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Posts posted by Bash

  1. 7 hours ago, Merinori said:

    For some reason I have not received the level 51 quest upon hitting level 55+ to initiate the battlefront dailys, Any ideas as to why? Am I doing something wrong, or Have I missed something?

    Maybe you're missing one of the previous quests?

  2. Just now, popzy said:

    apologies accepted, and I do hope things get better. I just am expressing my feelings as a frustrated player and I'm sorry those things are happening too you and I hope to see things get better in the future. I just honestly want the game to get back up on its feet that's why I am frustrated because it was fun and great just kinda sad to see how it has gone down from there.

    Ofc and so am I you have to understand if this fails its money I lose as well so it's not something I enjoy. I love doing what I do and I will make things right even if we just keep a small handful I have to make it right for my own sake.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, popzy said:

    lol because I'm I am being a cunt for expressing my opinion :) sorry , I understand your having issues but, you seem to constant are having issues and its something different each time. Most of the time its not said you are sick or such just that you are out but you would think as being (as far as I know) this is your form of income you would take the time too have things ready when you say they are going to be, I understand having issues from time to time ,but its almost constant delays, and dates pushed back. Honestly people are spending money are the games you are hosting the less you could do is to have mints a once a week thing on time more then two weeks in a row. Yes I don't know how hard it is but again we do expect as you are the ones providing us the servers to play on while we spend our money on your servers to at least follow through at the very least maints for your servers when they are supposed to be.  

    I shouldn't have said that so I apologize you don't know what is going on behind the scenes so I should expect skepticism.

    I understand what you're saying but this isn't just some flu I nearly lost my life....

    Ever since end of September early October this all began for me and it's been very hard for me to return to work all the time things are shit right now I am the first to hold my hand up for that but I will get things back in order. This is a network of 9 years we've been around for a very long time for a network to be alive for this long doesn't just take luck it's been through great management and it's something I take pride on but literally everything for the last few months are things out of my control this isn't something that was expected it hit me like a dart.

    For example I am still recovering right now I went out for only an hour and came back with the flu on Sunday for literally going outside for an hour I've been dead in bed for the last few days it's insane. I am a magnet for sickness right now but it will get better I just gotta stay positive.

  4. This isn't something that has went on for a small amount of time this is stuff that has spiraled out of my control since September a lot of our prep work has run dry so it's just one of those things it's about recovering and progressing.

    I already know Twin Saga is pretty much dead but does that mean give up? No it doesn't the other server is running on fumes itself they've not updated the game with actual updates for a very long time they just copy the client content from TW client. You will notice things like their flower system not working. Why you ask? Because they don't have upto date files they're copying and pasting the client like their aura/dragomon server so what happens when the new classes have extra protocols they don't or can only function with x and y structures? That means a good ol' GG to their server. I play for the long run and just because of my health things haven't went well for any of our games but does that mean give up? No so just bare with me this is a turtle race just because we're not giving you everything for nothing doesn't mean this is the end.

  5. Just now, popzy said:

    'This is the first major time that Bash has not been able to keep a patch date and has caused significant delay.' Major yea... first major time expect every time he delays maints or had to push back a patch and no it's not the first time he's done that,like I said I understand ,but like with the current push back of maints that seems to keep getting delayed almost every week now its hard to expect much when every time its pushed back lol that's the main reason a lot of people quit Twin saga was because of all the push backs and delays. With like today for example why would you not be prepared before hand the stuff you need for a maints? I understand its work ,but If you're gonna tell us a certain day everything is gonna happen and then just push it back multiple times then theres no point in expecting anything is gonna happen when it is said lol its sad honestly because people get ready for them and for the changes to alters/ mystery boxes and then are forced to wait longer because you guys just aren't ready when you should be.

    Because my life does not revolve around this? I've been gone for a good while because of personal reasons. I have came back to a lot of administration work preparing a maintenance takes a lot longer than switching some servers off and on. You have no idea the process it takes so who are you to say otherwise?

    You can sit and kick whilst people are down it's very easy to be on the judgemental side right now so I won't get into it. My health and my life is more important than a game I am sorry but to expect anything more from me right now is selfish. Did I plan getting sick? No I didn't the shit I have been going through I should have just threw in the towel but no I've done nothing but try and return as fast as I can so I can get shit back on track but please continue being a cunt.

