could be needed for a higher content maybe it will bring ppl back to CC
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