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Posts posted by naru

  1. 1 hour ago, Bash said:

    I feel like you've just had a bad experience with your funds and are taking it out on us. I think it's unfair to try and compare our Awaken rates to Classic when we're trying to achieve a different goal here. If you want Awaken rates then go play the Awaken server, go and spend the same amount of money on Aeria right now and then come spend the same here let me know your outcome.

    IF the offical server would release content i would rather to spend there money but theyre dead so i dont have a reason to go back which doesnt change the fact that youre paying in classic server for rng unlinke awaken server or offical server. I made my suggestion in my last post but i know you guys wont change something unless more ppl cry about the prices so we are done here :)

  2. 2 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Wont change because of your attitude. You don't make suggestions you just rage and complain.

    If you want to get somewhere like I said make a suggestion, just mentioning about Mystery Boxes and then going on a couple hundred word rant about how bad your luck on altar doesn't come across as a suggestion. Just saying.

    You want boxes? Suggest what boxes to make? You want tiered spender? Suggest what tiers you would like to see.

    Nobody cares how many Safety Stones you got in 170 Eden Crystals. That could be a reason or a justification but having a rant about it is just a waste of everyones time.

    As you said "that could be a reason or a justification" to increase the landrate OR make boxes i cant give you examples what you should put in the boxes just go in eden eternal offical website look at the fortification box put the same items in and sell them for your own price or just get some inspirations or make it better than aeria did. Or make a tired spender from 10 usd to 100 usd with items or make costom safetystones with 25% and 50% fort chance and sell them in mysteryboxes like the costumes in awaken server (i mean the mystery boxes)

  3. 8 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Well clearly you're just fighting a battle for sake of it at this point.

    For a start he didn't specifically say to buy the stones at 1k he just rounded it up to an easier number I presume for quick math sake. I never said the landrate would be "more often" at all. I specifically said the rates for stones would be rare and classes as a semi-jackpot item unlike our awaken server. This is something I've been saying since day 1.

    Also clearly you're not thinking when you make these arguements as the stones aren't 90% fail rate at all as its +10% to the base rate and not just 10% success chance. At +6 going to +7 its a 14% and each fail increases the chance by 0.150% and +7 going to +8 its a 12% chance and each fail increases the chance by 0.040%.

    I do like how you latch on to anything negative people say and complete disregard what positives people say in any reply to you on these forums. If you want better chance stones make a proper suggestion or go for rankings or save your cash to buy them overpriced when rankings launch. Any more nonsense and i'll just lock the thread because all this seems to be is you being dealt bad RNG and you're not happy.

    Also idk about the German server but I know when I played the US server there was none of these fortification boxes you're talking about. Only time there was any boxes with stones on them where Tiered spender boxes that you had to pre-spend atleast $100 to get a single stone.

    I didnt say a single time that it only cost 100 euro/dollar to buy such a box in german server i said if you payed there you exactly knew what you will get and for 450 euro you got a fortification box. I know thats alot of money and none said you have to take the same price like the offical server but there was a box/reward in tired spender and there still is a reward like that in tired spender. What ever i could discuss with you the whole day but i know that wont change anything. 


  4. 13 minutes ago, trancyy said:

    Spamming the altar is my game. I figured after the Tritium Scroll altar and today's altar, compared to the previous one's before the tritium scroll. Drop rate's were high. But today the drop rate especially for the stones were low. May we ask if the rate was lowered? Thanks!

    2 hours ago, Jordan said:

    It doesnt count as a suggestion as it was 14 words of your long block of text that was just a big rage. It wasn't even in the title of the post and there was no information given. It was just a comment followed by a massive wall of text of complaining.

    All I'm going to say is you're playing the altar wrong. I'm not going to explain how to play it right and to be quite honest if you know what you're doing you can sit in Aven all day rolling altar then selling what you get, buying more Eden Crystals and repeat. We ran multiple tests on this altar and the rates never change only the position of the items do.

