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Posts posted by SuperDork

  1. 8 hours ago, Matt said:

    Also, it doesn't cost $2,000 to +10 full armor sets, maybe $500 tbh (know from personal experience).


    3 hours ago, Matt said:

    I literally just forted two sets to +10 this weekend for friends, it does not cost the amount of money that you guys claim even with bad luck (spent about $200ish). I have suspicion that you guys just misuse your money/items you buy with AP and that's why its so expensive for you to complete things.

    Just gonna leave this here

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Maxing requires time and work and not just click your fingers and be done with it. What are you going to do if you max all your gears in a week with no room left for improvement huh? Just look at a Awaken which has easy access to stones and reset scrolls. They gear their main class, then they quit till the next patch or they login for the 30 mins a day PvP. Whats going to be different in Classic?

    If people care about their stats more than winning the PvP then they should go play a private server game that gives everything on spawn and then closes down after a month cause theres nothing left to do and the developers cant keep on top of the updates. PvP is about winning not "My stats are bigger than your stats". You can participate and theres no paywall that is stopping you from being able to compete. You wanna max your sets and your stats then work for it?

    The issue isn't a few buttons and you're done.  The issue is the RNG factor and how shitty it is to farm for weeks just to +10 one item or to fail it and get no where.  People who are playing atm will just farm to +10 a weapon, Maybe +6 their set but if they aren't paying they for sure won't waste their time trying to get +8 on their gear if they had a bad experience with their weapon.  They will then hoard and save for next patch or only play for 30 minutes a day for pvp.  


    9 minutes ago, Jordan said:


    If people don't wanna count on luck there is Sublimes in the market I saw 2 earlier when I logged in. They are being made available at a slower rate. And I don't see how throwing Sublimes at people left and right is going to be healthy for a game that has 2-3hours worth of daily content (If you do all daily PvP). Also please explain to me how farming DD for hours is any different to farming Highlands for hours? People do it on Awaken to gear themselves, people do it on Mainserver to gear themselves so why can't they do it here?

    Sublimes are ridiculously rare cause it only comes in once a month for the top 5 of each race.  The prices of them are constantly going up and will continue to cause of natural economy things.  No one is asking you to flood the market or make the game easier we just want to be able to see progress rather than it just be wasted when RNG is bad for us.  There have been many suggestions including my own which I'll repeat which is just make them arcaneable in some way to produce halycons then at least if someone farms the gold they don't have to feel like quitting when it all fails cause they will have the option to do this.
    As for farming DD for hours its different because you can run people there for extra gold similiar to Century and there is no cap.  Also players can lvl their classes there.  Also comparing Awk to classic You can farm on awk and actually progress without feeling like you're gonna be fucked by RNG cause of shit stones.  


  3. 19 hours ago, Baraca said:

    EC 120g
    Reset Scroll 1k
    Coral Lucky Safety Stone 950g

    Ultramarine Lucky Safety Stone 800g


    U guys are fk idiots for let this price be "normal". Good job to all of u....

    These prices are high cause Pay4Convience players don't have any value on gold since its just a swipe away for them.  Prices in this game are determined by them and will always be cause no f2p player who rolls these things by chance on altar are going to say "Well I guess I'll just sell this for 500g when some rich Pay4Convience player will pay 1k"  Also all of these items are only obtainable by paying to play anyway (Unless you count warstone ec, please don't)  Obviously new cap came out and all Pay4Convience players were throwing money at gear to become the best for as long as it takes for others to catch up.  The prices won't come down because people saw others buying for those prices so they are assuming/Going to stay firm on them.  EE has been a casino since its release and will probably always be like that I guess.  Who ever is lucky/can throw the most $ at it will eventually come out ahead.

    The suggestion about the % being rolled over has been talked about I believe and he said after you close the window the system forgets about it entirely. (Unless you mean making the % Increase higher, which would work still I'd hope.)  My suggestion instead would be just make ULSS/CLSS Arcaneable.  10stones=1halcyon.  Maybe less, Maybe more.  I personally failed ~80 stones on my staff to get it to +10.  60 of those stones were from 6 to 8.  

