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Everything posted by enkephalin07

  1. In Nemesis lvl49 Main Quest, "Smashing the Core", the kill counters aren't incrementing for Blademasters and Sharpshooters. I'm hitting the ones at the autotravel destination, in the same area that the quest chain has led me to for 1/2dozen quests. In Nemesis lvl42 Side Quest, "A Greater Terror", traveling to the destination doesn't fulfill the quest. It doesn't specify that the Great Melanoid also needs to be killed, but if that's the case, then with what army?
  2. lvl 37, I can use the Blood Soul portal, but I can't use the portal back: [Alert] This portal cannot be used at your level. This is the same bug as the guild portal. Instead of dismissing it, could someone make an attempt to verify?
  3. If you're talking about the field manager, that quest was given previous level. And I didn't think it was bugged, I assumed it was designed for the player population Viledon used to have, just like most of their quests. However that crab is a major outlier no matter how you look at it. I know I'm not the first one to mention it, and won't be the last. EDIT: Btw, I did clear that quest back when dozens of players trafficked the map, when every quest there was risky due to other players. That content has gone to waste now, and I haven't even bothered trying to finish it.
  4. Another bug in Viledon; while killing Blackguard Medics and Enforcers I got credit for killing the Incinerator in the Ignis Vortex sidequest and daily, which I had so far failed in every attempt. I'm not on any team. I confirmed that I wasn't on any team.
  5. The level 35 Viledon Side Quest calls for killing Haze Blooms, but the counter won't increment unless you kill these guys: Who incidentally hit disproportionately harder than any other level 35-39 creature. Are you sure they're supposed to go here?
  6. I remember this bug because I first encountered it after killing what felt like way too many Exiled Bishops, yet it still persisted as incomplete. That final stretch to get it over with was getting onerous.
  7. I know how to reach Viledon, my point was that this button in the guild, labelled identically to the buttons in Babiron and Agoge, does not function the same. Do you not agree that this is a bug?
  8. Can't enter Viledon from Guild transporter, even though eligible level. Yet I can enter Nemesis through Dexter in the lounge.
  9. Why don't any characters use your Arkana's name? Not even their pets, not even characters introduced as lifelong friends, not even her own Mother. It's just a string variable, and doesn't have to be voiced, so why not?
  10. I'm wondering what can and can't be done with future development and what constraints there are to development, so I understand which suggestions can actually go somewhere. Today I saw an age old bug in the 'Kill Exiled Bishops' daily quest, in which the number required and completed weren't displayed. It seemed to me a minor thing to fix, if someone was so motivated to.
  11. Where can I see previews of bikes? The descriptions aren't enough to base a decision on. Same with pets, are there images anywhere, perhaps sample lines of dialog?
  12. It's probably just as well, because if someone did model a penis it would probably have a permanent erection. Erections are easier to model, but after awhile it just looks ridiculous. Hey now. A 7y reach on most attacks and a ranged attack that puts you right in the enemy's face isn't exactly cowardly. But maybe I'm playing him more recklessly than I'm supposed to.
  13. I think depicting a developed adult male is quite different from sexualizing pubescent girls. And people who are squeamish about seeing dick in their ladyland softsore fantasy just need to grow up. I don't have a preference for penis, but sometimes I wanna rock out with my cock out, and these tighty whities just look cowardly.
  14. I quit the game before Cyberblade was released, but I remember the flamewars over it when it was announced.
  15. They still make the lists spammy after they're no longer relevant or necessary. Isn't it more logical to remove them?
  16. After completing a Viledon escort, I learned the answer I needed, which is to be in the right place when the convoy starts. I tried different positions, but apparently none of them were right.
  17. There's already a practical max level for some quests, and these have the potential to spam the lists needlessly. If I can never return to Caerngate, then I could never successfully complete any quests there, so shouldn't it automatically end in failure? The same could go for dailies and repeatables in early zones, at least a few levels after they're no longer offered. If someone hasn't had the need or interest in clearing them after advancing 5+ levels, they probably won't ever.
  18. I got the daily quest, thought that was implied in the topic (Daily). But it's never fulfilled. I haven't played in a long time, so I'm not sure if I'm standing in the right spot or whether I would get a notice if I was registered when Hera checks roster.
  19. Why I do I never get credit for this?
  20. There's a difference; the other faction always sucks. This is my re-introductory post, too. Back again many years and many PCs and laptops later.
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