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VGN Games

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  1. @JordanI just have some small QoL changes and a few suggestions since a racial patch was possibly in the works, mentioned a few forums ago. QoL Changes: 1. Remove captcha from guild towns and player housing. It's not really a place it should be popping up in my opinion, especially when trying to summon 100+ mobs at an altar or 80+ baby phoenix the old fashioned way after the Sakura Island nerf to them, it'd be nice to at least not have to deal with captcha ruining the mood more. 2. Make Lv20+ summoning blueprints purchasable in stacks of 100+ if possible, the Lv95?+ ones can be purchased in higher amounts but not the low level ones and I think this change would be a nice change to accompany the guild town leveling changes. 3. Portable Bank and Portable Auction time be extended to be at least 2 weeks, giving us good rotation with our Daily Login rewards since they are every 2 weeks for one Bank and one AH. 4. To help with bringing back arena, I have a few reward suggestions. Rank 1: Eden Crystal x30(NT), Corona's Heartflame Lv120 x1, PvP Token x5, Honor Star x1500 and similar to 1v1 a "Rank 1 Arena" type of title that will last for the entire month and have an icon over their head with a special glow. Only 1st rank in every arena bracket can obtain this title, so 3v3 will have it's own and MBA it's own, etc. The rewards for 2-5 will be similar to 1st place but dimmed down on the EC/HS amounts and so forth and so on. 5. Add 115 bloods/cores to the loyalty item mall. I see all the other Lv115 materials however the bloods were left out and they are useful whereas the cores are not currently. 6. Change the 3v3 and 10v10 and MBA maps to new ones, spice it up for us or give us a chance to be in a new one or the old one similar to how TW maps rotate. 7. Let us be able to queue up in our own set parties before entering 3v3 or 10v0, we should be able to que as 2 and get a random solo or que as 3 and fight vs another 3, etc like this. 8. Heroic Trait Tome and Memory tomes available for login reward coin trade. 9. Stack CC formula boxes like DS boxes. - I'd ask for gem BPs too but I feel you won't, but if you do yay. Suggestions for Racial Patch: 1. Anuran can craft "Enhance Essence Powder Lv120" making another use of Lv120 Corona's Essences. 2. Zumi can craft "Wonderous Pouch" A sort of Lv110+ wonder pocket/4th dimension bag that can have NEW items in it such as Lv110 and 120 pet weapons and accessories, a chance to obtain Lv14 enchants crafted or blueprints, the other misc items the old ones consisted of but new and improved. 3. Human can craft physical, mana and claret fusion resist gems similar to our courage/compassion resistance.
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