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Posts posted by DrApple

  1. @Beau damn you are so stupid when it comes to this game and its history X'D

    Month ago BGs where so 1 sided, no one joined janus or tp and rarely if ever had pvp in Amara. iVE BEEN TOLD BY OTHER PLAYERS THAT I BROUGHT THE GAME BACK LOL. I don't even see your ass online anyone so...,. X'D

    p.s even a GS told me this :P 

  2. On 8/6/2020 at 12:53 PM, Beau said:

    Check pan's vid, there is no work around except to sacrifice a bit points so you can PVE with ease, you are building a full support ME for a reason, if a DE went full tank it would be on the same boat so we need to adjust, this is the point I am trying to say.

    2nd boss, if no one still teaching you, you need to kill the bugs before it reaches the boss other wise it will gain annoying buffs plus you need to kill the butcher before the boss.

    I'm the 1st person to ever make a video for that dng back when it was lv 40's/50s ( 1st VSB sever time frame) I know how to run the damn thing. Also like i said back than when i was also still a FS medic i was able to run it. This game is killin its self when it does BS like this with dngs. Back when it was lv 40s/50s i could still clear it as a FS medic cause I used my mech. 

    In a game with little to no players most of the day, we shouldnt have to fucking sacrifice shit. Covid stops people from spending money on AP so i can't get reset skills to fix my build over and over. I also dont have the RP to get them either or i wont be able to us my major mechs because im a medic and farming RP takes over an hour.

    This game is going to shut down again cause of some stupid bullshit. If i leave i take the pvp with me. Game was dead in BGS and group pvp in amara before i started playing again. ( I've had over 3 people tell me this and im the only one who actually can get RG to come PVP)

  3. @Vivi

    Ever since this last maintenance update. I've been getting nonstop laf or launcher issues, along with BG not loading or DCing me when I get to a certain area in NB.

    1. Launcher wont even fucking work after i put my information in. (ID/Pass Word). I've had to go into task manager and close VSB 4 times tonight in a row. It stil didn't work over and over.

    2. When i log in and get into the game, the window bug outs and i can see the game when i open it but nothing moves. I close the window and reopen it, things change like chat or if people move but the game its self isnt moveing the same time or i cant see anything change till i re close the window and open it again.

    3. Every NB since maintenace, when i get near the RG tunnel by mid I get a black sceen to the point i either DC or have to force close the game because it won't respond.

    4. Non stop lag in Amara. Anywhere its gotten so bad to the point i cant even walk around base without lagging non stop or DCing

    5. Even when leveling my alt the PVE mobs area is lagging so badly, one second im full health the next im almost dead.

    I'm not the only one having these issues, Before you add more shit INTO the game, please fix the basic shit of it so we can play it before i quit cause i can't even play. Anyone else who having same issues or different onces since the recent maintenace , please comment you're issues also. This isn't your 1st sever for VSB, had same issues back than half the time anything you tried to add someonething and look what happen to it. I love this game and since ive came back PVP has become alive again. Please fix this bull shit lag before me and others quit or take a LONG ASS break again.


    P.S all you fucking stupid ass cunts who say " Ohhh its you're internet" its not so stfu and get off this post.

    ~Love, Apple UWU

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  4. On 7/31/2020 at 9:10 AM, Beau said:

    We understand what you are saying, about ME not having enough DPS to flash farm dungeon, It always was the case. If you are not aware the dungeon was already been nerfed too. There is no such thing as every class can or should be able to run dungeon equally, the players are the only one who established this nonesense. Obviously DPS can clear the fastest, followed by tank because of their resillience but take much more time, however due to ME's class nature it has poor DPS and Defense but excels alot in Healing and support making it the poorest class choice to PVE.

    You are missing the point of what im saying.

