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Posts posted by Elrond

  1. 1 minute ago, Bash said:

    I understand your suggestion but say for example we create 20 new colors. Then what? We have 21 Onyx Wing Id's to search for when doing investigations?

    See my thought process with every idea? Irony.

    It has to be thought through better, maybe the Skin System might help in the future.

    I see. I thought to limit every wing to 2-3 colors. But I bet that the community will cry about "gimme pink, gimme black gimme gimme gimme" and thats also not a good solution, indeed.

    I hope that you can find a proper solution for it.

  2. Just now, Bash said:

    We're aware you can recolor though, this isn't a dye system though.

    I know xD I wasn't talking about a dye system? It is just an idea how to implement this suggestion with the nostale engine.

    It is literally considered a new item compared to adding new wings to the game.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bash said:

    Dyes is not possible with this game. The game doesn't use maps like a normal 3d engine remember it's sprites.

    I know Bash. Thats why I suggested this. If you recolorize the sprite and insert it in a .NOS file you can use those sprite.

    Duplicate for example the onyx wings "class", give it the new Sprites and a new ID and voila. How to obtain ingame? You can give the Bash NPC a "cooking/production" tab. You can choose an already colored itemicon (yellow, red, blue onyx icon etc.). The material is 1 Onyx and 1 Colorizing Item which you obtain for 3k VGN in the Mall.

    I am not talking about a ingame colorizing method. In the end it is a complete new item which is based on a duplicate of Onyx, Blazing Fire, Golden Wings etc.


    If you want to, I can colorize them all for you and you just need to insert the sprites and give the ne items an ID.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kaizou said:

    I think the problem right now is that Bash doesn't have a designer as he'd probably want someone to make them specifically under VGN rather than using other people's work from the internet.

    For that work he doesn't need a designer. This work can be easily done by recolorizing the sprites. I can deliver all the sprites. LUL


    Edit: I also just remembered that Bash already used icons from users for example the rainbow trophys, items etc.

  5. It would be easy. Bash just needs to colorize the wings which isn't THAAAT much work. 


    Create an Item to transfer it. It should cost maybe around 3k VGN?

    How does it work?


    1. Open Transfer Item
    2. Drag Onyx (Or any other wing) into the transfer item
    3. Choose a color 
    4. Get The Onyx Item again (icon just colorized)
    5. Put them on and have the same buff but colored wings
  6. 6 minutes ago, ilko0123 said:

    @Elrond how that fix the problem with resselers? They have the requirement with their mains and they can easy trade to his alt with same ip lul ? The problem bash dont understand is items for lvl.

    Thats a good point. Forgot to think about it. 


    Maybe restrict it yeah. 1kk per day is already enough and only items for Other Inventory and Main. Anything else isnt really worth trading.

  7. Simple: Add under the equipment box at bash a quest box.



    • Cereal Grain
    • Blue Herb
    • Fragnant Grass
    • Wheat
    • Vampie Pellet
    • Berrys for Teleport at mythtical path (not sure about the names)
    • 300x Seed of Power (for timespaces)
    • (10x Iron Ore)

    No Need for a special NPC/Shop then. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, FakeTown said:

    exactly i came just to post for these items and u summaries it also we need RES because the ts from 50-55 u need Resistance so please do something about it BASH . thank you 

    You can buy res at armored bash. This is not a problem. Else ask someone of your family who can help you. We dont need all this stuff for free. Just the quest is annoying as hell.

  9. 2 minutes ago, DE4D said:

    Who is talking about dropping items at this moment?? With blessing it was meaning to lvl. But hey -200IQ I guess you minority

    Fuck the level dude. It is about the drops from lv 15 monsters. Drop with lv 99 from lv 15. GG

    Also you have blessing buff and the quest makes you lv 83 anyway.


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