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Nanami last won the day on November 25 2024

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About Nanami

  • Birthday 11/02/1994

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    Eden Eternal

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  1. Hi there! I'd like to provide some feedback on the latest content patch and offer some suggestions. I'm sharing these thoughts in the hope that they will be considered with an open mind and heart. I believe that making these changes to our server could benefit everyone and enhance the experience for new, returning, and existing players alike. Starting with the feedback on the most recent patch and the "problems" that I've noticed, I'll also provide suggestions for improvement. Patch v123 Feedback. Dungeons/Bosses: The idea behind the 0/10s | 0/2s content being tailored for beginners is fantastic. It is always amazing to see resources designed and meant to help newcomers. However, I feel the execution could be improved. Currently, most of the content seems to be focused on high HP mobs, which might not be the best for players who are just getting started. For someone starting and questing in Vendetta Gear, the World Bosses, 0/10s, and even 0/2s have incredibly high HP. As a “newcomer” using this gear and the Rifleteer class, it took nearly 9 minutes to clear a 0/2 dungeon run. Even for someone who is well-geared, clearing the 0/10s with reality potions still takes a considerable time—roughly around 4-5 minutes per run, depending on the dungeon and class. A common approach to expedite dungeon clears is to disregard the bosses' weaknesses, as it has been observed that nearly half of these can only be broken through elemental attacks. This, in my view, creates an imbalance—there should be a more equitable distribution between physical and elemental weaknesses. 130 Trials: : In terms of boss strength, I believe these trials are mostly balanced; however, I disagree with the only elemental breaks in general, as previously mentioned. On the other hand, I believe the class drop rate is considerably low and should be increased. To evaluate this, I have farmed the trials with a full party of characters while intentionally avoiding breaking the first boss in the Ruined Bloom Sanctuary trial. I did this on three different characters for more than a week, and only received the drop once. As a result, weapons hardly ever drop without breaking bosses. Reroll System:: I believe the 3:1 ratio for weapon rerolling is too costly and time-consuming. Although the team has indicated that these trials were primarily designed for new players, it takes an average of 60 weapons to achieve just one reroll for a single 120% weapon, which hinders their ability to acquire weapons effectively. This wraps up my feedback on the latest patch. Blood Knight Nerf: : I have some reservations regarding the nerf to the DOT skill in this class, as it seems to unfairly disadvantage new players and low-level camped characters like 120, 110, and 100 level runners. Given that this class lacks key performance (KP) for weapons like the guitar, staff, and hammer, yet still allows their use, players often approach the class in a less strategic (or “lazy”) manner rather than building it effectively. In my opinion, a more appropriate adjustment would have been to remove the ability to utilize these weapons altogether. I will include a screenshot as an example of my perspective while ensuring that players' names are blurred out of respect for their privacy. I will start providing suggestions for older content next. PvE Suggestions: Haven of Oblivion: The Haven of Oblivion has become largely underutilized content, primarily serving only to fulfill achievements, especially with the recent introduction of Accursed Weapons and 130-level weapons. While having a full party might make things easier, not everyone, particularly newcomers, have access to such teams. To enable newcomers to solo for their achievements, I would like to propose adjusting the difficulty of this content to align with that of the 100 trials. Alternatively, I would like to suggest that you increase the trophy drop rate to at least 75%, if not 100%. Currently, even when nine or more of 1/11 bosses spawn, trophies hardly ever drop, creating excessive randomness in the experience. Players face a 1/11 chance of encountering the desired boss, only to rely on further luck for the trophy to drop. 110 Trials: Since the content is outdated and anyone hoping to accomplish achievements will be spending more time trying to do so now, I think these should also be nerfed down, much like 100 trials. Partial Enchant Chest Lv9: : Since it takes more than two months to finish a single 125 set, I believe these enchants should not be locked in the abyss, as this content will remain accessible after the enchantments are gone. Recently, I have invested 6,000 souls and did not receive the specific enchant I desired from the box. I recommend that Lv9 enchantments should be added to 130 trials at a reasonable price, similar to 110 trials. Account Wide Achievements: Allowing players to obtain achievement titles on their alternate characters would encourage more individuals to explore and try out different races they may have always wanted to play but previously felt deterred by the achievement requirements. My suggestion is as follows: Upon completing the 1-65 or 1-90 shield achievements on our first character (“Main”), players would receive