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Everything posted by KerwanWalford

  1. Greetings reader, I'm Baptiste, 17. I'm a french player who played for something like 4 years on the official server but got bored. I actually want to discover again this game, even if I'm very bad (Really, I sux ) because I lived so much things on this game. I began playing it when I was 12, I joined a guild and had fun with it for 1/2 years and then leaved it. And then began my fall in hell, I was pretty bad and nobody would help me out. I was playing with some good players so other high leveled players trashtalked me during my last years on this game. I want to live this game again, but not alone so I'm happy to meet you and hope that I won't be alone, during this great adventure :D. Thanks you for reading, and excuse my english, i'm only in high school. Edit: Talking about Eden eternal
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