    Edit: I do appreciate the minor but good changes as far as altar goes.  The Viridian and stardust(lvl 50) being on lower tier is good and with stardust at least has brought many on market and for much lower prices.  VSS however somehow have risen in price cause of insane community.  Though its probably more because of ec rising in price.  My suggestion for it is just make it x2 VSS so that in turn its more worth to land and take these.  If this doesn't work then yea players just insanely greedy for w/e reason.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Well if the system ever did come its not like we can't follow suite with Awaken 75's and have them either the same as 120% or slightly above (I think it was maybe 121% or 120.5% for 75 awakens).

    I like this idea if chisels happen didn't know it was easy.  If this is the case I would definitely like to see this option even if its released with awaken weapons.


    15 minutes ago, SenorBernd said:

    Sure the 20 people that use the double-dmg club instead of awaken would love to see a 120% but it's afaik the only weapon that's better than Awa.


    The club will be better than the awaken whether its 100% or 120% if someone plans to do club+w/e weapon.  This more affects classes/players that would like to play dps bard as there is no dps guitar or dps cleric with mace or templar since again, no dps mace.  Yes 110 is still sufficient technically but then any 1 trick players don't really get content if they main these certain classes.

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  5. This topic for me is hit or miss.  Obviously 120%  is more mattk/attk than awaken and would be a viable option to ignore the content.  But the awaken weapons (Such as bow and rapier off the top of my head) are still better in other aspects.  Obviously the best option would be to allow for some type of reroll to get 110% if that is what someone desires  since then the Awaken weapons are better (attk wise) than a 110%.  If its not possible as you say then idk balance wise its hard to say.  
    If it is not possible however, I would like to know if there was ever a decision on your idea (I think it was you) @Jordan on possible refunding in some way stones for those who do +10 a weapon before awakens.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Bash said:

    I'm sorry I don't comply with 2020 and today's standards of how to address a snowflake.

    I'll make sure the school I pick is full of anime inspired stories about how to be an entitled little prick.

    I've never met a more clueless person before now.  Congratulations you have allowed me to find the person single handedly lowering the IQ of the EE community.  You start to insult rather than have an intelligent conversation.  I guess its out of your criteria.  And you disappearing because you were going to die, sure its a good excuse.  If I were going to die if I went to work I would leave too but i definitely wouldn't just disappear as if they don't matter.  Good GM btw.
    Probably should read your posts before you post them so you don't have to delete them later to not look so silly 😃

  7. Take 5 minutes to read the difference in your posts.
    Yes I personally don't agree with everything you do Jordan and yes I saw in game basically same 5 people spamming 65 cap.  It has already come can't change it.  Same problems exist still and will continue to exist.  I see your side of the argument but I'm sure you can see mine.  There needs to be more things in game to enable players to keep up with work and have it not be relying fully on RNG.  I've said many times you can fail these stones many times and that is the main issue.  Essences and stardusts are both expensive too because of altar placement.  Yes it has gotten better in last altars with 55 being lower tier at least but I'm sure you understand this point as well. All I ask is take the suggestions into consideration instead of write almost all of them off as "Its just whining and want things for free"  
    Bash, you are a joke of a GM and I wish you would keep your low intelligence comments out of the forums.  If you have to go to Jordan for info you clearly are not in the loop enough to comment.  Leave it to Jordan.  Go to a people speaking school maybe too because for some reason you feel like its going to fix the server if you try to belittle me. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Bash said:

    It's been explained numerous times about the caps and yet you still use that against us? Pathetic.

    Beta was meant to be 60 cap from the start but we agreed to do 55 and launch at 60 due to us being in a more stable position if we intended on rolling back any changes made during Beta (Explained in numerous introduction posts but you choose to ignore it and use it against us, weak). We're not burning through content, YOU and many other players demanded us to update to 65 cap or you'd quit already because of boredom.