    • Like 1
  6. General Changes:
     - Increased the level 85+ quest line exp to x2 to aid with levelling from 89-91.
     - DOD can now be ran 10 times per day.

     - The following items have been given a Legendary version:


    Mysterious Tennis Team Uniform
    Mysterious Swim Team Uniform
    Mysterious Heavy Metal Rocker
    Mysterious Heavy Metal Rockette
    Mysterious Brigand King Gear
    Mysterious Bandit Queen Gear
    Mysterious Ultramodern Armor Garb
    Mysterious Ultramodern Armor Threads
    Mysterious Officer's Uniform
    Mysterious Officer's Dress Skirt
    Mysterious Tailcoat
    Mysterious Gown
    Mysterious Prep Guy
    Mysterious Prep Girl
    Mysterious Trenchcoat
    Mysterious Fitted Pea Coat
    Mysterious Courtier Garb
    Mysterious Militissa Ensemble
    Mysterious Taoist Robe
    Mysterious Miko Dress
    Mysterious Modern Elegance Suit
    Mysterious Whipped Cream Dream Dress
    Mysterious Summer Vest
    Mysterious Summer Dress
    Mysterious Wild Outback Digs
    Mysterious Outback Adventurer Cutoffs
    Mysterious Magic Garb
    Mysterious Magic Princess Gown
    Mysterious Dragon Tribal Coat
    Mysterious Dragon-Scaled Bedlah
    Mysterious Knight Armor
    Mysterious Knight Armor Dress
    Mysterious Everyday Uniform
    Mysterious Everyday Uniform Dress
    Mysterious Suave Kimono
    Mysterious Genteel Kimono
    Delicate Cruel Death Suit
    Delicate Cruel Death Frock
    Mysterious Rose Knight Suit
    Mysterious Rose Princess Gown
    Mysterious Mecha Pilot Suit
    Mysterious Female Mecha Pilot Suit
    Mysterious Pirate Vest
    Mysterious Pirate Tank Top
    Mysterious Wolf King Suit
    Mysterious Vixen Dress
    Mysterious Pastry Chef Ensemble
    Mysterious Pastry Chef Threads
    Mysterious British Olympics Competitor Tee T-Shirt
    Mysterious British Olympics Cheerio Skirt
    Mysterious French Cobalt Olympic Garb
    Mysterious French Cobalt Olympic Threads
    Mysterious French Crimson Olympic Garb
    Mysterious French Crimson Olympic Threads
    Mysterious French White Olympic Garb
    Mysterious French White Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Olympics Competitor Tee
    Mysterious Olympics Cheerio Skirt
    Mysterious American Olympic Garb
    Mysterious American Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Spanish Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Spanish Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Brazilian Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Brazilian Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Portuguese Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Portuguese Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Chinese Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Chinese Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Thai Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Thai Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Malaysian Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Malaysian Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Japanese Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Japanese Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Hong Kong Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Hong Kong Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Korean Olympic Garb
    Mysterious Korean Olympic Threads
    Mysterious German Black Olympic Garb
    Mysterious German Black Olympic Threads
    Mysterious German Crimson Olympic Garb
    Mysterious German Crimson Olympic Threads
    Mysterious German White Olympic Garb
    Mysterious German White Olympic Threads
    Mysterious Doctor Robe
    Mysterious Nurse's Uniform
    Hand-dyed Schoolboy Chic Ensemble
    Hand-dyed Schoolgirl Chic Ensemble
    Mysterious Rugged Gi Garb
    Mysterious Sleek Gi Threads
    Mysterious Pastry Chef's Toque
    Mysterious Officer's Cap
    Enigma Bell
    Mysterious Wings Headwear
    Mysterious Mini Top Hat
    Mysterious Unicorn Horn
    Mysterious Rose Eye Patch
    Mysterious Bunny Hat
    Mysterious Alpaca Ushanka
    Hand-Dyed Double Pompom Christmas Hat
    Hand-Dyed Christmas Reindeer Antlers
    Mysterious Xmas Cap
    Mysterious Eyepatch
    Mysterious Radar Monocle
    Elite Monocle
    Delicate Alpaca Bandage
    Vengeful Seraph's Wings
    Dreamy Seraph's Wings
    Holy Seraph's Wings
    Enchanting Serpah's Wings
    Divine Seraph's Wings
    Sugar Bear Satchel
    BunBun Backpack
    Velvetina Bunny Backpack
    Petre Rabbit Backpack
    Thumperina Backpack
    Rogre Rabbit Backpack
    Sun Sprite Wings
    Periwinkle Pixie Wings
    Forest Fairy Wings
    Sea Sprite Wings
    Pink Pixie Wings
    Honey Crescent Moon
    Forest Green Wing Branch
    Spring Wing Branch
    Seductive Wing Branch
    Blossom Wing Branch
    Frost Wing Branch
    Blue Freedom Wings
    Sheer Glimmer Fins
    Milky Glaze Fins
    Celeste Gossamer Fins
    Sakura Gauze Fins
    Sunstreaked Film Fins
    Super Cool Peacock Tailfeathers
    Grove Lazurite Wings
    Dew Lazurite Wings
    Tempest Lazurite Wings
    Sakura Lazurite Wings
    Sunshower Lazurite Wings
    Demon Pirate Cutlass
    Protestor's Sign
    Tedde Bare
    Lake Laku Lobster Lopper
    Plumed Fan
    Legendary Painted Drum
    Crystal Wand (Blue)
    Blowfish Boomstick
    Magical Bunny Paintbrush
    Thunderbolt Stallion
    Stalwart Razorback
    Peepers' Egg Carriage
    Lime Fluff Alpaca
    Cotton Candy Alpaca
    Chic Alpaca