    You mentioned that you only got to +4 with 20 Lucky Safety Stones. I find that hard to believe considering it took me 16/8/12 Regular Safety Stone to +6 when I tested it last night. So clearly you even have the worst luck imaginable or you're just exaggerating the problem. My guess is on the latter to be honest as I just don't see a world where it takes 16 stones to fort 2 levels that one is better than 50% odds of success. I also got 11 Regular Safety Stones in 170 Eden Crystals. Are you even building up the success rate or are you just throwing 1 stone at a time at it cause theres another question you didn't happen to mention.

    The rate to land on stones is very low and ppl here just dont get my point, telling me to sell the ecs to get 12k for 12 stones like wtf . 12 10% stones 1k ea........ If the landrate would be so good like Jordan told us ppl would land way more often on the stones and the price would not be so ridiculous tbh. But the rate is just trash you simply just pay for RNG 90% failrate stones with a ridiculous price and low landrate on altar compared to awaken server where you knew exactly if you buy ec with your real money you will get something for it . I would rather to pay everytime money for fortification boxes on the website then playing this trash altars or sell all my ec to buy stones for 1k ea with 10%. The server is already pay to win so there is no reason to not make it even more pay to win tbh, with that rates you showed us that you want to drain money i mean im fine with that eden is i guess kinda your job then make it more worth to pay for this server .



  5. so my suggestion to make a mystery box for safetystones doesnt count as suggestion i see xD . Still a fact that this is a p2w server you can tell me what ever you want idk what happend maybe you need money or something jordan idc tbh but dont act like this is fair for casuals. You literally pay for RNG here nothing more and the prices are so high because its HARD to land on the stuff so its rare and ofc they sell it for shitty prices :) but yea i guess i just have to buy another 200 ecs to get maybe 2 stones like today

  6. The point is that the rates on the altar are shitty how you can call that normal in a fking p server that ppl need over 170 ecs for 3 safety stones, thats just hilarious. You litterally pay for RNG in this server unlike awaken server and offical where you know for what youre paying. 

    • Like 1
  7. I wanted to suggest to make mystery boxes with fort stones for this server. I payed now few times and got literally nothing for the money i put in this server.   170 ec  158 blue ec and 103 gold ec = 3 ultramarine stones with 10% and guess what happend they all failed ofc. In awaken server you knew exactly that your money will be usefull, if you want to pay for the game ofc. You knew exactly that you will get something for the REAL money you put in your account, in classic server you donate 100 dollar get tons of ec play altar and you need to pray that you will get after 100 ec atleast 1 safetystone like wtf. I know you can just farm gold and buy the stones or sell the ec you get and then buy the stones BUT therates are so low the prices are so high the server is super rng based p2w and you cant even get a weapon to +10 after spending 100 dollar unless youre lucky. In offcial server you had to pay ALOT more to get something thats right but atleast you knew there if you pay that much you will get stuff to improve your gear for sure, so why you dont make it like that just with vendetta prices ? Why you dont give us more chance to upgrade our stuff  ? Rich ppl will now become only more rich, there are already ppl running around telling others they reached 100k+ gold and showing off their+10 gear. I used like 20 lucky safety stones and i got after that a +4 purple staff not even fking +6. The prices are dumb too you cant get as casual enough money to keep up with ppl who sell ecs for real money its just not possible. I farmed today with loot charms in highlands for 1h and i got 900g, cool that sounds alot for this server but a ultramarine stone cost 800g .... wow seems like as casual i have to spend the whole day farming in highlands or 0/10 to get few safetystones with 10%. So the server is already pretty pay 2 win then make it full p2w and give us boxes with safety stones so i know i will get something for the money i put in your server and dont have to pray to god that i will get atleast 1 safety stone after 100 ec.

  8. Idk man ppl hated pets in main server ppl hated pets in awa server and ppl hate them in classic server in arena too. What must happen they get finally disabled ? Same with arena gears and enchants ik you said enchants are not available rn but you said "temporay" . Just make a vote again for arena with pets or without pets and a vote for arena sets. Its disgusting that ppl just play a tank mouse and dont even fight , just play tank mouse run around and get a deadly icecicle pet which deals like 3k dmg everytime it hits you and we only have rn around 20k hp in arena right now . Later in higher levels there will be arena pets which can remove buffs or use magical blockade or even knock down so it will be even more worse.

