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Posts posted by Tuti

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    As mentioned crystal HP is not worth mentioning yet until people have fortified weapons and gear and have built there character as if you do this then when people do gear you might find they're like butter and need putting back.

    As for 2 this was something many people didn't want adding as it made the game super easy which I agree. I didn't play at a high level much back before class drops but I remember farming 200+ Silins for that 1 ring just for after an update that added class drops someone getting it after 1-2 kills. As for %'s well see how it goes. I can't really remove it now since removing it now would mean anyone with even 101% would have an advantage. However, maybe the next cap of weapons can have it disabled so at the very least from the get go its 100%. But we'll have to see what people think during beta.

    I don't believe there is 25% safety stones, just the following:
    Lucky 5%
    Specific Lucky (ULSS, CLSS) 10%
    Halcyon 50%
    Specific Halcyon 75%
    Sublime and Specific Sublime 100%.

    The choice behind only Lucky and Regular Safestones was simple because the problem with our Awaken server and the problem its had from day 1 was that because it was made so accessible fortifying gear wasn't worth anything. Now at the very least the people who land on it can make a profit on the money they spent on the Eden Crystal they used to land on it. The specific Lucky's will also be released at one point or another I just thought for beta atleast the all tier Luckys would be more appreciated since people will want to +10 gear when they get them. We also did an awful lot of stress testing on the rates of this altar rolling collectively over 2000 Eden Crystals to test the rates and we're happy with them. We do have other plans for the Safety Stones of a higher % but this is not something we're implementing at the moment so they're only available through rankings right now (Which will remain unchanged).

    You can't change 75% halcyons to be 25?

  2. Another thing I'd like to point, Lv65 weapons with 120% have more p-atk/m-atk than awakened weapons, since when awakeneed weapons were released we still didn't had weapon % system.
    So there's other change needed to be made if we keep %

  3. 9 minutes ago, popzy said:

    I haven't gotten up to trials yet but yea if no class drops all items should be 100% which is what I would prefer. because yea its bs if items have 101-120% with no class drop

    Even tho i like the idea of having more m-atk, p-atk, working for it, something we have to do on 120%, i'm okay if we stay without class drop, but with better drop and with only 100% weapon.
    But if we have to go for 120 weapons, we need to have option of class drop or at least to reset weapons.

  4. 7 minutes ago, popzy said:

    I have to say I disagree with class drop its one reason too keep running trials and such instead oh hey everyone has the item they need in a run or two if this is a classic server I say keep it classic with no class drop

    The real problem here isn't that we don't have class drop. It's the combo not having class drop but having %.
    Have you guys done any trials already? Drop rate is shit, most trials doesn't even have gold drops. That's not good IMO but acceptable.
    But then, we have % on weapons, meaning we not only need to drop, but drop with 120%. Staff takes 100+ trials to drop and come with 115%, then I get it, next time it will drop a 119%, but my guildmate doesn't have even the 115%, I can't get it because that would be selfish, now I need to let him get it and wait again for days, weeks, months till I can get another staff better.
    Classic didn't had class drop, bag drop, but it also didn't had Weapon %. We don't need server to be strictly classic, but in this subject we either go full classic with hard drop and max % is 100%, or we add class drop, otherwise that wont be a good server to play.
    Stones are hard, prob will be expensive, so i get a staff trash, I don't know if I should waste all my gold to +10 it because it will take me months to get another or if i will get another decent tomorrow.

  5. I don't want to offend you or anything, but removing limits is the WORST idea specially for a new server.
    We don't need unlimited mode for leveling, even with x1 rates, as said before.
    Only thing that unlimited dungeons add is unlimited ammount of gold someone can get.
    That only benefits people who have a lot of time to play, since they will be able to feed on gold and inflate everything price since day 1 of server.
    On current server, VGN price is 700k since legendary pets release, that doesn't happen simply because new pets is adding more value to VGN, but because people are feed on gold and can pay 700k meaning if you add more gold only thing that will happen is VGN price increasing again. That's how it works basically for anything that have a high demand, specially if/when low suply: People with more gold will pay more so they can make sure they have it. Meaning if unlimited mode is available people with more time will ruin server economy by inflating ecs, corona and eps price since beggining of server.