     - Archive has been updated.

    Bug Fixes:
     - Fixed tandem bug with Hello Kitty Sports Car mount.

    • Like 9
  7. 4 hours ago, mariowsp said:

    I prefer ur server always <3, im playing with my girlfriend too n.n but last day i went to other server (cause a friend told me that i have to see the store), and i saw in the AP/LP/BS stores that they dont have random boxes or random gifts, i think in the AP store (only AP) u can apply that same thing (no boxes), adding more or different content idk maybe its more attractive for people who donates like me.

    PD. Its just a comment. nice day. n.n (sry for my english im from other country)

    I agree, once I have finished the new patch I will be addressing our marketing.

    • Like 1
  8. Astral Puzzle for this week has been updated. We will not be updating Grab Bags this week or performing a maintenance. We would like to apologize for the lack of patch activity over the last couple weeks I am currently still working on some of the bugs contained in the next patch for Twin Saga.

    I hope to have more information about this very soon.

  9. General Changes:
     - We have removed loser reward safe guard replicubes and safeguards from all Battlefields until we finish the alternative system. You can blame the people AFK'ing we are receiving way to many reports on this on a daily basis and you guys did not listen to my warning from the thread created the other week.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Sphinx said:

    I think I didn't use the right word there. Maybe Revamp some other classes so that they will be at least on par with the Samurai class, you will see a lot of players using Samurai class, just because the base stats and damage of it is OP than other classes, another one is the good AoE of the skills (Can be obtained in the advance specialization), added the specialization and advance specialization of Samurai class, really out-DPS every other class.

    Gonna give an example, Mage class, I think Mage class should be a burst DPS for range classes. it has good DPS stat but seems every skill and damage it does on enemies aren't that good.

    I'm just suggesting it for a change, since you mentioned about one thing to change. You will be seeing a full party full of Samurai since the DPS you can't compare to other classes, I even use Samurai myself when it's just for a fast party runs on dungeons. But I main Cleric for support.

    Maybe look up on the damage of every class to test it out? I know classes have their own roles, but having Samurai as the only burst DPS seems monotonous for a game play, but we can't just ditch Samurai because of the damage. Just wanna see a change on people using other classes.


    EDIT: WHY THE TEXT BECAME BOLD q.q Such a derp .-.

    It goes bold because of my name haha it's awkward xD


    I will take a look if you can help with ideas that'd be great

  11. Arena Changes:
    Please note the following changes are a test run to see what you guys think. Please leave feedback on the forums as to whether you enjoyed it or not and obviously if we should change then how should we change it. If it does not work out the way we'd like it to then we can revert these changes.
     - Stronghold Battle. Golden Desert now only requires 5 people per team.
     - All Class based arenas have been set to 1v1 arenas.

