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Posts posted by Aeri

  1. hello, 2H weapons are very clunky and the animations are kinda awful TBH. it was a huge qol improvement to fix the casting animations for 1H weapon primes, which are still the preferred weapon costume types as it seems nobody likes the 2H ones because of the animations. i am suggesting that the animations for 2H weapon costumes be changed to match those of staves, the animations are widely liked as its common for ppl to leave their staff showing when playing magic classes anyway. the new 2H weapon costumes added to diamond altar and archive (looking at you shining starlight staff) look really cool, it'd be nice to be able to use them with better animations.


    edited title to match matt's suggestion to this, which i think is better overall. 

    • Like 3
  2. the stone wipe being put into effect needed to happen when it did because prices were skyrocketing. clss were hard to find and peaked at 1.3k ea, with them being about 500 now for one example. there is few people buying stones atm because it's the end of the cap with new gear right around the corner and people don't have anything to fort. the whole point of the stone wipe was to encourage players to buy and have stones when they need them, and right now not many people need them. this is a bit of an awkward period maybe due to the decision to hold off on 70 content a little bit longer, otherwise the timeline for new gear release/wipes could've been a bit smoother. yes less people are playing altar because stones are not as profitable right now but the costumes have been VERY appealing (things unrollable from trits, desired things like hoodie) and i have personally spent 50k+ gold + rolled a few hundred ec maybe on recent altar costumes because they are worth that. stome wipe is kinda tied to altar yeah because a lot of sellers play altar to sell stones and the wipe timing is disrupting that but it won't be like this for every wipe.

  3. 1- you logged in in the middle of the night, the least active time slot for the server

    2- ch1 has been sparse lately because nobody is playing altar this month, there is another stone wipe before new content and so there is less of a reason to roll, as well as there being little reason to spend gold at all this close to a large update

    3-  open guilds are generally dead idk what to tell you they're open for a reason

    4- people are busy with irl stuff right now and there is always a dip in activity before new caps.... this game goes through periods like this all the time and always has depending on the time of year and delivery timeline of content


    its classic, its understandable for some they played only for early nostalgia that has since worn off. but also im not sure what you expected during exam season at the end of a cap in the middle of the night after a maintenance vs peak summertime after a highly anticipated cap...i know at least several players who are playing on awaken right now which recently got a big patch + has an event ongoing while waiting for the new classic cap. i highly doubt they're gonna just shut it down lol. like you said, you haven't logged in since july so you probably aren't fully realizing the context / timeline of the server. 

    • Like 1
  4. the side effect of the change in arenas w/ players being unable to class swap at the end for medals is unfortunate. most people are pretty much only motivated to do arena for medals for gear, and arena activity has drastically decreased since the change was implemented. people just aren't queueing for stuff anymore. i would support reverting the change back, as i would rather do arena with *ahem* certain player(s) sleeping -> reviving every once in a while than no one doing arena at all, and not being able to farm medals if a match happens.

    there have been no 10v10 matches this ranking period, some of that obviously being owed to the current low activity on classic while we wait for new content, but others who would otherwise do 10v10 are not even trying because they can't farm the medals they need for upcoming 70 gear. last month i had rank 1 for 10v10 with 70-80ish wins and with there not even being a single match this month that is a drastic difference. i enjoy doing arena for both the pvp aspect and the currency rewards and hope that the change is reverted soon so that farming becomes easier again and players have more incentive to queue.

    edit: here was last month's 10v10 ranking:


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    • Haha 1
  5. this cap has been fun, there just isn't really much to do for it so 70 cap soon would be a breath of fresh air. 70 cap has a lot to offer and it would be a good thing for it to come sooner than later as there is little to do right now except for farming rankings. 