an "Achievement Title Voucher." All we need to do is show the voucher and the amount of gold that the achievement would have cost (including 129 eternal coin/stardust prices, which I believe is reasonable). Players could then either open it to receive the titles on their alts or trade it for titles at an NPC. Using an NPC would be beneficial, as it allows for the consolidation of multiple titles in one location. People will be able to find new motivation on Vendetta as a result, and new players will be able to quickly create alts for all the content grinding they will need to do. However, no one will be able to gain achievement points or rank leech by doing this, and the "gold sink" element of doing achievements stays in the game. Events: : I propose holding more frequent events on the website and in-game. Such holiday-related items were previously available under the "Events" tab, and I believe it would be cool to occasionally reinstate them in between in-game activities. And I'm not referring to the GS-hosted variety; rather, I'm referring to real NPCs, quests, and other activities that provide players with enjoyable activities and minor incentives. Potential rewards for these holiday events could include a complimentary Prime DA pet (NT version, if necessary), five event points, one free name change, or even free VGN. It would be fun to switch between these at random and during the holidays. Despite being "low effort," these are still a means to thank players for their devotion to the server and express gratitude to those who still support Vendetta. Necessary Bug Fixes: I would like to highlight two bugs that I believe should be prioritized due to their significant impact on gameplay. Firstly, there is a Lv92+ character certificate bug, which causes players to lose their certificates after a patch. Second, there is the bag bug, in which the inventory renders completely inaccessible, preventing players from seeing, using, or clicking on any items. These two issues severely hinder both PvE and PvP experiences. Koss Update: I propose removing the CP/EXP Buff from BG and make Koss work for Lv130+. I believe it would be great if the buff lasted at least 6 hours each day and could be claimed once daily so that everyone could get it, unlike BG buff that's only for 1 guild. Viridian Gorge: : It is sometimes very difficult to get 10 people on this server, especially during specific times of the day. I recommend introducing a five-man mode for this content. We went from being able to make one or two gems in a day (ST, DL, 4T, DF) to spending four to five days attempting to obtain enough crystals to make one gem. I would also like to discuss either buffing the viridian crystals we acquire or nerfing the amount that blueprints cost. Celestial Corridor 2 - Pisces: Similar to Gemini, this dungeon has two bosses, however the average party's runs are between 9 and 12m. I would like to request that the HP of both bosses be slightly decreased. The dungeon takes a very long time to finish because the bosses have a 12s sleep, a 5s stun (I believe 5s), a purification skill that destroys OUR positive buffs, and her own immunity skill that requires us to proc a trophy to remove it. Quests: As things stand, some maps are far too dense with mobs, and sharing drops for those mobs takes too long for group questing. I propose that quest drops be adjusted to have individual drops so that alts or questing together can be possible. PvP Changes: TW/GvG/GA: At the very least, I think it would be worthwhile to test this suggestion. Limiting guilds to 10–12 members at maximum within PvP maps, in my opinion, will encourage more PvP guilds and solve one of the main issues with this server. BG/NCTW: In light of the demise of classic vendetta, I propose reintroducing NCTW at 65 cap, to prevent too many broken items within loot pool. That being said, since our community is far too small, Battleground has not been fully tested and has never been enjoyed by anyone. As a result, it will be removed to make room for NCTW. Elysian Island: I believe that having this available every weekday at the same time, or even a bit later, can still be advantageous to everyone in need of the soul. I'd still like to propose another solution to address the elysian soul rate problems: consider allowing us to combine either 2 or 4 white items into an alpha, and 2 alphas into a prime. Additionally, it would be helpful to have the option to buy the prime version with PvP tokens from the NPC in Aven. This would help alleviate the issue since not everyone can consistently make the current time slot, and the drop rate is still too harsh. Though I think it's the best server (even better than Aeria), a lot of people think it's "too grindy." In my opinion, it's just that everything takes way too long, time that the vast majority of players no longer have. We all grew up playing this game, and since we started loving it fifteen years ago, we haven't been able to let go of it. As someone who sees the view of those who don't have a lot of time, kindly try to view it from the perspective of the community and widen your heart and mind to once again be more open and friendly to the player base, like during 100 cap days. We appreciate your efforts in maintaining the server for such a long time. Instead of the server feeling like a chore, as it does now, it would be really cool to see the staff taking care of it again. I hope this server continues to grow and that you have the best life has to offer, thank you.