    Bug Fixes:
     - Fixed the Cool Kitty Eyepatch, Bad Kitty Eyepatch & Kitty Eyepatch missing stats.

    Item Mall Changes:
     - Astral Puzzle has been updated for this week.

    This weeks Grab Bags!

    Here are some of the items you can win from this week's grab bags!




    We're still working out kinks for the next big patch we're sorry for the wait but the bug is game breaking and it must be addressed before we can proceed.

    • Like 2
  12. 11 hours ago, Veniras said:

    Maybe it's just me being stupid, but disbanding a guild does not seem to work properly. Typing Disband yielded an "incorrect format" for me over 30 times. 

    This is a known issue even on official no idea why they haven't fixed it yet.

  13. So I had a look at everyone's suggestions so far I have a few questions and comments for some.


    On 15/11/2016 at 2:08 AM, MadMorse said:

    Have the game launch in full screen, and not windowed mode after install. :D

    What would be the purpose to this? I think having the client open in the smallest resolution would cause less problems or is it vice versa?

    On 18/11/2016 at 8:00 PM, hiit111 said:

    - Rotacion senshei

    -Better drop for skill 78 (Aquamarine last boss drop box)

    -Rotation Grab Bag

    We rotate Senshi every 2 weeks on the Astral Puzzle. I can take a look at the drop rate though and we also rotate Grab Bags every maintenance. If you're talking about the ones in the Grab Bag section and not the ones from the Weekly area then those won't be rotated we may add more into there as time goes on but we mainly focus on the weekly rotation ones.

    On 18/11/2016 at 11:20 PM, twin0x said:

    -remove exp badge & class exp badge from grab bags

    -make only 1 orange/epic costume from grab bags, or add costume formula in LP shop for price=MAX LP,

    -or make "costume formula grab bag" in AP, Bonus, & LP shop

    -add Astral Point for 500 VGNpoint in the webshop

    -decrease pvp queue player req (its hard to do pvp if the player is not that much queueing)


    additional suggestion:

    -if could: add item to change bound items (tradable one that already been used, not untradable one) into unbound & tradable again (only costume is fine, or equipment too?!)

    -if could: make item to change 1 epic costume into other random epic costume "costume randomizer" or something lol


    thats it, (still have more but i seems to be so greedy, lol)

    hope you take some of my suggestion.. thanks...

    What items would we replace exp badges with? The rates right now on grab bags are very fair imo and removing items would just make it less fair.

    I don't understand what you mean by adding 1 to the grab bags we already do the formulas in the bonus shop as well as you gain them for spending AP buying the grab bags it's more like a thank you and if you're unlucky then you at least have a shot with the formula.

    We will add more AP options soon.

    PVP Queue player requirement is on my todo list though.

    On 19/11/2016 at 9:15 AM, Roosje said:

    I got a few small ones: 

    - Ability to ctrl+click a stack of lp so it gets used at once, clicking 100+ times with a mouse can be tiresome and not that good for fingers/hand 

    - No cd on star point items, this is more a small annoyance then a must honestly 

    - If possible it would be lovely to be able to unpack a stack of gathering/fishing items at once. I have no expectations for this one to be implemented, but one can dream!

    I can see if it's possible to add a quest where you can turn x amount of LP Coupons into a higher one.

    The no CD is already in the next patch we're working on (well the one im trying to fix).

    I don't think it's possible about the stack thing I can take a look but I wouldn't bank on it.

    4 hours ago, Sphinx said:

    -Rather than to lower the numbers of the 3v3 class-based PVP, can it be possible to make 2v2 or even a 1v1 arena? So we have choices instead of removing 3v3 and lowering the player queue on it, more choices more players going to queue on it. Same goes to the Arena which is 5v5.

    -I second what Roosje said about the ability to ctrl+click stacks of items, mostly on LP and profession items.

    -Balancing of classes.

    100% agree with the idea on the pvp system I can look into this.

    Could you elaborate more on the balancing of classes? What seems to be the issue with each?

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