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  • VGN Games
    Developer for Eden Eternal

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  1. This the patcher just throwing errors. Shouldn't prevent you from playing the game it might prevent you patching but just reopening a few times should make it go away.
  2. I have plans for this that I made with MrDoudou but as of the current moment its on hold as a future QoL update since it would require a fair bit of work and the pay off for the community would only really be floor click AoE classes which in PvE are so few (mainly just healers).
  3. We are looking into the possibility of adding this class to the game. Although I'm not going to say yes or no at this point I'm going to try my best to bring it over to our server. As of the moment I'm currently waiting for them to finish adding it as although the base class is release at the moment the awaken classes are unfinished (primarily awaken class number 2). As with anything though the class will be completely reworked to fit into our server eco-system especially since as there is a number of things that are in this class that are concerning such as the new "extreme" resistances they added rather than addressing the issue of too much damage. What I will say though is it's a very weird class. It's base class is a mixture of a ranged dps and support with healing skills that scale like things such as cure. Then what is finished of Awaken 1 it only has 1 damage ability and the rest are all supportive skills such as a healing skill with debuff removal and various different P-ATK / M-ATK / ATK SPD / Cast SPD buffs across the kit (very much giving Life Worshipper vibes if I'm being honest). Along with that they also seem to have a Gravity Manipulator vibe where it has some sort of stacking aspect but its used in a way to basically say use 3 skills then you can use the 4th skill. It will be an interesting class to work with but as of the moment until its fully finished I cannot promise the class but you can bet once I'm happy with it MrDoudou will start releasing some teaser images along with the next content I'm currently working on.
  4. There is always going to be forgotten children classes because theres only so much uniqueness to healing within the game. Holy Sage and Life Worshipper provide a lot of buffs and immunities while Totem Master and Adjudicator provide some key debuffs to the enemies. I don't particularly think either of these classes are better healers than the other 4 if anything from what has been true in the past the best "healer" in terms of healing is typically regarded as Glacier Knight. The issue is you're strictly focusing on the PvE aspect of the game. Now I know PvP struggles mainly because nobody wants to lose so everyone plays lets dodge the top guild all day. Glacier Knight is by far the healer of choice for group PvP because it provides both quick debuff removal and some of the highest healing numbers bringing people from low to full in single heals. So I would hardly class it as a forgotten its just right now atleast people would rather complain about having no PvP than actually grouping together and participating. However, as for Paladin yeh this class has been pretty much forgotten as of the moment and could maybe do with being looked into. There has been a number of times this class has been good in the meta but it has always been underutilized even when it was one of the strongest secondary healers. It would be nice if you make some suggestions on what you'd like to see in terms of direction because its easy to say you don't see a class or much point to use it and another thing to make changes on a class that wont just completely replace another class. For example Adjudicator is used because of its +DMG holy skill and resistance drop. So just giving GK for example +DMG debuff and resistance drop wouldn't mean it gets used unless it was higher numbers than adjudicator.
  5. It could be your monitor or directx settings. Most people who post videos don't use any external post processing programs so it should be achivable with just standard in game settings.
  6. Jordan

    Patch v122

    Quality of Life Updates Backpack Manager Update Added Blue Gear to the Auto-Trash and Auto-Sell feature! Fixed a bug in which Auto-Sell could on occasion sell the incorrect item! Updated the UI text to be cleaner and clearer! Gear Swap Update Increased the amount of Gear Swap options from 5 to 12! Note: due to this change we have had to reset peoples currently saved Gear Swap configurations. Archive Save Update Increased the amount of items that can be saved from the Archive All button from 30 to 80! Updated the UI text to be cleaner and clearer! Event Window Update The event window has been updated to display the current relevant end-game content! Note: You can use this feature along side portal stones to teleport to the current end-game content. Itemmall Update You can now buy items as a maximum stacks (Previous limit was 99 per purchase)! You can now buy all Materials in the Loyalty Shop by specifying the amount you want to buy! Fixed the size of the Buy Stack button to make the UI cleaner! When clicking the Buy AP button it should now open a tab in your default browser rather than a window in game! Other Updates Gathering tools on the Gem Altar have been replaced with the Reward Coins from Crystal Altar. Increased the amount of Auction House slots from 20 to 80. You can now filter items in the Archive based on if you can use the item. Note: This works based on if you are the correct level and if you are the correct race / gender to wear the item. Pet Battle Skill books now have the skill information listed on the description. Aven Fame Merchants now accept level 120 and 125 items to increase your fame. Book Merchant Trebek in Aven now sells all book quests. Updated Material Merchant Susie to sell Amber Eye Legendary Cutter and Silver Needle Legendary Catalysis. Fishing Merchant Bill has been added to Guild Towns. You can now craft Zagdon's Energy Drink in multiple stacks. You can now stack Milk, Wine Braised Pork Chop, Crabby Patty, Rose Milk, Organic Juice and Eybloom Bread to x999. Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where you could get more than 5 players inside evaluation dungeons. Fixed a bug with Race Passive CC overwriting immunity. Fixed a small spamming issue with Paladin skill Light - Divine Shield spamming the caster with stronger status in effect. Fixed a small spamming issue with the updated Holy Sage aura's when someone is already CC immune. Fixed Summer Persephone in the Archive. Fixed some trees that where bugged in Aura Kingdom (Grumond Grasslands looks like a completely new map lol). Fixed Taurus and Cancer's set bonus to now correctly give P-CRIT DMG. Another fix to the Book of the Dark Stars and Book of the Starry Sky attacking animations. Have a nice day!
  7. Jordan