  6. On 8/1/2020 at 2:33 AM, Jordan said:

    This might not be something possible to do. I wont rule it out since I haven't had a chance to look into it yet. I will look into it though for sure.

    i've thought about this a bit more and come up with something that i hope is practical.

    the idea is that you create a separate item that flips them, presumably purchased from an npc (like the drivers are) and used together with the prime 1H weapon costume in the arcane box to turn it into the other version. they would be re-reversible and another way to customize your character if you preferred your weapons facing one way or another, and if you made the price a couple thousand gold or something it'd be another little goldsink since players already don't mind spending lots of gold on costumes. i wouldn't mind paying like 2.5k gold or something to reverse my weapon for its alternate appearance. possible icons for this item could be the same one as the departure crystal or isolda's heart trophies.

    so let's say i buy a 1H Weapon Inversion Crystal (placeholder name) and throw it in the arcane box with my Oracle's Key. it would make a flipped version named Oracle's Key - Reverse (Prime) (another placeholder name) that could be equipped as normal, except the orientation is changed. buying another crystal and putting the reverse key into the arcane box would create the regular appearance. if this idea was implemented, the reverse items would need to be added into archive, as well as a bind-check to make sure that throwing a bound item into the arcane box makes sure the re-created item stays bound, or unbound vice versa. another thing would be making sure the items would be listable in auction house+booths.

    i also went through the archive several times for 1H weapon costumes that are asymmetrical to make sure we got them all.

    the full list (including the ones mentioned in my initial post) is:

    • Charity Round Sign
    • Protester's Sign
    • Pinwheel
    • Poison Needle
    • Demented Scarecrow
    • Broken Devil Arrow
    • Plumed Fan
    • Demon Pirate Cutlass
    • Sweetheart Mace
    • Decadent Chocolate Stick
    • Tedde Bear
    • Icegem Snowflake Staff
    • Crystal Wand
    • Chocolate Sundae Cones
    • Green Tea Sundae Cones
    • Oracle's Key
    • Kitty Mage's Broom
    • Freshet Monarch Fan
    • Savory Corn on the Cob

    i understand that this definitely isn't a top priority but i hope that someday a way to flip these costumes is implemented as it would be a big QOL improvement for many 1h costumes and would make it much more fun in general to purchase them if they could be customized further by choosing their orientation. thank you for being open to the idea. if i mis-explained something or missed a detail i would be happy to try to clarify further.

  7. for 3v3:

    i think the best and imo only needed changes would come from class balancing and not really mechanic adjusting like changing class in this area, in that area etc. just changing fusion reaction and aerolite glyphs to +5 feet instead of +10 would solve most of the 3v3 problems. for the subject of this thread tho, there isnt anything that needs to be done to alter any of the other mechanics of class changing/hp/heal amount etc.

    for 10v10:

    personally, i would prefer 3 minute rounds. my thinking is that we have so much long-lasting big group pvp. we have territory war (guaranteed 30 minutes), elysian (guaranteed 2 hours), gvg (erm...can be 30 minutes).


    my best fun in 10v10 is when the rounds are over quickly. i think it would be a lot more exciting if people knew they didn't have much time, to push players to take risky moves or just do something other than standing around or hunting down individuals for a few minutes after the initial wipe. in territory war as well, a lot of plays are made in the last 2-3 minutes and it's generally the most fun part of the event. short rounds means that less people are waiting in queue for very long as well. 10v10 rounds end up being the first minute of fun, and then hunting down individuals as they spawn. very often will there be 1 or 2 people left and as they die and the round should end, more people respawn. i think it could help a LOT if the revive timers were synced, like every x seconds everyone who is dead on both teams revives so that there isn't so much chasing-down and waiting. it's really frustrating when say you auto-revive but your entire team is still dead so you're vunerable and can't really make any plays. reviving through the skill should be disabled altogether imo as it gives a huge advantage to teams with lots of blue classes, but that wouldn't be necessary if a life count system was implemented. in my experience 10v10 has been the most fun when the rounds are quick or it's the last minute and if the round timer was shortened altogether it would create more of that tense experience other than just being hunter or prey for a solid portion of the round.

    also: i'm biased af but if healing was decreased it would feel very disheartening as a cleric who has built to have really high healing output. it would encourage clerics to just build tanky and not healing potential and for variety sake we should have the viable opportunity to cater our stats as we see fit. it would also hurt the already low heals of bard and shaman. both parties can be standing mixed in with each other and everyone stays alive and is picked off one by one given both teams have healers, so the main issue in 10v10 IMO is just staggered respawns which leave teams broken and disorganized and unable to mount a comeback.

