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Everything posted by Plump

  1. So just let me quickly argue the SS case for the normal player who can't rly pay money or at least not much money for the game, let's say he wants to be able to pvp decently so what he's aiming for is a +6 fortification on everything his class needs, so weapon and the 5 armor pieces. Let's assume he plays a decent amount of EE a day, 2-3 hours and he uses all of that time to do 0/2s and farm some gold otherwise because he really wants to be ready for pvp, allowing him to make around 2k gold a day. Until the +6 fortification he has to go with ordinary security stones which are 300g a piece on the market right now, or premium lucky stones for 500g that give that sweet 7% bonus. In this example we'll just leave out the fact that sometimes neither of those are rly available on the market. He is able to buy 2000/300 = 6.6 ordinary stones per day or he buys 4 premium stones. Since +1 and +2 are free with 100% he needs to start using them from +3 onwards. +3 has a 64% of succeeding so let's assume he's not the luckiest fellow so we calculate with the average he'd need, so he needs 2 of either, for +4(32%) he needs +/- 3 of either again, for +5(16%) he needs around 7 normal stones or 5 lucky stones and for the +6(8%) he wants the needs either 13 normal stones or 7 lucky ones. Let's tally those numbers up, either 25 normal stones or 15 premium ones, so to +6 a single piece of equip he needs to play 4 days regardless of which type of stone he chooses for that. Now to +6 all of his equip he needs 20 days total. Rejoice after two thirds of a month you've reached pretty much the minimum required by using all of the time you had available for EE to strictly farm gold for the upgrades and do nothing else in the entire game yet. Honestly that's 20 days to make 1 class of yours useful, and you haven't even played the game outside of money farming during that entire time, if we want to drag this up to +10 it gets even more demoralizing. Of course you may argue that you only need to have 1 class be usefully geared to play the game but 1. He doesn't have his useful gear yet he used his entire time on farming the stones he needs for the upgrades, now it's time to go for the gear. 2. One of the main selling features of EE is it's class system that allows you to play any class and it taking almost an entire month just to get 1 up to par is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion. Keep in mind that this is only +6 you won't be swimming with the big fishes anytime soon if you don't upgrade the spending or take more time off everything else to play EE. Now i could extend these calculations to +10 but i think everyone can see that it would require our poor Mr. Average over here way longer than 1 month of using all his available EE time to grind that gear without being able to enjoy the game yet. A point that a lot of people make is that you don't need +10 to enjoy most of the game, which is something i can agree with sometimes but not always, depending on if you want to do pve or pvp. You can also argue that a lot of players have more free time to play EE than i gave Mr Average over here but the faster money making ways that don't involve spending real life money are quite limited so the overall gold haul would still be quite similar. So what i want to argue here is simply that people should be able to grind for SS without having to sacrifice all of the in game gold they make so SS only, after all this game has many other things that require good amounts of gold as well (Achievements, Weapon %, Aven fame, etc) things that are also needed to gear yourself. So my point is that it should at least be simpler to get the normal SS needed to reach +6 and in my opinion they should simply be farmable. I'm not arguing for a quick and easy +10 here but an easier +6 would make the game a lot more enjoyable for a lot of people i'd assume and i think just making them accessable through Altars as well as the god awful rate on the alpaca coins is wholly insufficient to make this in any way enjoyable. Take from this what you will my own solution would be to buff the alpaca coin drop rate of security stones which i know is absolutely unpopular with you guys for reason that i absolutely cannot understand, after all the rates for +7-10 are awful enough to warrant the usage of % enhancing stones even if the normal stones are readily accessible. If you read until this points i thank you for putting up with this giant wall of text and hope i made my case clear enough for you to understand.
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