    Patch v121

    Celestial Corridor The next expansion to the Celestial Corridor has arrived! This content is available to all players level 127 and above but is recommended for players level 130 to participate! The second expansion to Celestial Corridor features six new dungeons. Each dungeon is designed to be a challenge for a five player team. So make sure you are well prepared before entering! Gear There is six new boss themed accessory, trophy and cape combinations have been added! There is also twelve new boss themed weapon gems have been added. Other Adjustments We have made some adjustments across Celestial Corridor to improve the content. You can now directly purchase the Equipment Blueprints with a large amount of Zodiac Sparkles and the new material Spirit Sparkles. There is the new Celestial Backpack Expansion Formula. You can obtain this formula from the rewards upon completing any of the Celestial Corridor dungeons. This item increases your 47-Slot Backpack Expansion from 47 slots to 60 slots. This item is also tradable so you can either use it for yourself or trade it with other players for profit. We have also added Eden Crystals to the reward table upon completing the Celestial Corridor. Class Changes We have made a bunch of minor changes as a result of previous patches and adjustments that have made the DMG Taken stats on certain healing classes far too high. We have also performed a server wide reset on the skill levels where the skill should be capped at level 1 but in the past or even before this patch where able to be leveled creating an instance were MP Cost was increased with no advantage. We have also taken the time to look into the MP Cost of all these skills so that they're as accurate as a level 1 skill can be. Gear Changes Over the last couple of years I have done a subpar job at the numbers given by gears across the game. A lot of gear was fine but some gear was completely over the top which made some gear shine too bright while other gear was lackluster. We hope this change brings more options and variety to the game. I have changed how the numbers work across gear so that they are all mathematically accurate between levels and gear types. I have also set a bunch of rules and modifiers to these base numbers to increase and decrease these numbers based on the situation. These changes affect every ring, necklace, trophy and cape that are over level 90 across the entire game. From Dimension of Souls all the way until the latest released content Celestial Corridor Part 2. Before you jump on the OMG he nerfed everything bandwagons. I would like to state that many items also received buffs from this change. I would even say just as many items got buffs as got nerfed, along with many items that the changes where so insignificant that you may not even notice the item was changed. Bug Fixes Battle pets should no longer shout random phrases while in combat. Fixed an issue where the Great Elemental Guardian's Helmet could only be worn by certain races. Fixed an issue where Gemini's Old Grimoire only had a 0.32% chance to deal Triple Hit DMG. Fixed the costume Book of the Dark Stars and Book of the Starry Sky so that they have Grimoire casting and attacking animations. Fixed the animations and cooldown of both the Angel Prayer and Guardian Angel pet skills. During the transition phase of Glacieron you will be now immune to damage while frozen. Cosmetics We have added the following cosmetic items! ✨ Have a nice time! ✨
  8. It's unfortunate that you experienced this as I'm fully aware that right now the community acts like it doesn't want to have a community. Your not the first player to experience this "if you don't have the sagi set you cannot join content that was made before sagi was released". I have made some adjustments in the next patch to try and shorten the gap between the gear so that maybe this mindset changes but as it stands right now thats the main issue (that it's a mindset issue and not a game issue with exactly what you stated, people would rather not do content than doing it a couple minutes slower). I'm very greatful for this post of your experience though because I hope it wakes up the end game players up to the issue new players are having because I've been in contact with a couple of people who have started over the past year and all have had similar experiences to you it kinda depends what guild you join. As for your other points though. Dragomon is just a game with nice content to pick from, I have not really played the game or know anything about it outside of it being like a battle mount pokemon type mmo. As for solo content I did introduce some in the previous content patch to get a feel for it and its been a bit mixed so far. Maybe some solo versions of other content could be looked into but not the Celestial Corridor. However, I have some reward changes for that in the next update to try and entise players to participate since the big killer of that content was removing the bug to trade the completed gems. I will say maybe it was timezone but theres a number of guilds in game that Ive saw that will recruit people (maybe they're not openly joinable but if pm'd the leader will usually invite anyone active). Also auric jewels are not really required on this server as the EXP and CP rate are already at officials maxed out rates. So they're just additional bonuses for thos who complete the daily login or buy from the cash shop for a small amount. Also the next big update should be in the next week or two :)
  9. After checking into it, it does seem to be a specific quirk with the specific DoT in question (I presume the other DoT's tested are of a similar aspect). As mentioned above you can see its not the case that elemental is capped at less than 70 because you can test it with the flat damage skills like light split.