  8. it's just day 1 observations so it's understandable that a lot of things will even out / change as time goes on. it took like 20 min to kill a level 80 boss with us being 65 so the playerbase can probably rise to the challenge of anything elysian has to offer. excited to see changes aimed at making support more fruitful to play in ei.

    • Like 1
  9. i was healing today in elysian and got x1 box from 2/5 of the (box-giving) bosses by spamming light sanction every time it was off cooldown and using earth shock when my party was at full HP. i do not recall any other supports in 911 saying they got any boxes today, even attacking the bosses every chance they could. that doesn't mean nobody did just that i didn't hear anyone else getting one. i do have a +10 Lv65 mace, some of the supports who reported no boxes don't have a 65 or a +10. some dps as well were saying they didn't get a box, it just seemed very inconsistent.


    some ways that i can think of to improve the drop rate or chance of getting a box are:

    -greatly increase the malice generated by g-healing on elysian island so healers don't have to heal and dps at the same time

    -increase the amount of people that can get boxes to motivate people to continue to try / lower malice requirement to qualify for a box


    but that also leaves out bards, which i'm not really sure how we could motivate players to use that class in elysian if the chance is slim to none they'll get any boxes. one of the bards for our guild today got 0 boxes total even while dpsing and it isn't fair that someone who definitely pulls their weight in the party isn't able to get the drops.


    also: one boss had +30% HP and that wasn't really an issue because we have 2 whole hours to kill them but if bloody payback could be removed from the boss' buff roster that would be great because i think it would actually end elysian participation for the day if a future boss had that. it was a pretty hands-on task today healing just general PVP damage in such a small area and it would be demotivating as hell if i/other healers had to outheal bpb reflect as well.


    these are just my thoughts after the first day of elysian playing as a cleric

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  10. there is a few 1h weapon costumes that are well-liked and sought after but rarely used together because they look...well..really weird. i would like to suggest flipping the orientation of these costumes so that they are symmetrical and look less awkward. i'm by far not the only person that feels this way about these costumes. thank u for ur consideration


    tedde bare original:

    -clips through legs, hands

    -if the sizing/positioning could be edited a bit so it doesn't cut straight though the player model hands/legs, that would be nice.


    suggested change (using original right hand positioning for left hand as well):


    which imo already looks a lot better even with no changes to how badly it clips through hands.


    plumed fan original:

    -ill be honest have no logical reason for suggesting this change other than the current positioning irks so many people and ever since this costume came out people have talked about how they havent worn them because they wished the orientation was different


    suggested change (using original right hand positioning for left hand as well):



    oracle key original:

    -one positioning clips through costumes a lot more than the other

    -looks very off to have them so asymmetrical


    suggested change (using original right hand positioning for left hand as well):

    doesnt clip through stuff as much, looks more in line with normal 1h weapon placings



    these are the main 3 that come to mind @ this issue but if theres any im missing i would make some more totally gorgeous 5 second photoshops of improved versions. plz consider this costumes are our life on ee all we do is stare at ourselves

    • Like 1
  11. its really not that big of a deal. you can still win arena if people pot it just doesnt matter that much. your 2nd point defeats itself... theres not much to spend honor stars on so lets remove one of the only things that you can do with them?