    I cant even SOLO the Dng past the 1st boss. Also "flash farm" isnt something Ive ever know because Ive always solo dngs with a ME. Before this new DNG, my FS medic at any level was able to farm any DNG, not fast but atleast i was able to do it. Unlike this new one i cant even kill the 2nd boss cause of his regen and lack of dmg I have , in or out of mech.

    Im not wanting to flash farm ,I just want to be aleast able to fucking run the new dng like i was able to do at any level before as a FULL SUPPORT MEDIC. I know they suck for PVE i play her for PVP but  i need items for PVP so i have to farm PVE.



  5. So I'm thinking of making either a Sen or Pun. Sadly I've never played them on like a " life style for game" level and dont really know them well.

    I started playing this game as a Whipper back on Aeria, then switch to a medic cause my old guild needed one.

    Gimme pros and cons of each class in PVE and PVP in your eyes.

    P.S click bait titles

    p.p.s i wanna murder ppl in pvp

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    • Haha 1
  6. You people think I want more dmg for medics in PVP which I dont. I dont want them missing with status or medics skill tree. 

    what i want is to be able to run the new DNG solo, like i have at any other level before as a FULL SUPPORT MEDIC. I ran DHMH solo for days+ for mats for my medic. Yes, it took longer then most classes by like 15-25 mins but atleast i could do it.

    My suggestion is making either the mobs have less def on SOLO runs (ONLY) OR have the PVE LV 60gears status change so they actually make a different s in pve. Because the only diff  between PVE GEARS AND PVP GEARS is the PVP status. Make the PVE higher dmg vs PVE mobs.


    Also not everyone wants ALTs out the ass, I dont have time or AP for items an alt would need. I just want to be able to run a fucking dng like i have been able to do at anv level before this new DNG was fucking added.

    You ppl wonder why no one plays anymore, CAUSE THIS GAME TAKES TO MUCH TIME TO EVEN GET THE BAISC SHIT.

    This wasnt a fucking issues on the 1st sever for VSB ever. We actually have ppl on this one, and im tired of u ppl not giving a shit about medics SOLO play when u fucks are asleep or fucking busy. We have lifes to and shouldn't have to wait around to even run a DNG cause we cant even kill the 2nd boss cause our DMG doesnt do shit when he goes bersker and starts healing 24/7 while im stanidng here meching and still cant kill him. I got the 2nd boss to 10% hp and almost kill him but his REGEN is more then my dmg in or out of mech.

    Fix the new dng mobs def on solo or give more dmg to PVE gears for medics.


    • Like 1
  7. I've been meaning to address this and try to get something done since coming back. As a full support medic build I've always been able to at least SOLO run any DNGS at ANY LEVEL, but with this new one (TTS) thats for lv 60 mats for Major MECH/SKIN I cant. 

    In my option this isn't fair to the medic class at all, we are stopped from being able to play the game , by just playing the game .( being a FS and not DPS medic) Solo farming when people are off  is imposiable as a FS (cause most people only active for NB OR AK nowadays, so TEAM RUNS are rare). 

    Now you're thinking " Just SKILL reset for a dps build.." No you're a dumb ass. Why should meidcs be forced to be one type of build to even RUN a dng ( which has never been a issues before), most people play for PVP not PVE. As a FS medic I can PVP the way i want to. If i switch just for PVE to farm for PVP items then i will be using skil resets 24/7. I dont have the gold time or RP for that.

    Any other class no matter what SKILL BUILD OR GEARS they go can SOLO run this DNG, but medics can't. ( Beings a DPS u can but not everyone plays like that and sitll takes million times longer then other classes even when we go dps)

    My suggestion is making PVE dmg HIGHER only in the new DNG for medics so we can at least RUN THE DAMN THING SOLO ( which again has never been a issues before) also making the XP% HIGHER in this DNG for solo players, so they can get to LV 65 in a decent time vs months cause people are not active doing DV partys.