  2. I spent 2,500 souls to try to get 2 pumas, I got 1/2 after wasting all the souls I was saving for a set. I'd like to agree with adding them to 130T as a trade option at the NPC and drop on bosses similar to Lv110T.
  3. But that's still really nice space saved, especially for items we may not WANT to have to keep storing on another account entirely. I like the idea of being able to archive my abyss essences, at/df, etc. Hell, the NT items from those dgns I'd love to archive even more just because they're such a waste of space to me. lol And when it comes to tradeable items, I have many alts full of the same items that I'd love to see them at least become stackable items.. like CC blueprints and formula bags for an example. Gathering materials I can't even fit 1 "type" i.e. pickaxe materials into a single character due to lack of space. I have probably over 15 alts storing gathering materials with full banks and almost full bags (some room left incase I need to use their racials). As far as it benefiting players goes, my thoughts on that are if we farmed for it and did the work in the same account anyway why is it such a bad thing? I really like the idea of this, I think it can at least be something cool and make vendetta even more unique compared to other servers like XL and it can double as an account shared bank with less hassle for you. But at the end of the day it's up to you and you are the one who decides what goes into it as well.
  4. Mystery Box: Rose Maiden Azusa✔️ Steel Maiden Azusa✔️ Blue Blazeblight Cestus✔️
  5. Altar Requests: Robust/Magic Schoolboy Alucard✔️ Violet Blossom Luna Rock✔️ Amethyst Love Luna Rock✔️ Jamberry Jazz Star Stone✔️ Magical Zodiac Star Stone✔️ Violet Butterfly Star Stone✔️ Violet Starlight Luna Rock✔️
  6. That's the thing, everyone that currently has 1-2 sets awakened, I guarantee you they farmed majority if not all of the (168) essences before this patch even came out and that not a single person has awakened a set from this patch without having essences from before hand. Many of the playerbase used to sell sets or essences, others farmed because abyss was quick so people had them ahead of time. Yes, it may take a month if you farm on 2-3 characters a day but why should we spend that long on a single set when there's 16 and to be geared we need at least 2-3 sets depending on the role we choose? A single character, I have many doubts that it will at all collect enough essences in a month to awaken a set. There's already too much to do as it is and everything takes a lot of time to farm/grind currently. There's things like Celestial Corridor and Angelic Temple/Demonic Fortress, that are still end-game content and take a while to even fill parties for currently. CC you can recruit for hours but unless you ask friends to go it's more than likely not going to fill. AT/DF is similar, HOO is dead because of accursed weapons. And even then, every single DGN is necessary or relevant still for some reason, be it gear or achievements. All of them take 1 hour + to complete and most days 1-2h to recruit for, people just don't have this kind of time or motivation to spend between work/school for extreme grinds, 168 essences is far too many. Spending 1-3 months to grind for a single set just feels pointless, especially if 115 set is far cheaper and in some cases better than 125 awakened. I would really appreciate it if you can consider changing the amount necessary before it becomes "old content" or in 4-5 months, just give the remaining playerbase some kind of hope, motivation, and something to look forward to instead of bigger grinds, please and thank you.
