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Posts posted by Daddy

  1. On 9/29/2019 at 6:16 PM, Viper said:

    I couldn't get on for a while but it looks RGs can overwhelm FKs easily with WHs. However, I feel everytime we open FC from RG to FK, balance gets restored for a while and then it goes back to like it was, and one reason for that is that FKs quickly get bored after winning and just leave. Player mentality is more to blame than anything at this point. Maybe opening both sides permanently could ultimately BE the best decision, who knows. 


  2. honestly medics aren’t the issue. It’s always been the whippers. The past few months we have seen a influx of Whippers on both sides and they tend to choose who can win. I have won pvp in amara bgs or big bgs as solo medic very often so it’s not really medic related altho it is an issue on fk side since like March it was typically only myself, shiny, and pan. 

    Most people hate medic right now due to how fast we die and having the most restricted build out of any class but I stil enjoy and if I’m not lazy I can prob solo heal for awhile and get all the loot at once due to shift and heeled flair lol. Also people are rude af to medics or don’t even try to help them so there’s that. 

    fc was always a temporary help mainly because FK don’t like winning more than 2 months ( this is very accuracies since like 49 cap). Other reason is because once people fc everyone decides to play again. There were times I’ve gone to rg in asb and here in vgn where I wanted to help on rg and they all came back and trash talk me. Same for whenever people go to fk. 

    theres a lot of unwarranted trash talk and drama between factions even though we usually all play both or have played both. Player attitude is a huge issue that can go a long way as I’ve seen a lot of people just not want to play due to the harassment once they switch chars they have or in fc. 

    Our population has always been allover the place for a multitude of reason and I think the permanent FC will be the best help we can get. FK were winning A lot not too long ago and some rg were boycotting. Having this will allow for pvp to continue through something like that and then switch back if it improves. A lot of people have always wanted to switch when it’s closed cus when their faction is winning during a certain time they still get dominated in another time zone  or they just wanna have fun and pvp in general. 

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  3. unfortunately a lot of the changes everyone wants do take awhile especially for Vivi to create. Testing phase is actually incredibly long believe it or not which require a lot of going back to the drawing table. we currently have a lot on our plate and are not trying to push anything to the side. Vivi is pretty open to fc this time and we will see how we should handle this round. 

    for winning. It comes in cycles and FK tend to not want to dominate as long as RG (I’ve seen 2 weeks to 3 months max except around 39-44 cap) which is why it declined so quickly. It’s been this way all the way since ASB lol. Let’s try and stay on track tho and not repeat same statements 😬

  4. 14 hours ago, Snowbearkay said:

    hi there, 

    I am new to Vendettas Scarlet blade server...I am seeking a medic skill build guide or help... I have always played a support class

    in every game i have ever played... but scarlet blades skill tree i find a tad confusing.. 



    I'm a medic main and have been for a very long time. Prob like the main medic tester lol.

    There are a few routes you can go but currently it's best to have at least Accuracy buff for any route or you will seriously lack the acc/chacc to do any damage to mobs or people.

    You can go for a route with the stun: Shock Jock. This route is pretty costly as you will lose out on some mobility and maybe even some HP depednign on what you want

    You could instead go for the atomic tree and see which ones work for you. There are two slows and 1 immobolize. They can help you alot with kiting so that you can healer your self and teammates easier. 

    DOT (plasma fire tree) is useless as of now.

    I max my heals cus they are really good.

    Buffs are really up to you. Theres a Crit atk buff, a Phys and CH atk buff, resist/void buff, eva/cheva buff, and a detect buff for SW/PU who can go invis.

    Then for utility/mobility. Theres shift: TEleport skill. and Heeled Flair: A movement speed buff.

    Cleansing is important as well to get rid of debuffs.


    We don't really have DPS right now, mainly in mech. but I wouldn't really use that to DPS either.


    Here is my build right now. 



    I have a utility build with max HP. I can get myself out of situations pretty easily and I am pretty tanky but I can't do much on my own lol.



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  5. wot i never said restoration. i said rez as in the medic resurrection skill (lazarus blessing) 


    I'm just stating no other class has an unusable skill like lazarus blessing which is pretty shitty to do to a class. 1 skill point matters alot lol.


    After seeing what Filo posted as well I do see why 100% was selected. 


    I do think though a fix would be utilizing what looks like a spawn point in the head snatcher room instead if we disabled lazarus blessing in nuclear bunker.



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  6. I read it. I’m just expressing. No other class has a disabled skill like medic. I could make much better builds with that 1 point. Im sure other classes could do better if they could move just one point. This isn’t my first post in this thread and I addressed the other stuff and have brought it up to the team. 

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  7. You all realize that we have to use a skill point for Rez which already can’t be used in battlegrounds and ak  making it a waste already. Honestly removing it from bunker I would have no reason to ever get Rez. It would be pretty useless since most of the time there is rarely a good time to Rez in mass pvp 

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  8. ah, the base gamma are to help you in the process of getting actual rare gear (doesn't say base). the base gear have really low stats that will probably be the reason why you are dying so quickly. you also need to enhance your gear because that will be your major necessity to killing things faster and tanking better.


    not sure what lvl you are but I suggest doing the easier dungeons for some gold and see if you get any rare gear you can use, or look on the auction house.


    for lvl 29 and below as a punisher, its best to look for scout accessory for more crit dmg and seer accessory for more chacc and chakra dmg. 


    Rare mechs also make everything significantly easier if you cant get your hands on one. always shout if you need help and someone might even help you buy some stuff lol.

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  9. 22 minutes ago, KawaiiNyanNyan said:

    what i use are: 
    CP Regen
    Max HP
    Movement Speed

    I also have Defense, but it's not very useful. 

    y you necro this thread 

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