    P.S give us more damage vs Wardens / Rangers / RP mobs in amara cause it takes over an hour to solo cap as medic :')


  8. 4 hours ago, Jade said:

    @DrApple No there isn't really a way to implement a game mechanic to check for when you were last pulled and set a timer or anything of the like to prevent a new pull. This would be code base oriented and this isn't possible for us. The only way to limit pulls in any way is using the system of Cooldowns. Which, in a 1V1 sure if the CD was set so there was some sort of delay or gap between 1 pull and the next, but let's look at when there is 2 WH there. You can't test for a pull and act on this information.


    yea it was a long shot, was just wondering if even possible. Tbh whipper just need to be nerffed 90% of one faction is mostly whippers XD

  9. Just a thought but can we limit the amount of times you can be pulled ? Because there is NO counter play in PVP vs whipper chain pulling people. Not really touching the whipper class its self but everyone tbh. Maybe make it a limit of 2 or 3 pulls someone can be pulled back to back.

  10. Good morning everyone, I was hoping we could get some new weapon skins or bring some old ones back like the Rebirth Staff for medics. I love all the new cstm for people but we don't have a lot of weapon skins.

  11. I would love to join but I work on the weekends from 11am to 3pm CNT time, I just recently started playing again so I am not sure what time AK is for me on Saturdays. If i can't I hope we get to do this another day with more of a heads up.

  12. Hello all, I'm not a new player but i have returned because before i quit farming XP and leveing was hell for me as  MEDIC because of the same reasons she listed about dmg and people. I would like to see new better drops in the HARD mood of DM because honestly its still the same stuff when it was 1st opened. I quit because IT TOOK TO LONG TO LEVEL AND IT STILL DOES. How many of you actually play this game for 5 hours non stop? Doesn't matter which faction you are people have REAL lifes and cant always help others level. IF you don't want to make it OPEN for everyone to level faster, at least make it where Dungeons we run actually helps us level so we don't have to relay on people. As a medic it takes me 30mins or so to even  get the DM (hard) done. So i would suggest making DM give u at least 5% ever run ( or close to it) ,which for a medic 5x20= 100% in 20 runs ill level, so 20 runs at 30 mins each equals about 10 hours worth of farming alone in a DN which some could do in a day where others cant because of work etc.The main thing the turned me from this game and coming back eariler was the fact its so hard to level vs how it use to be in OLD vsb where u could level as fast as u breath, which I understand causes issues but making it so hard you need to spend 1 hour together with others to even farm to get xp from DV is kinda annoying. IF anything please make the boosters we already have into 30 mins one at a time so instead of an hour stuck xp farming ( and not waste it, like i have lol) we only have to be 30mins if RL gets in the way and can come back and pop another one for a total hour there.

    My suggestion as an example:

    30min boosters ( 5000%+)

    Better Hard mode of DM with higher xp and more gold along with better drop if possible please.


    P.S this also isnt like other games with this being a private sever of a game that shut down (which this ONE has shutdown also before vsb1, before Aeria SB closed.) We did level fast but we also had tons of people for a while till people quit. Dont make it fast like that but if i spend 4hours on a game and get little to no XP from farming in parties or solo. I wouldn't want to keep playing a game like that. AND if we do have lv 69 patch same issues will pop up later. Thanks ❤️ 

  13. I would love to have new cstm as uni ones. Like new style instead of bunny and sweet candy. Something cute would be awesome also and maybe add lv 60+ to it and new stats to go with new levels. If not i just want to be able to get uni cstm in DS cuz im missing a hat and like i cant get one atm . .-.

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  14. Can we get these items in the loot boxes please?

    • Uni Linger lv 57 ( all classes)
    • Ancient Spanners (That won't happen. They are part of the event mystery box, however)
    • Rebirth staff for medic ( pretty please)
  15. Also could we get the other 2 staffs, the angle one and flower one ( i think) and can we get the pink linger that looks like a sports bra with normal panties and a cat on it? Make it a new uni linger. Would be great. Also why don u always keep ever box you guys make up on the item mall.

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