    55 cap does not hold enough content for longevity and neither does 60 cap. However, 65 has different phases and we can phase this in longer, as does the other caps, you're missing that part here as well for someone who claims to know the game very well.

    Don't even go there about "casual" players either, there are several top players in this server who play casual and are top above the paying player. The difference we're missing here is the EFFORT required that you can't grasp because you'd rather click 3 buttons and be done.

    The biggest issue here with Classic is everyone expected similar rates to Awaken when it was made clear to everyone that we were not aiming for a quick experience. That was made clear with the rates we chose as well, we don't mind holding back content but when there is a huge demand and you know the "we're not listening" phrases threw about we have to act.

    This post is kind of more funny than useful.

    I have looked through the forums again and news post again just to be sure somehow I didn't miss something.  There was no "Schedule" for the future caps other than 65 (which was posted like 2 weeks ago).  If I'm wrong then sure my bad.
    This doesn't change the obvious problem of if you don't play the game as a job or use your job money in the game you will not be able to compete.  I don't personally know who would want 65 cap so fast other than the 5% of players who rushed through the content to gear.  Up until the last week I've seen many players STILL trying to finish a lvl 60 weapon for one class but ok everyone wanted 65 cap.
    I won't deny 65 cap has more content in it and definitely easier to plan around.  But your claim everyone wanted it is kind of silly as its just obviously not true.  Who is your top casual player that is higher than the others?  You base this on hours played or the amount of $ spent?  For me a casual is 4-5 hours a day and even that is high sometimes.  There are very few top players atm who are "casual" without spending a lot of money.  
    No one is asking for rates similar to awaken.  What we want is the ability to enjoy the game like on awaken.  Atm a hardcore player can build 1 weapon and 1 set? and probably won't waste time on another cause who knows when the new cap is cause there was no schedule.  If you want to complain about people giving you feedback and giving suggestions you should probably disappear again like you did before.  Many if not all posts regarding the game have had feedback and a suggestion, while not always good, its not always bad either.  The disregarding of the post is ridiculous and should be looked into rather than insulting a player trying to give you their feedback to help the game they love.  
    Calling someone pathetic because you get upset is laughable and pathetic in itself.  The game is in a silly spot and yes its part the players fault but its not all their fault.  Take responsibility for some actions rather than just say its for our best interest without any concrete proof its good for us.


  9. I think the issue is more how fast caps are releasing.  The only reason eden was ever popular is cause of freedom to play multiple classes.  Aeria did a poor job of allowing it without a pricetag.  Vendetta did it better on awk server and thats why it has players.  Obviously I don't agree with everything but no one will and you can't satisfy everyone.  Idc if the game is pay to win cause I can put $ to play if I have to to have fun.  Not all can say it/not all will do it.  If you are concerned for economy and truly want the game to be successful long-term you need to understand why the current way won't work.  If the best SS in game is lucky ss no one can catch up and play one class without lots of work or IRL cash.  (Thats fine w/e) But if you want it like this don't sit and tell your players its not a pay2win server.  It is no argument.  
    Awk server- Lets stop pretending awk server is somehow inferior to classic.  (May not have been said but it is implied)  Awk server biggest issue is lag and apparently that is cause everyone has garbage pc's but I digress.  Awk system allows players and guilds to experiment with more than one class.  It embraces what ee was meant to be.  I'm not saying classic should be like awk server.  I'm saying this just to defend it a bit.
    Classic server should be either progress capped to allow players to keep up.  Or you should just not release caps in 2-3 months.
    Caps need to not be 3 months apart.  Maybe 55-60-65 was jsut a one time thing and you'll slow down now but either way I'd hope to not see 70 cap for AT LEAST 6 months.  
    If you want the server to thrive for pvp and not for nostalgia (Nostalgia never lasts) then I would suggest making ss more obtainable.  Whether its with altar,dgns, or some other system.  Maybe allow players to buy Halcyons or something with trial points. (If possible) no matter the price at least they can then farm to gear in a relatively efficient manner.
    Just my opinion.

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