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Everything posted by xSuigetsuux

  1. Hello, zumi and halfkin races are smaller and so they get a more zoomed in camera. However, even with the camera as far as possible it's still quiet narrow. Sometimes it is stressing not to see much in trials or dungeons. Not to mention in Haven of Oblivion you can't even see the bosses entirely or if Phantom casts clones clearly. And most importantly, in Territory War vision is key in many occasions, a Glacier Knight bear using the mount skill will easily have x2 a zumi's vision and rapidly detect enemies getting behind your party. Overall, zumi and halkin cameras are very close to the character and you don't have a great vision of field in any place. I suppose there is a limit to how a GM can modify the game, but if it was possible adding a little more distance from the character to the camera, this player would indeed appreciate it. Not asking for a League of Legends camera, but something that gives us margin and allows us to see smoothly would surely help a lot in game comfort. Thanks for taking your time, I appreciate it.
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