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Status Replies posted by infecttado

  1. i think no u just should add a quest that gives essences cus of (UNLUCKY)thing like why i go to TW and all people have their weapons awakened and i still didnt even awakened ATLEAST 1 weapon and all the other people already awakened 1-2-3 weapons for me thats the weirdest thing u need to stop making everything RNG u need to make things specific things to make other than that is not fair AT ALL so pls try to make the game more fair it will be better and yeah btw i only have 3 essences 3 days 0 essences drop ty

    1. infecttado


      That's my profile , but feel free to tell me your experience here :3 good to know i'm not the only one that have bad luck.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. i think no u just should add a quest that gives essences cus of (UNLUCKY)thing like why i go to TW and all people have their weapons awakened and i still didnt even awakened ATLEAST 1 weapon and all the other people already awakened 1-2-3 weapons for me thats the weirdest thing u need to stop making everything RNG u need to make things specific things to make other than that is not fair AT ALL so pls try to make the game more fair it will be better and yeah btw i only have 3 essences 3 days 0 essences drop ty

    1. infecttado


      Wrong place RedStar xD.
      but yep i got 0 awaken also, and i don't expect getting last 3 essences in 2 days.
      got 2 angelic so far since release.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. we joined EE at the same time infect:D

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