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Posts posted by Kaioshin

  1. On 9/12/2019 at 2:38 AM, ChavezSempai said:

    Sounds really good to minimize the bad times in Rainbow Battle. I'll suggest to add this button after 2 minutes so you already know if you wanna stay there the whole Rainbow or wanna do a surrender.

    yea that was kinda like my idea. hopefully bash will react to it

  2. 6 hours ago, Bash said:

    What we could do is make the beta version it's own unique version (with better stats/buffs) and then re-create a new version of this.

    Actually i would not agree with this idea, cause beta player would permanently have an advantage and for new players its not able to get this costume anyway

  3. 8 hours ago, RumTheSword said:

    1- i undestand that you say but maybe is better add not possible use wof but yes resurection ? 
    (i think wof break glace, if you want telepor use flag in estrategy site) 

    SUGGESTION: 4- Not possible use Wings of Friendship in glacernon 

    3- not undertund all that you say because respawn zone only can acces people that die but not enemyes ( where is npc's in glace , i know that in rb people run to "safe zone" but here is only for people who just died or reapartion with full HP/MP NOT 50% )

    Actually disable wof is a nice idea, didnt think that way before. but resurection woudl be way easier cause u have like 5sec to resurect someone with wof and respawn its like 20sec or 30sec for sure. 


    3- I thought u meant the whole map but just the respawn area would be fine, i thought u meant to make the whole map a healing zone and people can go out of the portal hit and go in with instant heal. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, iacopo177 said:

    Hello recently i made some friends start playing and they reached the blue herb mission, they are trying to drop them for like 2 3 hours but still didnt find one. Since they cant drop or buy stuff from the nb i'd love if these items would get introduced to an npc shop

    Well actually the base idea of an MMORPG is that u have to farm for ur stuff xD. But i know what u mean maybe they should increase the droprate a bit more so its even possible for high level players to do the quest without farming 2h without a reason

  5. 56 minutes ago, RumTheSword said:

    Hi everyone, my suggestion are 3 : 

    1- I don't know if this topic has been said before but here it goes: Reanimation after die in glace when you are a seal for a few secons some from your side can click on you and reanimation dancing 3s or 5s. if someone hit persone that try to reanimation -> reanimation interrompude.


    2- Not possible give buf in area or other persons: for example wk buf only work for self wk not other people arround. Eye from hunter only can give helself. morale etc 


    3- In the respawn zone add recovery of hp / mp style rainbow battle


    Maybe are bad suggestions, i m noob in glace, i didn't play much in past in glace but i have time in game reading similar suggestions.

    1. Actually that would destroy act 4 kinda hard cause people can sit infront of your start map and just revive each other all the time , atm they have to use wof so u have a bit time to catch them 1 by 1. 

    2. I would not add that since act 4 is a ''mode'' where u fight as a huge group against each other. It would destroy the ''team play'' and things like War etc would be unbalanced. Some people abuse the system and buff in the miniland with alts. Maybe it would be better to just try to 'delete' that.


    3. Not a bad idea, but often people would just go out fight and run in for full heal and the enemy cant go for u.

  6. Just now, Elrond said:

    afaik they already took legal actions against vendetta and lost

    They put vendetta on the blacklist on their forums

    They ban you if you say pserver ingame

    They ban you if you say V for Ven.. in the forum xDD

    Well Gameforge is just desperate. They won't accept VGN. I mean it's kinda understandable cause they lost more than 50% of their Player base to VGN.

  7. 20 hours ago, RumTheSword said:

    · My suggestion is add Airwaves Sweets on NPC Malcom Mix & rework buff of this item. ( Only can obtain by crafting, delete of mimic )

    This item can crafting on NPC like potions and others, buff focused on pve, raid, ts ... ( can't use in rainbow, glacernon, arena... maps of pvp ) 

    ( atually is: BUF:  moviment speed increased by 1, All element energies are increased by 10.  You can obtain in mimic. Duration 10min.) 

    * Now: Is you use wk's buf (wolf) disappears this buf ( it isn't compatible). After rework not disappears. 

    · Examples: 


    Need for crafting:

    Buff and duration:

    x 15 Defence Potion

    x 99 Pet Food (300gold)

    x 99 Nosmate guardian angel

    x 99 Partner's guardian angel

    x 15 Half moon crystal (15k /u in NPC @Bash)



    · Obtain x1 Airwaves Sweet

    · Duration: 3600s = 60min = 1 hour

    · Buff:

    Resurrect your Partner and Nosmate without use guardian.

    When resurrection restores 70% of your pet's HP and 70% of your partner's HP.

    Your pet and partner increased speed by 1.

    Your pet not lost loyalty.



    *You can use this with guardian angel blessing. (Is compatible)


    X10 Attack potion

    X 20 half moon crystal

     * X 20 Energy potion

    x 99 Pet Food (300gold)



    · Obntain x10 Airwaves Sweet

    · Duration: 10 min

    · Buff:

    Increased attack power by 20%.

    Skill cooldown is decreased by 5%.

    All element energies are increased by 100

    Increases all defence of only your pet and partner by 20%.

    Your pet and partner increased speed by 1.

    Your pet not lost loyalty.


     *You can use this with guardian angel blessing. (Is compatible/ NOT IS COMPATIBLE WITH RED POTION, YOU CAN'T OBTAIN 40% INCREASED ATTACK POWER)



    * X 20 Energy potion :

    * Add energy potion reward in ic.  

    * Change price of grub now 20k/u to 10k/u on npc bash 

    * Add mysterius stone in NPC bash by 2k/u


    Before, the new players buyed airwaves on nosbazar, now they can't use, and for players with hight level not need because they have alts with wk. If you have better idea comments here. 




    Actually some of your ideas are pretty nice, but i doubt bash will implement your first potion. he was always against some kind of auto feed your pets to keep at least a bit work for the players.

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  8. Hey,


    I had the idea to create sth like rewards for Rainbow battle. I would suggest to do it like u gain sth for playing 100,250,500,1000 wins and maybe at 1000 wins u gain jennifers hat so its possible to get it without being just lucky. I mean i know its strong and a rare drop but its kinda demotivating to spam Rainbow for jennifers hat but its like a 0.01% chance. I know it would be negative for people who already obtained the hat but i think after 1000 wins u deserve one 


    Leave your opinion in the comments :) 

  9. 50 minutes ago, Sa-chan said:

    It's the one title where you would have to give it for ppl who already completed the main quest or make it so that those ppl could do quest once more from a certain point (like middle of act 3 or smth, cause having to do it all twice would be unfair as well)

    Also: It should be limited to once per account if you would implement a reward other than a title. And Martial Artist would have to be excluded due to them starting the quest at a much later point.

    Yea thats right but i think it would be better to just reset the quest to the last timespace for those who already completed it. So they dont have to do it twice.

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  10. Hey,


    I would suggest to make the miniland for all characters. so it would be like u can use all your pets on all your characters. that would be useful for the new class so u dont have to use a bead for the same account just to use it on your MA. what you guys think about it?


    I think there is nothing negative cause the warehouse is also combined to every character.

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