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infecttado last won the day on September 1 2024

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About infecttado

  • Birthday 03/30/2000

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  • VGN Games
    Eden Eternal

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  1. 1- Idk it seems will be good for few classes and bad for others. 2-yes remove all of cosmetic stuff and smoke bomb/engineer potion, i'm hater from engineer potion since it become a ''annihilator battle'' at end of TW, GvG give HUGE start if you have 200 speed + nice dmg you can cap 1 crystal in few seconds and get on next one before even enemy team could get running directly. 3-Antor/AWK pike but huge more impact is caused by disarm trophy like crime, sometimes i'm just running around and get it on procs, can't be removed and reactivate if is already up + doesn't have immunity to this kind of dmg control, yes its bad ranged doesn't get affected but others does. 4-Certificates is fine, like Stun ones make Assassin playable vs players giving minimal chance of kill it with full combo. (mundane is ok, since there's immunity, removing it would benefy more solo players than party fight) 5-PoD buff is nice, everyone almost cap all status with those buffs. 6-Sleep/kd/stun enchant is 1% chance still hard to get it i don't think it would affect much. 7-DMG recived/taken would be bad thing since i play solo and i can wipe a capper because he doesn't have decent dmg reduction or good healing, usually you need move 1 healer or 1 extra capper to the fight, so it would nerf a bit how much few classes are needed. I'm from south america and even using exitlag or windscribe i still have high ping , enough to make unfair smoke bombs, we usually get around 150-180% move speed full buffs (cappers/anti cappers) and player get time/distance to use it and be unsable to get hits, also smoke bombs are huge counter from bombs on gvg, healer can just go invi and revive everyone without any consequence. In general its looks good but we know it will be benefical to few classes like Battlefield Poet/AE/CA/Mecha. Healers in general whatever Jordan do they will always give everything to party diference will be on how healers play. I prefer jordan's change to classes like he did to lethal. Since AE till S+ class for pvp i don't think would have other classes or metas for now until future changes, Mecha left pvp to fire ae, other dps left for Lightning AE. (I would say mecha is dead on pvp but haven't tried with new gun so i'll keep as just ''left'') Understandable Mark's point, but PvP ingame has been dead for long time and we do need few changes, TA was good idea but as all pve content it dies too fast. New pvp is best one but we don't have enough player or guild to try it. Now question to jordan related to specific pvp : There's any plan/idea for 1x1 comeback? because 3x3 is dead since we don't have ''team queue'' it makes hard to get people who are flex on classes, and want to play with what's needed.
  2. sorry for 2nd quote but this would make possible have 2 luna rock effects like turn effect from luna rock into star stone slot?
  3. Amazing! Hope we see it in a future
  4. Hello This came to my mind after looking into my costumes and noticed that with amount of setups we made alog with time we get locked to star stones / luna rocks (usually same colors) and we are limited on that because if i want INT Black star stone and look for black lunar lck would be LCK (or any other stats). Would like to ask if possible: Change the effect to be enchant , and item just default: This would give us more options and make much more viable get extra variety of stones, we know isn't easy to make new ones, and this would take time that could be used for something more useful! The enchant could be sold on Specific NPC for gold or by EP, which would be better imo since we have alot of EP ingame and usage is getting low day by day even having new content. This also would give more options to Staff on creating better combo on star stone and luna rocks having 3% AGI and LCK or AGI and WIS which isn't common. (IDK Why but we have INT + WIS (⊙_⊙;) ) Thank you for attention ! Edit1: I know you have tons of things to do, but if coming in a future would be cool.
  5. Agreed with most stuff, specially shared bank. Agree but right now i need make some pork arcane box items because i can't find anymore pots and can't make enough orange ones.