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Posts posted by Daddy

  1. On 10/31/2020 at 11:08 AM, enkephalin07 said:

    I'm wondering what can and can't be done with future development and what constraints there are to development, so I understand which suggestions can actually go somewhere. Today I saw an age old bug in the 'Kill Exiled Bishops' daily quest, in which the number required and completed weren't displayed. It seemed to me a minor thing to fix, if someone was so motivated to.

    That should Be fixable. Generally we have to work with existing features and things from dragona which is another liveplex game we use stuff from. We can make things based off of what already exists. So we modified leveling, new dungeons but old maps, new items just with a different array of ideas, change skills, and add costumes. Costume we have to work on an existing costume or on the bare model. So a lot of our costumes are basically “painted” over something. I think we’ve been pretty creative lately thinking outside the box making things the game never had even if it’s just recycling things we have already. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Prophetux said:

    Dont know if anyone has reported this before but Ive got to report it anyway since its still around. The Acheron entrance in Amara for Solo mode and Team mode are imputted wrong. One gets the option to go Solo mode but when in Acheron, the mobs and Bosses are actually Team mode difficulty, and to get Team mode which contains Solo mode difficulty mobs and bosses ... well, its obvious that one must have a team. Please fix this and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this :D awesome weekend to everyone.

    O i thought this was fixed I'll check again with Vivi :D

  3. Thank you 😭 you have no idea how much time making patches take. Banana Vivi and I have to do a boatload before it can even get to the testing phase :/ and now the team is basically only doing tests nonstop for hours 😂


    im pretty sure people will enjoy the event. We are also seeing if we can add on to it later with some ideas I had too late 😃


    big props to Vivi. We’ve had more content in this than actual asb and it has been open longer than official lol. 

  4. skill changes comin after 🧛‍♂️🎃

    ive been in bunkers like this in ASB its really no different but yes we do hav a smaller population

    i main  med and DE lol. I also was like the main whipper skill builder on asb lol

    many more issues came from major mech that i actually didnt want to release but 90% of you nobz wanted mechs l0l


    we are still trying to fix stuff but this game is hard and ridiculous to alter. once this upcomming stuff is done i will probably look for alot of feedback for skills. there are really good things and really bad things in current skills so just gotta sift through that later. (also this work is done out of our free time which is why it is slow & i only get ap)


    i actually really like CB but the SB devs made it annoying to alter due to the design of the trees.

  5. ye the 2nd nexus was going to have a nice couple of buffs on it too but pooop

    for the craft, will see again if we will add those features.

    i think vivi was having issues with hauler/ct before but i wonder if she can put drops in it.



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