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Posts posted by Shal

  1. I mostly agree with jordan response to OP points.

    What I would like though is for pdps classes to get some dmg boost in pvp (although waiting to see ranger performance is better right now, before any balance). On proper party fights pdps seems quite underwhelming dmg wise, MA and hunter do have op debuffs but their dmg output is really bad from what ive seen + they are single target. Most good parties now play with bard, which makes having a lot of defense pretty easy even on mdps classes.

    Also illu icicle could be double hit as you said but i dont really care about this, they are mostly single target so its fair i guess, but its sad that pdps doesnt have the same treatment dmg wise considering most pdps do single target dmg + need to go through an additional damage reduction which is easily boosted by a very common pvp class.

    And yeah dual wielding classes gets the shaft in this game, if u wanna have any chance of survival u need very high resistances (sacrificing stats, which are harder to get for pdps i think) + eva which isnt even good to rely on since CCs that nullify it are so common + ACC will get easier to build with next cap.



  2. 3 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Totem is part of the TW's and has always been and when it became useless at Awaken Classes every TW map became stale. The rays became useless the Totem became useless and it just turned tw's into the exact same thing just a different style of map. So whats the point? Why don't we just say screw it and throw the regular map on every day of the week?

    As like I said with Normal Class TW on Awaken server the Totem is part of the classic experiance, it's one of the most memorable things about classic Eden Eternal. People sitting here asking me to dig out some super old TW system where people earn win %'s instead of just winning for being the winner and you guys are raging about an RNG spawn system. Come on.

    If your winning the TW to the point where you deserve the win you should have map control, if you have map control and your team lets the other team get totem then you lost of your own mistakes. The spawns maybe RNG but the points are not, there is a set amount of points on the map and when I played if my guild was trying to win we had control over the totem spawns every spawn. If the crystals are 2-2 then yeh maybe sucks if totem spawns on there side. But the chances of it spawning on there side every time is minimal and when it spawns on your side you should have grabbed it and pushed advantage to gain map control.

    Personally Im not saying that you should remove totems and leave ice maps blank, im saying you could improve upon a feature that has been heavily complained about since I have memory in ms and ps, which can be done with a balance of the boss itself or a rework of the mechanics so that it gives an advantage to the farmers but its not as dominating as it currently is.


    Most competitive players I know dislike ice maps just because of how shura works, like for real what part of totem camping and the proceeding 1 shots is fun? Once every 10 wars it might have a fun resolution but most of the time is a snooze fest with one side dominating the other with shura and map control until the timer ends.


    Why not try to balance shura rather than keeping it the same way which people complained about over and over to aeria? You have the power to create a better game than it was before. Gold weapon percentages are not a classic feature so I dont see why this has to stay the same using that same logic, why not improve it if you can?.


    But well if this suggestions are just gonna get disregarded then no point discussing it I guess.


    @SenorBernd you sound really defensive about all of this and keep repeating the big e pepe thing, why cant we discuss a middle ground at least? Do you actually 100% have more fun in ice maps compared to the others? Did classic ee have a perfect system that doesnt need improvement? Why cant we talk about a rebalance at least.

    • Like 2
  3. Shura has never been a fun mecanic, and in this meta it isnt balanced for sure. It would be nice if jordan could change its mechanic so its actually engaging rather than just farm the totem spots and then steamroll everything with 2 buttons. Shura has always been here and in classic as well of course, but that doesnt mean its fun, good or balanced for the game, its just a frustrating feature that makes ice TW maps garbage to play in.


    It is specially bad in this meta because people take forever to cap a single xtal, in that time shura can just come and erase any effort put in it. The only real way to "come back" right now is stealing the next shura, does that make it good or fun though? Not for me and I bet not for many others.


    It would be better if worked like the rays or a boss monster that gives many points like sasori suggested, or at least balance it a bit.

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  4. Hi, I need help with launching the game.

    When I try to play the game through the patcher (and .bat) it gets stuck at the initial loading screen (reaching full bar) without ever going to the account log in screen.

    Ive redownloaded the game already and verified all the files in the patch several times while always running the patcher/bat on compability mode for windows 7 + running as administrator. EE folders are excluded from windows firewall (im on W10) so its not a firewall issue. Both my system and GPU drivers (radeon R9 380) are up to date.

    Have anyone experienced the same issue? how can I solve it? I would appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.



    Solved the issue, downloaded and installed the files found here 

    so i guess that did it.


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