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Posts posted by Azna

  1. 4 hours ago, Kaizou said:

    There's a lot more that goes into the damage output than just the equipment.

    Your damage will mainly heavily revolve around what the opponents wearing and what they have equipped, so you may reduce around 46% ressistance but what if your opponent is using 150% ressistance while another only has 120%, you may reduce 35% defence but what if your opponent is using a 60% double defence armour possibly with enhanced ranged damage or the oppponent could only have 30% defence with negative effects/ inc all ress, whatever may be the case.

    The majority of users in VGN have decent equipment so if you do want to do decent damage, it'll take a lot more than equipment alone, your damage can be majorly improved by having things like perfected specialists, major trophies, equipment hats and accesories, act 6 books and knowing how to properly point your specialist cards for PvP.

    They're probably testing on the same target, which means their "opponent" has the same equipment, however, I suggest reading the damage formula which was posted somewhere there.. It's a little complicated, but it is the only real way to answer your question. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Pandemonia said:

    Hey there Azna !

    If it is calculated like it should be then it is this: Player [LvL] > Monster [LvL] (So basicly if your level is higher than the level of the monster you'll have a certain chance to deal a certain amount of more dmg)

    Best regards, Panda

    I do know,that's how it writes in the description. However, I asked bash since he's written the code ^^, He said he will give it a look when he has some free time.
    PS: May as well check for the PVE skin, Bash ! 
    Much appreciated ^^,

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