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VGN Games

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  1. Hello, it's been a couple of days or so now since this patch has hit us. I've come with a few suggestions after having given it some time with the changes that were made. I believe that the goal with this patch is to make MDPS more prominent in PvE but to be honest that will almost never be the first choice unless bosses are completely immune to melee/ranged DPS. I don't mind if that is the goal and I'm all for it since I know there are players who enjoy MDPS in both PvP and PvE, but I believe that there's a better way to go about it than nerfing every single melee/ranged dps class. Berserker I didn't understand the need for this change as this is already one of the lower DMG dealing physical classes we have in our PvE party setups, so I hope this gets reverted but if not okie I guess times change a lot. Just keep in mind not everyone likes change and sometimes it is bad. Executioner I have similar thoughts on berserker as to why this one was nerfed again, I am glad there is now some malice gains since this class has been our CC/Abyss/DS tank for years. I still believe that executioner with the self buff of +DMG dealt was the best executioner of all though. I will not ask for you to change this one as I don't believe you will and it's not as important as some other classes in this patch to me. Dragon Emperor Overall I think this class just needs to be entirely revamped again or maybe bring back the "best" version of it from 100 cap times and tweak it so it isn't as overpowered, but will still be a decent class to play and give more variety to PvP/PvE again. Annihilator I have thought that this class has been quite strong, too strong for quite sometime now and I'm in agreement with most of it's changes, but after playing it for the last couple of days in PvE and a few instances of PvP I feel that the 5% DMG on Fire Support would be a good thing to return to this class. It feels a little too weak now, it still caps decently fast which is the one thing I hated about how overpowered this class is, but in fights and in pve it is consistently missing a chunk of it's damage now (imo). Rifleteer With the changes made to this class it is almost vital to press sanction as soon as it's off cool down otherwise you lose all of your stacks, god help you if the boss has -acc and lowers your acc. My suggestion for this class is to increase the duration of sanction by 1-2s so it gives us a little bit more time to try to keep all our stacks since not only Celeste has -acc (to around 30-40% from 100%+) but also I believe the 1st boss of Angelic Temple does too or some of the mobs around there. I saw my ACC go from 107% to 73% and I missed every sanction 3 times during this. Arch-Elementalist I believe that removing the triple hit entirely out of lightning bombardment has killed this class entirely for PvP and not many use it in PvE other than a select few and noobs questing. My suggestion is to make the skill deal double hit DMG that way it gets a small nerf but is not overpowered as before. Much like assassin's skills back at 100 cap were triple hit and were reduced to double hit, I think that would be a good fix for AE too. Other things I have to say are, I like the new DT but I know liking something is subject to person, I still find it neat ~ Thanks for the patch and spending time continuing to keep this server updated!
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