  6. As I mentioned in other posts, I believe it can create a more competitive PVP since most people will be able to find free time and join TW on weekeneds.
    If it resets on monday, means weekend terriroty war isn't as important as monday, tuesday and wednesday since you will only be able to keep territories you won on weekened for 2 or 1 day.
    If you're in a guild/region that most people aren't really able to join on weekdays tw, you have no reason to tryhard at Eden PVPwise, I believe that would help with that since everyone will be looking for weekend tws.

    Also, If I'm not mistaken in Brazilian server we had a system that each territory had it's own reset time, which was before we are fighitng for him again. That's also a good system, if possible to implement, because this gives the importance to every tw both for weekdays and weekends days.
    To me, both options are better than reseting on monday.

  7. 9 hours ago, Jordan said:

    I'm pretty sure the one sided divorce doesn't lose skills and I believe the reason they made it this way is they assume that people whos couple just dips on the game and doesn't come back then the person doesn't deserve to lose buffs. To be honest although this is fixable I just don't really see if getting much priority over new content and other bug fixes.

    Nah, isn't a priority thing, but I think it's best if no one lose the skills.
    I'm really just upset I lost all mines and can't buff my couple :(

  8. 8 hours ago, Norleras said:

    Sounds like Divorce in a nutshell for real life. lol

    Marrying in real life is dumb because you're inviting the government and the church to your relationship for no reason.
    I didn't expected to be the same in a game. GM's are taking my skills, anarchy should rise!

  9. 2 hours ago, infecttado said:

    Make sense , if u want to F, someone after breaking that, both sides lose then.
    I would like to don't change it :3


    Only the person who perfom a unilateral divorce should lose skills.

    Actually nobody should lose skills, because this way when someone don't want to divorce and other person wants to, nobody can hold any1
    So just takes 10k, 100k gold from someone who wants to do a unilateral divorce, but leave our skills alone ;_: I feel dumb.

  10. I just divorced Looni and then I saw I lost all my skills.

    I didn't read (yea, my bad) so I didn't knew I'd lose all.

    But people told me If I used unilateral divorce I'd keep the skills, WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
    I choosed divorce agreement because it's obviously that when you decide to end things in a friendly way, things work out better, doesnt make ANY SENSE to lose my skills because I used this option, people who fight and make unilateral divorcing are the ones who should lose.

  11. 2 hours ago, Jordan said:

    My only worry about doing this would burn through the new pets so fast that they become overspent and after these asside from making legendary versions of existing pets we're almost all out of new pets. We have like 90% of AK pets and thats pretty much everything from TS when that was released.

    So I'm not sure if this is a super good idea but then again maybe for the easter week we can do this since its a holiday.

    Hmm, being honest it's hard to think we will have issues with 'lack of pets" because people will still want repeated pets after you finish a "rotation" with all pets (which would take long since the ammount of pets and considering it changes once a week).
    I say that because we can see Cestus prime pet, once sold for 120 or max 140k but after sometime people started paying 200k because they wanted the pray, regarless of pet.
    But I understand that there are some people who are more interested in pets itself than the prays.
    Then my suggestion is to increase it to 3 boxes, then each week you add two posts from suggestion and another for discord vote.
    There are other things you can do, like having a weekend special mistery box with only those kind of prays people want to fuse, but I'm not sure if you can add on website system a box that will only appear on weekend days. but if you can u could add along with the 2 usual mistery boxes one more that will have on saturday/sunday m-dmg dealt, or p-dmg dealt, or cestus 15%, one of those.