  7. If you played on Classic server, they closed the server entirely. Awaken server is however still up and running, so if that's where you played you'll have to send a ticket as per the GS instructions.
  8. Firstly, I want to thank you for all your hard work in continuing to update this server for Eden as it has been my favorite and imo the best server of all of the eden servers thus far, so for that I thank you for all your dedication on patches @Jordan. As a long-term player of this server for many consistent years, I'd like to just give my feedback on the latest patch. I am in NO WAY complaining about anything, I merely making some suggestions that I truly hope finally reach unlike any of my other suggestions. Lv125 Armor/Awakened Armor Sets As A Whole: I believe that it would be more beneficial to especially newcomers but older players as well if you would decrease the total amount of Abyssal Essences needed for an entire set. As it stands currently we need 39 of any of the Lv115 dungeon essences just to make the set gold and after that we must collect another 39 to craft tablets for awakening tablets as a material, but to top it off we must collect another 90 to enhance new essences; making the grand total 168. Current total cost needed for 1 set should roughly be: Abyssal Soul x830 Frosty Essence x10 Vicious Essence x10 Shocking Essence x10 Abyss Head Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Body Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Waist Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Hand Armor Fragment x18 Abyss Foot Armor Fragment x18 Abyssal Essence x56 (Needs 168 of any abyss essence) Fragmented Abyssal Souls x1000 This is everything needed to go from an orange Lv123 set to a fully awakened set (material cost). I'd ultimately like to ask that the cost of abyssal essences be reduced per enhanced essence or the cost of essences needed to make abyssal essences be reduced. With the current drop rate of essences and even with farming multiple characters a day, it'll roughly be a month to awaken 1 set from 0 essences to 168. Partial Enchant Box Lv9: My final suggestion is that the cost of these be lowered to 25 souls each and can be obtained on drops from the new deep abyss dungeons. It's kind of (really imo) unfair to people who want to do sets and achievements to have to choose 1 or the other, not to mention on release of Lv8 when they were brand new and a far bigger stat jump than Lv7s they dropped on bosses. Lv8 boxes are also purchasable for 5 tokens per box with a maximum of 40 coins obtained per day in 1 character, unlike souls where we on average gain roughly 30 a day. I'd also like to ask that you yet again take a look at the last two suggestion posts and truly consider some of the QoL suggestions, we're long overdue for anything QoL and quite frankly, I will be honest. People are quitting, people are tired of grindy content, no QoL, just stuff that we HAVE to farm daily and if we miss something we're super set back. It's exhausting to have to be in this loop. Thanks for reading, good luck with all your future endeavors, take care and happy new year.
  9. IGN: Shado NPC Name: Hibert Location: Sunrise Plains
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  13. Mystery Boxes: Magic/Robust Zhang Fei✔️ Magic/Robust Snowy Kueta✔️ Ice Princess Hairdo✔️ Hello Kitty: Kiki & Lala Blue Summer Dress✔️ Altar: Mysterious Royal Floret Hairpin (Legendary)✔️ Secret Treasure Midnight Kitty Ears (Legendary)✔️ Mysterious Wizard's Top Hat (Legendary)✔️
  14. C1 Amaris
  15. I agree with this statement whole heartedly, some of our issues stem from the community for various reasons and toxicity is one, mentality is another. People love to quit and move to every other popup server because it's "new" "exciting" or "less grindy" than Vendetta. I don't think changing it will bring back PvP even if it were enabled or disabled, it's just up to peoples mentality and what they wanna do at the end of the day. 🤷‍♀️ But at least changing it so we can spam it in PvE will allow us to be able to change classes during raids again. At the end of the day the only thing that will make people really wanna play here is having it be like old times, not a huge "grind fest", things handed to them way easier and OG trials, etc, more "solo content" since not everyone has a group to go with. Because as it stands right now there's "too many things to do" and so many people have "too little time" or bad time zones.
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