(Happy u will look into) Fair enough and i know why, also agree, it made coin token get less needed. But think on cosider Charms 3 , from Daily coin i usually gets EXP than CP/AWK CP, even being 1 per week or so, we would need to pay overpriced on charms separated because people don't want to waste AP on it, boxes are much more worth. Agreed but didn't wanted to 25p new dng happen only for big guilds like Garden, even stardust which was very active before could do it without stress for 40 minutes because elemental boss get resets randomly, getting agroo from person who is killing stones. (I know 40 min is nothing but for all game content and this during weekdays would get impossible for most people) ''Oh i could do with peer'' yes but once we try it no one wants to do because of timezone, when 10 people are free other 15 aren't and rn people that isnt pvp don't care about new statue since its hard and its better do 95 ones. @RinSuggested few months ago to add reroll on Lv95 statues since bash comes too often and vivi/jordan which is massive for pvp(M-DPS meta) doesn't. Add 100% reward to each box that is quest item (Like coins from last boss box), this will solve issue with boss rotation, 3 boss each dng (quest require 3 of each) Demonic Card (I01606.dds) Angelic Card (I01608.dds) Suggestion add class drop to 110T combos so we can setup players into CC/AT/DF without being necessary Sagitarius . I killed over than 140 Frisaya for my full combo (I KNOW I'M UNLUCKY :C) and this made me give up on other bosses also there's fact its RNG boss and RNG items, so it take soo long for basic content, i know base idea and moment was important to take time but now isn't. (Ty Judgement for helping finish combo) Add way to give back all house items to players once it go away, i lost mine during DST crash (i've alarm to pay after everymaint but i didn't made 1 week and lost in right next one. (i know is more my fault than game, but still frustratin 400k gold on expansions + ap items and most more Ships from TW box which is super rare (i had 7). Or getting ridge of house going away would be cool :D!
  6. Eden Eternal VGN Awaken Staring by server rates: Exp: x8 Class Exp: x8Gold: x2Drop: x8 Altar Rotation: Monday > Wednesday > Friday (Maintenance usually happen at Thursday so it stand for 1 day and come back 1 day before maintenance). Level Cap: 130. Fortification Stop at +14 11 Normal Custom Maps. Over than 15 DNGs. Tons of Items and Gears custom made. Old cast animation for skills. Awaken Weapons Lv100 and 125. Rebalanced/Reworked Awaken Classes. Multiple Exclusive PvP/PvE systems. AP Purchase is rewardable compared to how it was on any other server. Custom Racial Craft Items (Gems/Tools/Potions and more). Huge amount of custom costumes and recolored costumes. Boss reward and skill list UI improve. Archive Filter and Search. Gear Swap Increase from 3 to 5 New Gear (Monster Stone). Settings option to hide your own damage (prevent low power computer from lag). Internal upgrade to prevent crashing (it means game rarely crash). And much more. This all has been made by small team.
  7. Hi jordan taking oportunity here, would be possible for a future patch add New colors for class costumes? like white ash , pure black and others, few like we are so limited, and we don't even have white color for class costume :c sadly. On few random colors that we get via quest at start have white one really good, but its almost impossible to get it.
  8. exactly , this one delete it
  9. Delete Temp folder from ur game file, and it will get fixed temporary.
  10. Sunday , worse day from DoD. But +1 for this one!
  11. Hi i know i'ven't played much classic, but time i played it was mostly dead, but with Jake and Matt help i had decent experience to say option 1 is best option. I'm still awaken player and i know what happened on awaken when classic came out, isn't about player amount is more about economy. Players that have huge amount of gold or items that can give good amount of gold usually sell everything they have or use extra gold to buy VGN cards by over price. (on awaken and used on classic) 10$ was 30-35k before classic opens, once it came out, for while we could see 10$ for 80k , after hard work of community we made this reduce to 55-60k , which still far from price we used to have, AP items are important , mostly pets for awaken and would be cool to make this unable to be abused again, doudou already told me that VGN can't control where VGN cards are used and how they are used. VGN already open doors by don't making rule of buying VGN card with gold which is amazing, but if classic come back again and this still issue, mostly of awaken players will prefer option 2, as we can see up there on this topic. Would like to know if VGN can do anything that can prevent awaken players of getting this again. but my last option is 1 , would like to see classic with actual changes from start.
  12. Just bags and BP's doesn't stack, but i think he mean stack materials like EXP items be turned into powered ones, they take 6 slots from bags, which is a mess like 30 items of 10 EXP into one 300 exp. Also when using auto sort it gets messy around bag being fully splited and hard to find. could be made also item with 1k exp via fusion, it would save our bags (general one not being angelic or demonic) we have 2 versions of items for same usage.
  13. i think no u just should add a quest that gives essences cus of (UNLUCKY)thing like why i go to TW and all people have their weapons awakened and i still didnt even awakened ATLEAST 1 weapon and all the other people already awakened 1-2-3 weapons for me thats the weirdest thing u need to stop making everything RNG u need to make things specific things to make other than that is not fair AT ALL so pls try to make the game more fair it will be better and yeah btw i only have 3 essences 3 days 0 essences drop ty