  12. Since release of legendary pets, people are looking for a lot of pets to fuse. If i'm not mistaken even Jordan said that he wanted to give more options on prays so people could try different combinations.
    But VGN chooses pets from suggestions, and if you pay attention to world/peer chat and suggestion post, you will see that people are looking for different pets than the ones being suggested.
    So I think it would be nice to add one or maybe two more pet mistery boxes and create a rotation with prays people are looking for (Like the 15% p/m-atk pets, m/p-dmg dealt, stuff like that). Or instead of making a rotation create a pool for 3rd/4th mistery box, or asking in VGN Discord server for what people want.

    I'm not trying to blame VGN or people who are suggesting pets (Obviously people are here to ask what they need/want, that's normal), but I think we had 15% staff pets 2 or 3 times on boxes, 10% healing skills also 2 or 3, while none Club pet or Gun pet.
    So I feel like increasing the ammount of boxes to keep 2 pets from suggestions and 2 from votes/rotation can be good.

  13. 11 hours ago, Jordan said:

    Not a terrible idea, might be better to just add something like a mail based reward for killing the last boss or something or 1 for each boss then have a hand in quest somewhere that trades for CP. You could do it for all 0/10's too not just Palace.

    It's up to you, but some rewards that benefits classes other than what we use to run will be good. And I agree about all 0/10 not just palace. But since I think it would be to much job, u should just add from palace or higher level dungeons since people don't do lower levels than that for gold, maybe DK. (well people farm all from Viroona but just for awaken sets drop)

  14. On 3/11/2020 at 4:33 AM, Jordan said:

    Adding EXP and CP stuff might be ok but the amount of work that goes into doing this is roughly the same amount of work as it would be to add new content dungeons for players to enjoy.

    I honestly don't see any point in adding a "farming quest" to a dungeon, but, the thing I liked about this post is the CP/XP stuff.
    There are a lot of people who is still gearing their character that runs palace everyday, with BA/Mecha or whatever they use to run "capped" on exp by their current level while all other awaken classes are level 85 or not even 85. (I know some people in that situation, where they can't buy runs because they're spending the gold they get on palace awakening new sets so almost all their classes are still sitting on 85)
    So I think it would be nice to those players if you lower CP from killing palace mobs, but give a rep quest to kill  all 3 palace bosses and add the ammount of cp you lowered from mobs to this quest.
    This way they can farm the gold with a class built to run and still get the CP in other classes.
    But don't add any gold to those quests. People who are getting a lot of gold from territory/GGB are already inflationating VGN price from 500k to 700k and some are even paying 750k, as you said increasing gold only ruins the economy so we should be thinking about how to remove gold from people who is getting a lot with low effeort instead of increasing the ammount of gold people get, this way economy might get better for people who can't farm alot.

  15. 3 hours ago, infecttado said:

    Or just add random tower material to Roger? like it give 1-10 of random item (Demon Crystal,Mini Reactor,Ether Crystal and Daylight Crystal) i know ether crystal is useless but yeah its tower material :'D

    It's not that useless.

    I know people who is lazy to make 4T and is sad because trashed all stacks of Ether Crystal they had xDDDDD

  16. 2 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Well I never recieved it then because otherwise it would have been fixed. I do remember fixing several of these so maybe you didn't report this one? Or you just shouted it at them randomly in expectation they'd remember it to pass it on. Usually when there is an issue Herakles adds it to his bug list spreadsheet he has so I'd trust he would of passed it on if he was informed.

    There's like about 10 gems with worng mats.

    I've talked about that with Mikitotefu like 4~5 times and she told me she was repassing everything to u.
    Also, once you said you didn't knew about some gems bugs, same day same post I posted a SS showing that said bugs was reported to Herakles months before.
    Whatever, if you want I can, again, take SS of everything that is wrong and send to you here or via ticket.

  17. 5 hours ago, Jordan said:

    As for your suggestion maybe but likley not. The only thing I may consider is adding x10 formuals that allow you to craft 10 gems at a time. Not a priority however.

    That's enough

    And we obviously are going to suggest things for convience when something is inconvenience as lose 1 hour just waiting gems to be produced.

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