  12. 1 hour ago, Holiwis21 said:

    I wanted to participate, but due to time constraints, I couldn't, and seeing the results took away my desire to participate in the future.
    I have nothing against 911, and I find it silly that some believe they have event privileges and stuff. Also the drawings of Xylie and Sana are quite good. I think the discontent is due to the winner of the contest, being objective, the theme was a drawing with a summer theme related to the Game, and Aeri's drawing only shows the character waving with his feet in the water. Midori's drawing represents the same thing, with more details and in my opinion a better drawing (the truth is irrelevant), so why didn't he get any prize? The only complaint is about the winner of the contest, since it does not have much game content, come on, there are others that, as I said before, from Xylie and Sana, you can see very well drawn game objects, such as mounts and in a good context or a waiter zumi, pretty nice the truth, which are better than Aeri's. To name a few, since there are others just as good, according to most.
    In closing, I have nothing against Aeri, but there are still many who really took the time to think more about their drawings and be more creative, including winks like alpacas, game items, etc.

    Still I liked the idea of the event, I hope they do more things like that.

    forgot to quote you in my previous reply. look up.

  13. i didn't really want to say anything, but if you want to namedrop me i guess i should. it's very rude & entitled to complain that xyz or your favorite entry didn't win a contest, when the whole point of a contest was that you accept the possibility that the winner is drawn based on luck, and you never have a guarantee to place. it's incredibly generous of the staff to see that there was numerous creative & thought out entries and then offer to give more prizes than those originally allotted, especially when players are being sore losers about the placing. my character drawn is wearing:

    Star Hairpin (Head)

    Spiral Blush (Face)

    Sweet Heart Lollipop (Special)

    Celeste Gossamer Fins (Back)

    Sparklers (Weapon)

    *i was going to do the bunny paintbrush but decided against it.

    which you can see me referencing in my speedpaint of my entry here:

    every costume slot available for use in-game was utilized by my illustration, to present a clear EE theme. the outfit is distinct and something you could see someone wearing in-game. standing at the beach posing for a selfie (which is what it's supposed to look like) is about as summer as it gets. it's just simply crude to assume what effort or thought an artist did or didn't put into their piece. unless other people who entered go into as much detail as i have, we simply don't know so we can't say otherwise either way. being upset that you lost, or feeling like your hypothetical entry would've been worthless, is understandable but still offensive to those who participated and/or placed. scrutinizing those who are trying to have fun is childish, even if they aren't the best artists (with art obviously being subjective anyway.) i don't think anyone entered this contest going "oh boy, i can't wait for people on the forums to pick my art apart and compare my entry with everyone else's to make their own bitter point!"


    what could (& should) be done in the future if people are to get this upset every time a contest is held, is to have clear criteria for winners instead of a flat ranking system. for this contest for example if they did categories like digital, traditional (on paper/a physical drawing), and "honorable mentions" to cover those who may have lacked technical skill but still created a creative/thoughtful entry that deserves a prize, i think it would have worked very well. the lack of transparency on original judging criteria is a little frustrating in hindsight, but it shouldn't be something we keep complaining about when it's been addressed that it will be better next time. as far as i know this was the first event of its kind for classic, and given the possibility of what event points can bring to the server (noodle wings, halcyons, exclusive mount) it was a contest worth entering anyway. be a little humble, y'all.


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  14. you can only have one of each tool in your inventory at any given time, including bank. so if i have l30 gloves in my bank with 1 dura, i can't buy another l30 white glove until i use it or trash the other one

    so you are constantly going back to aven

    • Sad 1
  15. 18 minutes ago, naru said:

    you can buy many tools and just bind them on your character by using them one time. If you do that your character will automaticly use the next tool after your first tool is finished. 

    some of us only use the white tools you buy in aven :(

  16. When you have, say a L1 potion on item support (which many players do, especially crit pots) and then you use a higher level for pvp or whatever, the item support still tries to use the lower level pot you have on item support every second and it spams your system chat. I personally have many L1 pots constantly running, and I have to remove them from atuo-use when I use the higher tier ones because this is about 2 seconds of my system chat after using them:



    So the only solution is to remove them from item support, then re-add them after PVP but I end up having to do it several times a day. If this could be fixed somehow so the item support stops trying to use for example WIS Potion 1 if WIS Potion 2, 3, or 4 is in effect, that would be appreciated. The game will just constantly be trying to re-use the pots and even if you only have 1 thing on auto-use, it still takes up a huge chunk of the system log.

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