    1. infecttado


      Wrong place RedStar xD.
      but yep i got 0 awaken also, and i don't expect getting last 3 essences in 2 days.
      got 2 angelic so far since release.

    2. RedStar


      WOW i only got 3 too LOL xD
      yeah i never use forum before xD

    3. infecttado


      That's my profile , but feel free to tell me your experience here :3 good to know i'm not the only one that have bad luck.


  14. its more talking about party thing, for solo plays it doesn't matter what guitar have, class is really outside party and that's the point. I wont be making it for now, because 115 seems stronger for solo, and 110 for party. humm i need proc 5 times of dark metal to have chance of killing someone and if this person isn't on cc it will be removed. On party BP wont be killing it will be supporting so it doesn't matter much, since m atk will be enough to killing. About Flame Vibrato, it last for few seconds and become useless stack 5 times 1st because its 100% removed by reaver instantly when joining fight, so besides stack over again, is better just get death meatl + melody and help party with Dark Metal. M-ATK being general is really good, the % on it and proc is nice, reducing lightining resist specificaly for me its bad, since AE is insane strong, and giving more power to it with other class would be bad, but lets not talk about resist, why not -10% p atk and m-atk like 115 guitar, why not dmg on flame vibrato 5% like 125 gun gives to mecha, why not 5 sec duration from flame vibrato (as i mentioned up there it doesn't last long enough to be effective). BP Spends more time buffing himself then using his skills. You usually don't care its fine, you know more than me about your own classes and game, but coming from the only BP in the server that really does anything and really plays with the class because i know potential it haves, BP is bad for party, you know i play solo most of my time, its because this class have more resources for solo plays than support pt. When i was on stardust i used to be with Amaris all the time because i could lock someone with stun for support and help on anti cap. I know you will find way on class or items on future to make it better, 125 guitar is bad not trash, its good for me , but its worse awaken weapon on the entire list. Sorry if my english isn't good to explain it, i'm not trying to complain your job just trying to give advice about 1 item. Thank you for attention again and sorry if seems i'm crying.
  15. only thing that i agree, its insanely beautiful, but if i would play in party i would use 110 Guitar. Fact is BP needs time to kill and in party is more support class than real MDPS, which is fair, but i made class that play as anti capper, since now there's 2-3 anni per crystal if you playing vs active guild, and BP is imune to stun which gives advantage. Sadly no Awaken 125 isn't good, it gives more m atk but BP still need alot of time to stack vibrato for m atk or dark metal for less resist. It also get limited on holy skills, being useful only death metal since wave of sleep has no much effect being 50% chance. Fact i can't use full gemini also keep my mind locked on it, which is bad on my side, yes BP can't use full gemini, need use tank gear like Koharumi or New Swamp King, besides that any BP would die in 2-3 skills. Guitar is cool and your idea with triple + elemental dmg is nice but for pvp this guitar wont be anything so every BP (me and 3 more) would back to no new weapon. I understand your point and i just hope anytime it get a bit changed, doesn't need 30 resist like bow or 10 like old ones , but 7 was enough to make it better. As you said before: I prefer wait and see what you will make for it than complain or cry about it getting bad :3 About V109, thank you for the drop increase and amount too this will be so much helpful.
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