  9. 2 hours ago, Bash said:

    I think everyone needs to respect the fact that the goal here isn't to produce a 5 second hype. If something takes long to farm it allows you to be excited about a drop for once, this itself brings value to your efforts.

    The main issue we have on our awaken server right now is because of these mechanics being forced to be present. Jordan will spend months on a dungeon and new gear, fine tuning everything to then watch someone complete everything within a couple days of it's release. That isn't fair and it doesn't allow us to take a step back as we are having to jump straight back into a new patch. A lot of games seem to be doing this and it's causing a lot of problems and when finally a game does this it's then complained about because "it's too hard, I don't have the time for this" and then forced into making it easy so that same person can demand new content "because there's nothing to do".

    As for the game being like Aeria? That's total nonsense. You get 20% of what we give from Aeria (if that) for your money and they give harder rates for their stuff. You shouldn't be expecting to be max refined within the first 5 days of a games release.

    Dear Bash,

    You and Jordan released a system (weapon% system) which came out with the class drop system and now you guys want to tell me this is classic like the eden 8 years ago ? Its okey that the droprate is shit but if you farm for DAYS and then get the gold weapon you want with 103% , its just frustrating . Why Saying Luminary was released at lv 75 cap and releasing at the same time the % weapon system shit which werent out at lv 55 cap ? Doesnt make sense then you could just release Luminary for example too. Arcane box werent released at 55 too but its still here idk why. Anyways the % weapon shit is just crap and alot of players say that when you run trials with them and they get shitty % on the weapon which they farm for like the second day of the server after reaching 55. Other thing is that the beta is only two weeks how we should prepare for lv 60 trials in two weeks if literally NONE can fort the equipment properly ? lv 60 Trials were back in aeria server a pain in the ass without good gear, exspecially Manor trial and Century trial.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Reikan said:

    Purple weapons can have MAX 160%, they don't appear with less than 101%.

    Also, purple weapons don't have the effect, so a 100% Magic Skeleton is still better than any purple weapon at 160% due to the special effect.

    Not that it's important, but Purple weapons break too often aswell due to half durability.

    next time read what tutti said and then read what i said ^^

  11. 4 minutes ago, Tuti said:

    Another thing to add is: before we had 10 runs of each trial per day.
    Means we could focus on getting something. If we need to gear 1~2 healers we could spam vileshark x10 daily
    If we need to gear one mage we could spam Veninfang trial daily
    Now we only have 3 attempts per day. RN we are playing in a whole system built to work with class drop but no class drop.
    Some people from my guild are concerned about % fixed in 100%, what does happen with purple weapons if we fix weapon % to 100%? Because if golden are fixed to 100% but purple can get 160%, means some golden weapons that doesn't have a very good passive will become useless, but if we have purple gear fixed at 100% they will be useless.

    Why you would like to use gold weapons with shit effects on 100% if you can use purple weapons with 100% but with more atk or matk. I mean if the effect of the gold weapon is shitty just go for purple . Purple has more atk and matk then gold , screw the gold weapon you dont like . 

  12. We ran last night ALL lv 50 trials and we only got 2 weapon out of it and 3 trophies.

    I would suggest if you already released the arcanebox costume reroll thing and the EP store (both were not available at the beginning) why not releasing the class drops too ? I mean the % on weapon were released when class drops came out. Now we run 15 min trials with shitty droprate and if youre unlucky with 101% drops xD. Maybe make pets not available in trials too they deal just to much damage and the bosses are not fun anymore. 

    Or just remove the % on weapon and higher the droprate just a tiny little bit more so its not that frustrating to run trials. 

    Right now the server is in my opinion like the aeria server 8 years ago (a little bit better but still like aeria) it is compared to awaken vendetta very pay to win . I mean yea you can farm gold BUT you cant farm that much to effort safety stones with it, ppl sell them for 1k ea. I know not the server is doing this shitty prices but still as casual you wont have lot of fun exspecially when you get a party with lot of cash players with their +8 or maybe even +10 gears . I hope  you give casuals the chance to gear up too otherwise its fully P2W.

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