  10. You do not need the most recent one you need the one that is required for this game. Download and install 2008 2010 and 2012 from this page (i have checked the download links, make sure to install both x86 and x64 versions) https://gist.github.com/ChuckMichael/7366c38f27e524add3c54f710678c98b
  11. The issue with battlefield pvp isn't really the rewards at the moment its the ego people have. Gone are the days where people just went for fun and enjoyed themselves now its all about winning. Adding these as rewards isn't going to change this. It's just going to encourage people to find away to abuse it by getting a kill and then afking or hitting a crystal then afking, thats if it even encourages people enough to enter at all. Rewards are something that could be improved but this just isn't the answer and would just end up with people neglecting the PvE side of the game which is already on a knifes edge due to people not wanting to invite people to parties unless they're already perfectly geared.
  12. We do as much as we can to improve the new player experience. However, I must say that there is a lot of misconceptions around being a new player and what is required to do to get to the end game. As an example achievements yes are important but they're not something you are required to do to play the game. It's important to cover some of the achievements before you start tackling end game content such as the weapon of the class you play (unless you are a healer) and the heavy armor and cloth armor achievements for the resistances. But most other achievements are just for beneficial stats that allows you to spec you class in different ways and get the most of your builds. As for your comments about the enchants and capes yeh they can still take a while but they're not going to hold you back at all. Theres a lot of end game players who have not bothered with enchant achievements and capes well if you start participating in the end game content you can complete capes without even really thinking about it (but again if you don't it's not going to kill you either). I would say the biggest hurdle as of the moment is infact getting into the end game content with a party. The best advice I would give is to find a helpful guild and don't be trying to tackle every piece of content all at once because some content is harder than others. Also don't be distracted by the mindset of you have to be maxed in a day. The whole point in an mmo is your suppose to work towards the goal of being maxed character, so yeh some things take longer than others such as achievements to completetion 100% could take a long time but do you need to do that? not really.
  13. There is no reason to make an account wide bank for materials that would benefit players that wouldn't benefit from just having more backpack spaces. Materials are very carefully selected to be either none tradable or tradable and anything that is tradable isn't really much of an issue to the above mentioned point as most people have their ways of storing tradable items to keep their bank / bag tidy and not full. Archive only supports a single item of the same item id. So even if you did make it archivable it would only take up 1 less space of x999 which again simply mailing to an alt or trading to an alt on a second account is not really any more or any less hassle in most cases especially since the archive does not display the quantity. So there is no real benfit to this change that wouldn't break the conventions of materials that we set. I can see an arguement for amount of materials and not enough backpack space but that is simply solved by expanding the players individual storage an not making something that is account wide.
  14. Changing font is hard because of some of the more internal stuff of the game like the titles and other stuff as you mentioned. It's not impossible just not something that can be swapped without causing some secondary issues that would also need to patched and fixed first. Also we likely would not be able to add it as a selector like the other things unless it was more along the lines of "This will change next time you restart the game". But I'd have to confirm something like that before saying it to be 100%. Also as a side note font is unlikely to be causing any performance issues in the game as its just images that get created for each character and loaded later. The other server uses live translation (which is likely the reason you might see some performance regarding text, more likely chat than in game as the translations in game are just selecting from a different file set). However, they also have not fixed some of the issues I have fixed which plagued the old AG server too (like gear swapping around other players causing people to freeze). This is likely another contributing factor too. Ofcourse there is a cost to text rendering but it would always be less than a group of players. I will mention though that we just use the standard english font that the official server used in the past. We do not really care for supporting the chinese text it was always just a nice bonus to have. However, we cannot just swap to the FR/DE/PT/SP server font as they allow some less than optimal characters that fall back to my first sentance. I will look into it maybe after the next big patch but as far as I know as a side note. A number of people can see the characters in which you mention and it seems to be some computers can see them and some cannot. So I'm not really sure if theres something that can be changed on the system to fix it as a sort of "temporary fix". As example from my own computer:
  15. I vaguely remember this issue being related to not having DirectX9 installed. Try installing this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
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